JW Child Abuse: An Insider's Insight

by silentlambs 77 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • MadApostate

    SixOfNine: My characterization has always been that a JW male must first give his wife one gonad to qualify both him and her as MS/ms-ette, and then give her the second gonad to qualify him and her as Elder/elder-ette. (The higher the promotion the less aggressive the male becomes, and the more aggressive the female becomes.)

    Max: The amusing part of dilemmas is that the folks at Legal, GB, etc are probably pairing off into camps on how best to deal with this catastrophe, and regardless what occurs, one bunch will be blaming the other. Anytime there is internal discord, there is the possibility of a domino effect.

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    Hi Barbara,

    When I met you a couple of months ago, I only knew of your involvement in the Proclaimers book. Sheesh, was that only the tip of the iceberg or what?

    Fight fight fight until you can't stand anymore, and then I'll come down so you can lean on me. I am in awe of your courage and am truly honored to have made your acquaintance.

    All the best,
    Jeremy D.

  • wasasister

    My sister (sisowuzzy) tells me you are a class act and her testimony is good enough for me. (She's a great cook, yes?)

    As I understand it, you would have preferred to stay in the background until Dateline aired, but now that this small-town paper has "outed" you, I'm glad we can all know who you are.

    Let me ask a serious question: would letters to headquarters do any good at all? Would such letters have to come from still active Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing? Most of us posting here are either inactive, disfellowshipped, or disassociated. The Powers That Be don't really care what we think, since we are in Satan's grip, do they?

    Sincerely in admiration,

  • Farkel

    Top. This is TOO important to let slide.


  • LovesDubs

    Barb, you are an incredibly brave lady..heart of gold. You have God on your side here and he will support you. As will all of us...and we are MANY.

    Be very careful now...the Society is NOT past tapping your phones, watching your mail, watching your home, interviewing and threatening your family, friends...and following you. They will stop at nothing to stop you. Ive seen it happen. Chances are good you will end up disfellowshipped for this (Im not sure of your status but I cant see how you will keep standing INSIDE after this)If they dont DF you you will be shunned anyway because they will mark you and make it clear that anyone who associates with you will be marked as well.

    Very big hugs to you.

  • Maximus

    : Max: The amusing part of dilemmas is that the folks at Legal, GB, etc are probably pairing off into camps on how best to deal with this catastrophe, and regardless what occurs, one bunch will be blaming the other. Anytime there is internal discord, there is the possibility of a domino effect

    Mad One, I'm sitting here really laughing my head off, because you have put your finger PRECISELY on what is happening; trust me. Don't think for one minute their only interest is policy or Barbara, but POWER and CONTROL and possible loss thereof.

    You see it clearly, friend. Those with their wits about them are indeed SCARED. Their pockets are not as deep as the Catholic Church and neither can they afford to lose their market, and especially those liberals who have heretofore supported them even in kooky policies.

    The hardliners just say, "Well, that proves we are deep in the time of the end, persecution is to be expected, of all things a woman, JEZEBEL influence, blah, blah." That latter would not work with anyone at Bethel who knows Barbara; they would die laughing at the mere thought. Barbara is not a stereotypical frustrated elderette who tries to drive from the back seat! (I'll write more of that later.)

    I need to get some things done but will come back to some very interesting points you have made that need amplification, and might be helpful to many who are following this with great interest.

    For now, let me note something. When a little fish defaults on a mortgage, a bank will come down harshly with both feet. A more prominent person can do the same thing and the bank may bend over backward, in enlightened self-interest.

    This is breaking new ground. The Society cannot afford an Elian Gonzalez story that captures the American public. For now Barbara may wind up merely talking to Katie Couric on the Today show, as NBC builds up for its Dateline program.

    But if the Society is not careful, she AND Joe may wind up on Oprah before yet another huge audience--just telling the truth, with no axe to grind, no matter what label the Society attempts to tag them with.

    Disgruntled? Not.
    Opposers of the preaching work? Not.
    Gone back to the vomit of Christendom's doctrines of hell-fire and Trinity? Not.

    Oh, and MA, Dateline will not let you down with a scanty program.... The producer is a pro with great experience.

    In answer to other questions, the Society is VERY MUCH concerned about public opinion, and letters about child abuse, the inconsistent blood policy and the like will take their toll.

    Barbara is very much her own person, as is Bill Bowen. They have no PR firm and as was pointed out above, they have no battery of attorneys. YOU are all they have. I am still greatly impressed with what ZaZu Witts has done, and I hope that Larc will comment on that in this thread if ZZ is too modest to do so. What is stopping YOU from writing the Brooklyn Heights Press, or Gustav Niebuhr, religious editor of the NY Times, or anyone else?


  • Maximus

    This morning I spoke with Barbara about our two families and we reminisced about what it was like to attend eight-day conventions from 8 in the morning till 9 at night, to hear Brother Knorr speak overtime, once for nearly 4 hours! Interesting to note that families were then united in working in a kitchen to provide food, were in the family car for days on end traveling to Yankee Stadium … much easier to be cohesive than today, perhaps.

    We spoke of our four-decades-long marriages and a comment made on this thread about wives, which prompted this post. Successful marriages that have survived that long are built on the solid foundation of partnership. As a prominent male, I got the glory while my wife did her thing in the background, and while I knew her contribution was even greater than mine, often. Looking back, the days in traveling work robbed us of intimacy oftentimes; I regret that deeply. My wife, like so many others, has paid a terrible price.

    When the call of a tragedy would come to an elder’s home, the one who picked up the phone was generally the wife, because her husband was at work. (Today there is voice mail.) She would throw the children in the car and provide what comfort she could till the spirit-appointed overseer would take over. Some things about the congregation she learned about but did not pry, she was just there to give succor to a husband regularly overburdened and to care for the family.

    Joe Anderson was called back to Bethel because of his technical skills. His wife Barbara was excess baggage, as is often the case. Since she had been a mother, at least she could provide stability and an example of maturity to younger ones at Bethel. What overseers found out was that this remarkable woman possessed not just a heart, but a head. And so they eventually put it to work.

    If you picture an aggressive woman running ahead, eradicate that notion. This meek woman did just what they told her to do. The GB ultimately was responsible for putting her in a position in which she learned more than both she and they bargained for.

    Those of us who have been in Writing, Service or similar departments learn all too quickly what the organization’s very real and ugly problems are, and at first this is viewed as some kind of personal test: seeing imperfection, but still loyally embracing "God’s organization." The conscience also pricks from time to time, but humility overrides.

    You can read for yourself and fill in the blanks what happened with Barbara. She learned facts, read real experiences, talked with real people, but was in no position to do anything about her feelings and conclusions; for that was the job of male overseers and shepherds.

    There was no way her husband could deal with these issues, because he had no leverage whatsoever. Knowing Joe, it must have been extremely difficult for him to grasp that basic policy and practice in the field was so badly flawed in God’s very own organization. Policy did change, but the GB had to be prodded mightily for years. That story will be told accurately and honestly, for all to hear.

    I want you to remember this: even as fathers do not experience the pain of childbirth, Joe did not have the experience his wife did in her daily touch with the real organization at its highest levels and in her seeing its fruitage. He could not validate her experience, but he could validate and value his life-time partner. It would have been impossible for HIM to take the stand SHE has taken, because he has not walked in her shoes. It's that simple.

    A loyal elder whose life is bound up with the organization, Joe Anderson is also a remarkable person who has spent his entire life doing it by the theocratic book and his understanding of the Bible. You will find him unceasingly taking the lead in door-to-door work, and in every activity expected of a JW elder. His love for the brothers is obvious. Anyone who has ever been around him inside and outside Bethel knows this for an absolute fact. His loyalty has been profound to a fault.

    A prominent organizational specialist says that you should plant a garden only the size of what you can water.

    Joe went back home with Barbara, and has been busy setting a fine example to others and tending to his little congregation with great love and care. No wonder fellow elders love him and support him personally. I have watched him go from a young man to one now completely white-headed. What has not changed is his quick warm smile and his deep compassion for others.

    It’s not about gonads or ovaries, or pushing ahead. It’s about a loving life-time partnership.

    And Christian conscience.


  • Mulan

    Thank you, Maximus for posting that information.

    I have been married for nearly 39 years, since I was 17. My husband became a very prominent elder in our area, and when we left the organization, it was a big blow to this community. Some feel that I influenced him to do it, because I do have a strong personality, and some think it was my fault. Those who read this board, know it is just the opposite. My strong personality, and independent streak almost took me to the elders when he started digging into things. But, my loyalty to him took priority, and I could never do it, and protected him for many years.

    I agree with what you said about enduring marriages being built on a solid foundation of partnership. In the old days, Dave was domineering, and definitely the head of me and the children, and I would sometimes grudgingly submit, but often complaining all the while. Now, he gives me all the independence I want........and he has to. I demand it..........that's a strong word, but I know what I mean. I am not the same person I was before, and neither is he. It's so much better now.

    Thanks again for more insights into Barb and Joe. I don't know him, but he must be something!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • bluesapphire

    Maximus, I read your posts daily with such enthusiasm. I literally look forward to reading them. But this is really the first time I direct a post to you.

    You seem to know so much about what is going on. YOu know exactly how this is affecting the leadership in Brooklyn. Are you still connected in some way to the society? I can tell you were once in a leadership role yourself. Did you leave because of your conscience? If so, are there more like you?

    This situation with Barbara Anderson is almost unbelievable. I pray to God that she does get to go on Oprah or on the Today Show. I pray that Time and Newsweek both interview her. I HOPE she is our "Elian". The madness has to stop.

    Is this the end for the Watchtower? I hope so. No more pain and suffering for all those families who have been raped by the society. Validation - finally - for all the silentlambs. Validation for all of us!

    Please keep posting more tid-bits.

  • Anchor

    In the last few days I have complained bitterly to a district overseer who has been around the block more than once. To my surprise I found him very familiar with the abuse issue and most sympathetic for real change that would embody a clear message to all that there must be reporting.

    He says if no major changes take place in the organization soon, elders will be leaving in even more droves. His take is that the Society is promising the moon to drum up hope to hang on until the next Ministerial Training School November/December, and that he was personally told by a member of the GB that the school would redirect the brothers' thinking along more spiritual lines, with more attention to advancing Kingdom interests with urgency rather than just living clean lives, having good jobs, and so on.

    I swear to God I laughed out loud at this language-- it sounded so ridiculous. He did too! We both shook our heads at the silly article in the km just out, and agreed that if this is how they really think, they deserve what they get in the way of a mass exodus. It was one of those lucid moments of truth you have. I wonder if he will pull down the mental curtain, or tune out the dissonance, or --

    What does this have to do with the Andersons? Everything, I think. I believe that this issue is like a fulcrum. "Give me a fulcrum and I can move the world." Well, I think this is happening, and I don't think it is wishful thinking.

    To say "thanks" sounds puny and artificial, but I can do nothing less.

    Thank you, Barbara.


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