Do Must Dubs Have Pre-Marital Sex?

by tall penguin 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • katiekitten

    What total hypoctites, confused. You would hope one day they would reflect and realise what TOTAL assholes they have been to lose a good friend.

    But probably not..

  • Forscher

    I just asked my wife that question. She busted out laughing! In her opinin, that was a duh! question!!!

    In my thirty years, most of those I know did. I even sat in on a class in highschool where the visiting CO and my congo's PO were asked if they'd waited until after they got married to have sex (it was a comparative religions class where the teacher invited various clergy to come into the class and talk about their faiths). The question was followed by an embarrassed silence. It seems NIETHER could could honestly say they'd waited!

    I lost my virginity the very night after I got married. She was and still is worth the wait. Unfortunately, she and her first husband, I am her second, didn't wait and got married because she thought she was pregnant. Their sad surprise was that, although she'd missed her period after they had sex, it returned during the wedding ceremony. Poor them!


  • Es

    Oh man Forsher thats really got to suck


  • Virgogirl

    Ha-ha-! I remember a horny (appearing) little couple at our Hell, er, Hall. He was 18 and she was 19.The fine young brother was giving rise to grave concerns because his hair was over his collar, (everyone raise their eyebrows.) The sister had wavy, thick, flaming carrot- colored hair and big ta-ta's! Yes. The thing is, the were sitting together at meetings every week! Yes they were! So, with a heavy heart, my Uncle-Elder, knew deep in his guts they were going to fall into immorality any minute. The elders met with them and explained their choices: stop sitting next to each other at meetings, or...get married and soon! They got married right away. Jeez!

  • free2beme

    Honestly, very few do have sex with their partner before marriage.

  • stillajwexelder

    I do not have the statistics and I am sure they are not available anyway, but while serving as an elder I found out that a large number may not have "gone all the way" but most teenagers in the truth or not do not view oral sex as having sex - blame Bill Clinton for that one! -- and many many others engaged in mutual masturbation - that is why there is a minimum of 1 Watchtower article per year on this subject.

  • FlyingHighNow

    We didn't do any of those, Stilla. Probably because he was raised by jws who were about like Ma & Pa Kettle. I must say though that his mother was the sweetest woman I have ever met anywhere. He's the one who had the self control.

  • JW83

    The only ones I grew up with that didn't have sex were so unattractive they couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a handful of hundred dollar bills.

    Oh really?! Maybe they actually believed the crap they were being fed - I know none of my friends ever had pre-m sex and I never did and we are all beautiful, sexy, gorgeous girls!!! Sad thing is, most of my friends are still unmarried dubs because there is a man shortage in congs around here, and most dub guys are not interested in any woman with a head on her shoulders.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Right on JW83! I was certainly not ugly. There was a man shortage then, too. Oh and I edit to add that lots and lots of worldly guys asked me out all the time.

  • PaulJ

    I did, and me and fiance kept it quiet. After one thing and another we did come clean afterwards and got privately reproved.

    I guess the reasons why it happened were based on the fact we were young and found it so difficult not to. All the time i was still a JW I felt guilty about it. Then even when i left i still felt bad. Now im out and know the real 'truth' about things i dont give a monkey's.

    My main regret now is having a relationship with the girl i did in the first place. And not putting a stop to it sooner. IT was a case of having so many people against us, we just wanted to prove them wrong, whether getting married was the right thing to do or not....

    Well, you live and learn dont you.....

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