Topics Started by Law
Wondering about a situation
by Law inif a person in the national guard kept it a secret and started attending bible studies and made his way to getting baptized then got caught being in the military what would happen?
What are 5 major beliefs in the JW religion?
by Law inwhat are 5 major beliefs in the jw religion?
Anyone form CT ,USA still active join a club
by Law in
More and More questions
by Law inhow is a regular week as a jw?number of meetings and hours of service bible studys etc.?.
do they celebrate any holidays or have any holidays of their own?.
what jobs can a jw not be?.
I Have Another Question
by Law ini have a friend in the national guard and he says hes thinking about converting but they dont belive in military but he needs the army to pay for college and has a 6 year commitment.
what would happen?
Just Learning
by Law infirst off to everyone that has replied to my messages thank you it helped me understand more about your religion.
i am a catholic and wanted to learn more about this religion and my friend had told me to come here.
so far i've learned alot more then i have had known before.. if theres any information that you would like to tell me about just reply to this message.
A Scenario For Witnesses to Answer
by Law inwhat if theres a catholic in love with a witness?
this aint me or nothing just someone i know.
just send some feed back.