Some Questions

by Law 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Law

    Question #1

    Can individuals read & understand the Bible alone, or do they need an organization and it’s publications to do so?
    Question #2

    Can Jehovah’s Witness hold and discuss openly with other Jehovah’s Witnesses opinions that differ from orthodox Watch Tower doctrine? Is there any valid reason for a person to decide that he does not wish to belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses?
    Question #3

    What is God’s proper name “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”? if “Yahweh” is more proper, is it showing the proper respect to “Yahweh” to say that because “Jehovah” is more commonly used it does not matter how you pronounce the name? And, should an religion that puts so much emphasis on the name of God use any other version than the proper pronunciation?
    Question #4

    Did President Fred Franz get an Rhodes Scholarship offer from the Rhodes Scholarship organization? If not, why did he testify under oath that he was offered one, and why was this information published in Watch Tower publications?
    Question #5

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body currently teach that Armageddon will come before the close of the twentieth century according to information published in the January 1, 1989 Watch Tower? Also, why were the dates in the article changed to not be specific to the twentieth century when it was published in the bound form at the end of the year?
    Question #6

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing body believe and publish information that Jesus’s 1000 year millenial reign would take place in 1975?
    Question #7

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that in or around 1925 there would be an awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, and that there would be an end to death at that time?
    Question #8

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that the year 1914 was the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures?
    Question #9

    Is any portion of the Watch Tower or the Governing Body to be considered a prophet of God, or the voice of God? Do the Governing Body or its associated corporations have better information from God or have a more direct channel to or from God’s thoughts than others? If this is true why has God changed his opinion, based on Watchtower teachings, so many times in Watch Tower history?
    Question #10

    Why were the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mexico at one time told to not use Bibles, not hold prayers, not sing religious songs, and deny that they were part of a religious group, but were simply part of a “Cultural” group even though religious groups were not in any way prohibited by the Mexican government at the time? Did it have anything to do with the Watch Tower or the Governing Body’s desire to own property in Mexico, which was prohibited under Mexican law, rather than be known as a religion?
    Question #11

    Was Beth-Sarim, the Mansion owned and operated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in San Diego and used by Joe Rutherford in the 1920’s built as a residence for Enoch and other holy men from the Bible when they were expected to rise from the dead in 1925 by the Watch Tower?

  • TheApostleAK

    Question #1 Can individuals read & understand the Bible alone, or do they need an organization and it’s publications to do so?

    I believe you can read it but not nessesarily understand it. I found that when I first studied with JW's.

    Question #2 Can Jehovah’s Witness hold and discuss openly with other Jehovah’s Witnesses opinions that differ from orthodox Watch Tower doctrine? Is there any valid reason for a person to decide that he does not wish to belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    They can't for fear of being marked, DF'd, counselled or being made a bad association.

    Question #3 What is God’s proper name “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”? if “Yahweh” is more proper, is it showing the proper respect to “Yahweh” to say that because “Jehovah” is more commonly used it does not matter how you pronounce the name? And, should an religion that puts so much emphasis on the name of God use any other version than the proper pronunciation?

    99.99999% of people wouldn't know who YHWH is. And everyone has heard of Jehovah so they use Jehovah.

    Question #4 Did President Fred Franz get an Rhodes Scholarship offer from the Rhodes Scholarship organization? If not, why did he testify under oath that he was offered one, and why was this information published in Watch Tower publications?

    Can't answer that one.

    Question #5 Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body currently teach that Armageddon will come before the close of the twentieth century according to information published in the January 1, 1989 Watch Tower? Also, why were the dates in the article changed to not be specific to the twentieth century when it was published in the bound form at the end of the year?

    They believed it was going to happen any day now. Supposedly 99% of JW's believed it was going to happen sometime between 1970 to 1990 at the most if you use the generation rule.

    Question #6 Did the Watch Tower and the Governing body believe and publish information that Jesus’s 1000 year millenial reign would take place in 1975?

    They published some cautious articles and some not to cautious articles (from what i've read). It was hammered into the R&F from C.O.'s and D.O.'s who are controlled by the society.

    Question #7 Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that in or around 1925 there would be an awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, and that there would be an end to death at that time?


    Question #8 Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that the year 1914 was the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures?

    At one time.

    Question #9 Is any portion of the Watch Tower or the Governing Body to be considered a prophet of God, or the voice of God? Do the Governing Body or its associated corporations have better information from God or have a more direct channel to or from God’s thoughts than others? If this is true why has God changed his opinion, based on Watchtower teachings, so many times in Watch Tower history?

    The WT is a non-prophet organisation.

    Question #10 Why were the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mexico at one time told to not use Bibles, not hold prayers, not sing religious songs, and deny that they were part of a religious group, but were simply part of a “Cultural” group even though religious groups were not in any way prohibited by the Mexican government at the time? Did it have anything to do with the Watch Tower or the Governing Body’s desire to own property in Mexico, which was prohibited under Mexican law, rather than be known as a religion?

    It explains it in CoC. Can't remember why.

    Question #11 Was Beth-Sarim, the Mansion owned and operated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in San Diego and used by Joe Rutherford in the 1920’s built as a residence for Enoch and other holy men from the Bible when they were expected to rise from the dead in 1925 by the Watch Tower?


    Hope that answers your questions.

  • waiting

    howdy. To add to the fine answers already given:

    Question #2 Can Jehovah’s Witness hold and discuss openly with other Jehovah’s Witnesses opinions that differ from orthodox Watch Tower doctrine? Is there any valid reason for a person to decide that he does not wish to belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    No - according to the WTBTS.

    Question #4 Did President Fred Franz get an Rhodes Scholarship offer from the Rhodes Scholarship organization? If not, why did he testify under oath that he was offered one, and why was this information published in Watch Tower publications?

    My understanding, and I read it at one of the websites, was that Fred Franz was "invited" to take the test for applying for a Rhodes Scholarship. Any person can be offered to apply for a scholarship. Another story to actually be offered the scholarship in writing.

    Question #9 Is any portion of the Watch Tower or the Governing Body to be considered a prophet of God, or the voice of God? Do the Governing Body or its associated corporations have better information from God or have a more direct channel to or from God’s thoughts than others? If this is true why has God changed his opinion, based on Watchtower teachings, so many times in Watch Tower history

    The WTBTS calls themselves - (and demands the obedience and respect for this from their followers) God's Only Channel to Mankind. Do they fulfill this self-appointed title? Nada.

    Question #10 Why were the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mexico at one time told to not use Bibles, not hold prayers, not sing religious songs, and deny that they were part of a religious group, but were simply part of a “Cultural” group even though religious groups were not in any way prohibited by the Mexican government at the time? Did it have anything to do with the Watch Tower or the Governing Body’s desire to own property in Mexico, which was prohibited under Mexican law, rather than be known as a religion?

    The free choice that the WTBTS made to be a cultural center in Mexico was because of the high taxation the Mexican government put on religious buildings & property. And good for the Mexican government, imho. The WTBTS evaded this legal tax by registering as a cultural center, thus no singing, no bibles - and there was never any persecution, as the WTBTS eluded to for years in their magazines.

    When the Mexican government changed the laws, then the WTBTS came down from the illusion of a Cultural Center to a recognized religion - and bought the Mexican land cheaper than would have been possible previously.

    Question #11 Was Beth-Sarim, the Mansion owned and operated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in San Diego and used by Joe Rutherford in the 1920’s built as a residence for Enoch and other holy men from the Bible when they were expected to rise from the dead in 1925 by the Watch Tower?

    Not only is this true, Beth-Sarim was deeded to these mighty Princes of Old - and the deed is public record. However, those jw's are a cautious group. These mighty Princes of Old, upon resurrection, would have to supply *proof of identity* before taking their rightful inheritance of Beth-Sarim. This also can be proven because the jw's put a Public Notice in the California Newspapers telling of this proof of identity.

    Perhaps Social Security Cards, driver's license, voter's registration?


  • outnfree


    Question #9
    "The WT is a non-prophet organization."


  • Amazing

    Hi LAW: I was in the organization for a total of 27 years, from the late 1960s until I was formally ousted in 1995. I walked away in May 1992. I hope the following will be helpful.

    Question #1 According to the WTS, you need them to read and understand the Bible. You don't really need the WTS, and in fact are better off without their interpretations. But, the Bible is not always easy to follow without education in ancient cultures, languages, and other complimentary courses.

    Question #2 No, JWs are not supposed to engage in extra-meeting analysis and discussion of various opinions. One must get all of his/her spitirual food from the WTS. JWs believe that there is neveran honorable or valid reason to leave the organization. JWs at times do engage in extra-organizational discussions, but this has been greatly reduced in the last 10 to 15 years. A person used to be able to leave quietly, but in the last 10 to 15 years that has become almost impossible. Realistically, it is wise if a person can plan their exit so as to help family and friends leave. This is what I did.

    Question #3 JWs hold to the pronunciation, "Je-ho-vah" with an almost sacramental ritual, although the WTS has recognized the possibility of other pronunciation such as "Yah-Weh." But, they rationalize the Je-Ho-Vah is the most commonly understood and thus believe they should stay with that, much the same as they stick to Je-sus ratther than Ye-ho-suah or some other derivation. The WTs does allow for derivation of Je-ho-vah in other languages than English. Their likely real need is to stick with Je-ho-vah is its marketing trade-mark. The WTS wants to own the name Je-ho-vah.

    Question #4 I don't know if Fred Franz got a Rhodes Scholarship offer from the Rhodes Scholarship organization. But, I thought I heard that he had such an opportunity. I will defer that to another poster. Fred Franz testiied under oath in a manner to suit the interests of the organization, whether that inmvolved 'theocvratic strategy' by misleading the court is immaterial to the JW mentality. The Society publishes what it believes is important to its interests. Sometimes they publish things in ways that create a false impression even though they may 'technically' tell the truth. A good example is calling Joseph F. Rutherford (2nd Pres.) 'Judge'. They capitalized on his previous career in a way that made JWs feel he was smart and in high station. The reality is that JF Rutherford was never appoiinted a judge, but filled in for a sitting judge for 4 days, wherein he heard only 2 minor cases. That is the extent of his illustrious career. Otherwise he was a low profile lawyer. he never received a degree in law, and like some lawyers in Missouri in the late 1890s, he passed a 5 hour oral exam. he was really just a court recorder. As for Fred Franz, he did receive some college education for 2 years, and among his classes were courses in Greek. He was not an expert by any means, but he had some good familiarity with it.

    Question #5 The WTS and its leaders have taught about the 'closeness' of Armageddon for over a century. They have set many dates that all failed. The last real date set (though cautiously) was 1975. Since then they have made more vague references to 'our time' or 'our day' or 'before the end of this century - in reference to the 20th century' or 'it is just around the corner' or only a few months remain before the end', etc. The 1/1/89 individual magazine does say before the end of the 20th century. But, the hardbound volume changed this to our day or generation, I forget which. I have both copies. JWs will say that the Society was simply correcting a simple error. But, they never announced the change, and the hardbound volume shows no reference to any revision or any reasoning about it. It smells of the way the WTS normally covers over major mistakes. It is major, and not minor because it again is another false prophecy, though vauge in some respects.

    Question #6 Yes, they taught that the 1000 year rule would commence in 1975. And I believe I recall that for a breif period, like they did in 1914, they said that the rule may have started, but that Jehovah was keeping the door of opportunity open a little longer. I recall reference used that resemble the same reasoning used to deal with the concern over the failures of 1914. If my memory is incorrect about it being published, then this was at least the sentiments discussed among JWs at the time. BUT ... make no mistake, 1975 was a BIG deal in the years just prior to its arrival, and that is THE major reason the organization more than doubled in membership from 1969 to 1975. It was a baltant false prophecy, and any JWs today who play it down are either brain-dead or absolute deliberate liars.

    Question #7 Yes, the WTS taught that 1925 would be an awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, and that there would be an end to death at that time. That is one ostensible reason for the construction of a house in San Diego, Ca for them called Beth-Sarim. It was really a vacation get-a-way for Joseph Rutherford.

    Question #8 The WTS taught that the world was in the last days since 1799, that Jesus returned in 1874, the Anointed raised to heaven in 1878, and that 1914 was the uppermost limit for all things to end, and the elect to be all in heaven ruling. Russell, when questiuonsed about this said that 1914 is God's date and they (the WTS / Russell) could not change that date if he would.

    Question #9 JWs believe that the 'Organization' and especially its Anointed Class are a Collective prophet. They have at times ascribe to themselves the modern day version of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Moses, etc. etc., etc. They do not make the Governing Body the exclusive prophet class in writing, but in practice the Governing Body are as great or greater than the Pope. What they rule on comes from God as JWs are lead to believe.

    JWs do believe that the Governing Body has better information, and the only channel of truth from God. But, they mitigate this by saying that it is 'Spirit-Directed' and not 'inspired.' This is pure semantics, and the JWs know it, because they treat the word of the Governing Body as though it came direct from God’s thoughts.

    The JWs do not believe that God's opinion changes, but that God progressively leads them to brighter and brighter understanding. This rationalization allows them to side-step responsibility for false teachings, false prophecies, and bad information.

    Question #10 The Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mexico were told in the past to not use Bibles, not hold prayers, not sing religious songs, and deny that they were part of a religious group, but were simply part of a “Cultural” group because this brought about less hassel from the Mexican government ... and I believe reduced taxes, but I could bve in error on that part. As far as 'owning property' in Mexico, all land was nationalized there many decades ago. Even private citizens cannot own land, but can lease it from the government. At least this is what I have been told be Mexicans, and also from Realtors there when I have called about property. My impression is that as a 'cultural' organization the WTS/JWs could more easily go door to door selling magazines.

    Question #11 Yes, Beth-Sarim, the Mansion, was owned and operated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in San Diego and used by Joe Rutherford in the 1920’s built as a residence for Enoch and other holy men from the Bible when they were expected to rise from the dead in 1925 by the Watch Tower. The Mansion cost $75,000 at the time, and today would be worth in the millions.

    Hope the above helps some. - Amazing

  • Fredhall

    Sorry, all your answers are wrong. Please try again.

  • TheApostleAK

    Sorry Fred, Your the weakest link! Goodbye!

  • kes152

    Question #1

    Can individuals read & understand the Bible alone, or do they need an organization and it’s publications to do so?

    Answer: My Lord says John 16:13, John 6:63, Proverbs 8:9

    his words are "straight forward," YOU CAN understand them.

    Question #2

    Can Jehovah’s Witness hold and discuss openly with other Jehovah’s Witnesses opinions that differ from orthodox Watch Tower doctrine? Is there any valid reason for a person to decide that he does not wish to belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    My Lord says: No, they cannot. For they fear the "men in charge." Yes, there are MANY valid reasons, the primary being, they should NOT belong to Jehovah's witnesses, but they should BELONG TO ME For I have purchased them with my OWN BLOOD. something the "Watchtower" would NEVER do.

    Question #3

    What is God’s proper name “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”? if “Yahweh” is more proper, is it showing the proper respect to “Yahweh” to say that because “Jehovah” is more commonly used it does not matter how you pronounce the name? And, should an religion that puts so much emphasis on the name of God use any other version than the proper pronunciation?

    My Lord says: "My Father's name is "Jah." The Father "Jah." As in "Hallelu-JAH," Eli-JAH, and for those who lack faith

    Psalms 68:4

    The full name is "JHVH" or "JaH-VeH" meaning "Jah causes." I am "Jah-eshua" or "Jah saves" for I came "in the name of Jah." You do not see "Eli-Jehovah, or Hallelu-Jehovah," but Eli-JAH. The Father's name is Jah.

    Question #4

    Did President Fred Franz get an Rhodes Scholarship offer from the Rhodes Scholarship organization? If not, why did he testify under oath that he was offered one, and why was this information published in Watch Tower publications?

    I'm sorry, I do not have the "faith" to hear him on this one. My apologies.

    Question #5

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body currently teach that Armageddon will come before the close of the twentieth century according to information published in the January 1, 1989 Watch Tower? Also, why were the dates in the article changed to not be specific to the twentieth century when it was published in the bound form at the end of the year?

    My Lord says: Daniel 7:25

    Question #6

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing body believe and publish information that Jesus’s 1000 year millenial reign would take place in 1975?

    My Lord says: "Indeed, they have."

    Question #7

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that in or around 1925 there would be an awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, and that there would be an end to death at that time?

    My Lord says: "Indeed, they have."

    Question #8

    Did the Watch Tower and the Governing Body believe that the year 1914 was the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures?

    My Lord says: "Yes, they have, and continually change the meaning of that date continuously."

    Question #9

    Is any portion of the Watch Tower or the Governing Body to be considered a prophet of God, or the voice of God? Do the Governing Body or its associated corporations have better information from God or have a more direct channel to or from God’s thoughts than others? If this is true why has God changed his opinion, based on Watchtower teachings, so many times in Watch Tower history?

    My Lord says: "They LEFT ME, I in turn, left them and quit caring for them. I did not choose them, they came on the basis of my name saying 'I am anointed' and have misled MANY. They set up the "disgusting thing" in a HOLY PLACE. I had left them even before that, for they would not heed my warnings."

    Question #10

    Why were the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mexico at one time told to not use Bibles, not hold prayers, not sing religious songs, and deny that they were part of a religious group, but were simply part of a “Cultural” group even though religious groups were not in any way prohibited by the Mexican government at the time? Did it have anything to do with the Watch Tower or the Governing Body’s desire to own property in Mexico, which was prohibited under Mexican law, rather than be known as a religion?

    My Lord says: "That, amongst other reasons."

    [i]Question #11

    Was Beth-Sarim, the Mansion owned and operated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in San Diego and used by Joe Rutherford in the 1920’s built as a residence for Enoch and other holy men from the Bible when they were expected to rise from the dead in 1925 by the Watch Tower?

    My Lord says: "You well know the answer to that one."

    May you have peace and drink from the "fountains of life," holy spirit!


  • Law

    Thank you for all your answers to my questions.

  • Farkel

    : Did President Fred Franz get an Rhodes Scholarship offer from the Rhodes Scholarship organization?

    No. Fred Franz dropped out of the University in (I believe) Cincinatti, Ohio mid-way through his junior year to join the Bible Students. He did make application for a Rhodes Scholarship and he did get on a list which would have allowed him to continue with the screening process. That is NOT the same as an "offer" of a scholarship from the Rhodes Foundation. Had he continued with the process, he may have THEN been offered a scholarship, or he it may not have been offered to him. The society is very misleading about this matter and the matter of Franz's formal education.

    : If not, why did he testify under oath that he was offered one, and why was this information published in Watch Tower publications?

    Someone wrote to the Rhodes foundation about Franz and asked them if they had offered him a scholarship. They replied emphatically, "NO", that he was only a memeber of the group that made the first screening. I've seen the scan.

    Franz was a liar and the WTS are liars. Simple.


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