How did you come to JWD ?

by oldflame 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • defd

    I stumbled upon it by accident

  • JH
    I stumbled upon it by accident

    Hey, you love it here, so change that smiley to this

  • Evanescence

    I found it when i typed "jehovah's witness" in Google

    then there was some quiz on asking how much of a jw you are lol


  • Undecided

    I found this site from H2O. I have no memory of how I found H2O but it probably was from Google. I didn't know any apostates or talk to anyone about JWs except my aunt, she came by many times to try to get me back in. I can remember only one statement that she said," Kenneth, you need the organization." She had this serious, caring look on her face. How could anyone be so deceived, oh I forgot about my past.

    Ken P.

  • oldflame

    It is pretty cool how many of us came here with the same gut feelings and in the same way found this site. I have learned a great deal here, especially how to handle someone who is still in. There are indeed some very good writers here and knowledgeable people here that are only glad to help a fellow leaver get the info they need in order to make their walk out of the borg. I for one am very grateful for those. I don't have a lot of training from the borg because I found out before being baptised. But this is a great site and Simon works his butt off to keep this site and for him I have only a great deal of thanks.

  • dedpoet

    I came across it when searching the net for ex jw sites. I looked at one or two, and found this one to my liking. I had just decided to finally da at the time, almost 6 years after my last kh visit, and kind of felt the need to share that and other experiences with people who maybe felt the same way as me and had been through the same things.

  • OldSoul

    Through the miracle of the Internet.


  • upside/down

    Holy spirit?


  • mrsjones5

    Oh geez, I found this place back when Simon was still a jw, but I thought it was cool that he allowed exjws to come here and to actually talk about being ex's and how they disagreed with the society. I didnt join at first, too scared, but I did join when the format changed. Then I moved lost my member info, came back, lurked for a while, then rejoined.

    I like it here.


  • xjwms


    Glad I found this.

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