JW Child Abuse: An Insider's Insight

by silentlambs 77 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • waiting

    Hey Billy,

    The world that watches Dateline will see what everyone HERE has been saying. That Barbara's goal is to protect the innocent victims. But any R & F that sneaks in the Dateline will probably be given a totally different story about her at the Kingdom Halls. That she is Satan as the "Angel of Light". - billygoat
    Along with you and Tina, I agree....the WTBTS will do a witchhunt on Barbara's being. I believe she'll be labeled similar to Ray Franz as several devout jw's have told me about him "He always did think too much for himself." And about Maximus "Well, he always was a Franz Follower. Too smart for his own good."

    Like smart people can't stay in the Org....well, that could be true, eh? I think the obvious slurs will put Barb in the Franz Follower group - the Really Big Time Apostates.

    I believe it was over at Witnesses On Line who referred to Ray Franz as "Satan's Sperm." I didn't think that was very christlike myself when I read it. Lots of on-line laughter and agreement afterwards. And as always, "Oh, I've never read anything he's written though...."

    The org. & true believers will go on a slandering field day - and that's ok to do as long as the person isn't a jw in good standing with the org. Free to cut them down to the dirt - seen & heard it done on numerous occasions. And they take great self-righteous delight when doing the cutting.


  • Maximus



    I was always a follower of Ed Dunlap, y'all two ought to know that.


    : Is she really ready for this?

    Yes! Check out the number of years she's been at it.


  • waiting

    Hey Max,

    Ed Dunlap, eh? I really don't know that much about him except what's in C of C book. A fine, quiet, man. He wrote that orange book (Commentary on the Book of James? [I'm such a jw..]), didn't he? I remember reading that - and it was so much deeper than our average 192 page book.

    He was treated so terribly, and from my understanding - he did no wrong, nor was he really accused of a sin worthy of df'ing. He just refused to say he was a sinner and back down when he felt he hadn't done anything wrong. So his sin could be construed as one of being ethical.

    Honestly, it rather sounds like Barbara Anderson is cut from the same cloth as Ed Dunlap. A good, quiet, ethical person who finally refuses to back down when having done nothing wrong.

    You're a good'un, Max.


  • Maximus

    A marvelous Gilead instructor and keen writer, Ed suffered a very painful facial nerve ailment. He never let that affect his wonderfully good nature.

    He embodied the Christian ethos. I can say it no better.

    When he was being punished by brutal work in a stifling-hot Brooklyn book bindery with no air conditioning, he responded to puzzled questioners who asked why he was there:

    "The doctor said exercise would be good for me."

    A follower of his? Of course I was not. Did he make an enormous impression on me? You bet he did! His punishment by exile was unspeakably cruel.


  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Does anyone know whether Ed Dunlap's wife, Betty,
    is still living?


  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    To the top.

  • waiting

    Hey Jerry,

    I don't know about his wife - but that brings up a question which always bothers me when well-known people (married) become pyriahs(sp?) to the WTBTS.

    How do their wives/husbands cope? R. Franz' and Ed Dunlap's wife, in particular. Dunlap's wife, if memory's correct, went to work after leaving Bethel to help support them while her old husband hung wallpaper (which is a young man's profession, imho.)

    How do the various mates adjust to the different spiritual style? If they're not active in opposing the WTBTS, how do the get over their anger and hurt? It's got to be there, what do they do?

    I know I mentioned only two men -but there are more, even on this forum. I'll not name names as sometimes mates aren't mentioned much. How do your wives/husbands adjust? Who do they talk to? A bitter pill they've been given to swallow in their older years.

    My deepest respect to them.


  • BobsGirl


    This is only the second time I have posted, ever. I was moved by what you had to say and the courage that you have shown. I wish I could say more. I wish I had your courage, for I definately have a story. Maybe one day. Thanks again, for all the good you have done and wil do.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Concerning how the Society uses people, I think they show how unchristian they really truly are.

    Ed Dunlap(69 at the time) and his wife kicked out of bethel without any retirement benefits.

    Here is a man that devoted so much to the WT and since it was all volunteer with no pay, what did he pay to Social Security, and so what did he get for benefits when dismissed from bethel?

    I'm sure it could not have been very much from SS.

    People to the WT are just like toilet paper use them then flush them down the toilet.

  • hillary_step


    You note :

    ....but that brings up a question which always bothers me when well-known people (married) become pyriahs(sp?) to the WTBTS. How do their wives/husbands cope?
    My observation is that they cope with heartbreaking difficulty when they become pariahs at senior level. The WTS's ability to negate any responsibility for their lives and feelings by justifying their disdain towards them for having attached themselves to the 'wrong' baggage, is very convenient. Guilt by association has always been high on the unspoken list of 'theocratic' crimes.

    I too, would like to tip my hat at Ms. Anderson, the lady of courage.

    Kind regards - HS

    Impartiality is the life of justice, as justice is of all good government’ - Justinian

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