Well how would they? Had you ever thought of asking one?
Go on, that little old lady with a limp and a smile, the old fella with a walking stick, the young mother with baby in the pram,stroller, babby buggy, the distinguished looking gentleman of serious mein with greying hair (probably a rookie), the teenager who looks as if he couldn't put two words together, get out that question, dust it off and give it a go! They are not going to read postings on this forum, give them a chance.
In fact, somebody pointed out that forum posters are like poets,who generally don't read but write ( poetry.)
Did you not know that? Well, I'll let you in on another little secret, Gadflies don't read either, no they do not, What do they do then?
A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.
One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad.
Yep, that's them, so don't even think of asking a Gadfly, they are so officiously going about their business driving animals mad they do not have time to engage in the frivolity of reading the critics ('crickets' is what Gadflies call THEM) But do you know that these plaguey congregatingcritters sometimes condescend to POST on forums. Well, one of them does, but
one does not make a plague does it? Its all very well to ramble on like this - all these questions - How Would A Witness Answer ? Why not ask one?