Emotional blackmail

by mkr32208 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I'm just really PO'ed about this! I mean what sort of resolution did she expect? How did she expect me to react? So idiotic...

  • Sunspot
    Jesus went door-to-door.

    Did he?

    Did he also go armed with a bookbag filled with propaganda-filled litter-ature that said to join his "organization" or his Father will make toast out of you?


    I am SO sorry that the WTS has struck again and is ruining and shredding up another entire family with its hateful control. The only way to get back into their good graces, OR the approval of "God's" only true religion (GAG) is to grovel, beg and spend X-amount of months or years kissing the WTS a$$.

    If that doesn't appeal to you......WELCOME to the world of freedom from an evil CULT!!!!! There IS always hope that your family will begin to see all the lies and that control they are slaving under, as the WTS gets exposed more and more every day!

    Your family is operating like mindless robots under the F-O-G of the WTS........FEAR, OBLIGATION and GUILT. They might just realize this one day soon!



  • mrsjones5
    was wondering...when you start to study do they tell you things like that you will have to sever all contact with non members etc and also that if people dont believe us then they are against us?

    No no no no they would never do that. They wait until youre hooked and then lower the boom. It's so sneaky.

  • thom

    ---"Ummm they are under the influence of a mind-controlling borg that removes all natural affection and puts the fear of the borg into them"---
    I never really thought about it until I left but it's really like a parent child relationship between most JW's and the org.
    It's so common that children raised in abusive homes tend toward that same abuse. Not all do of course, but many do. If they've been beaten or screamed at all their lives many tend to treat their children the same way. Since the org treats it's members like stupid simple minded children that must be kept in line, then the members tend toward treating others this way. Maybe explains why they treat those who leave as very simple minded foolish people. Not even considering that they have a good reason to leave but only that they should do what they're told and that they're being "bad" and must now be punished.

  • mkr32208

    Well my brother is the study conductor so I guess he got so choked up he had to actually leave the study and let someone else conduct. Very tramatic I'm sure...

    I really think though that he's driving himself crazy because HE KNOWS THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT! He's a very smart guy. Runs his own business is really on the ball and he KNOWS everything thats on this site! I'm really starting to wonder if he's self distructing because he can't see any way out! He's very popular a real socialite and rising star he has SO much to lose (friends and financialy) his wife is a complete follower but I think she'd leave him over this she will die a witness.

    I mean it just seems like a LOT of an overreaction doesn't it? We talk about the kings list and 1914 he admits that 1914 may be wrong but that the society isn't prophets. (where have I heard THAT bull plop before??) I explained that with 1914 gone the whole underpining falls out of the religion. Nope nope doens't matter doesn't matter!!!! Then the next night he breaks down in the middle of a bookstudy and has to LEAVE!? I dunno but 2+2 does not = 165,324... What do you guys think???

  • mkr32208
    Jesus went door-to-door.

    No he didn't he gave massive sermons. He went temple to temple and on occasion well to well... Go peddle your worthless savior on another thread, he's nothing to me... If I do start to worship anyone or anything it certainly won't be some dork who couldn't even stop MEN from nailing his ass to a tree!

  • JustTickledPink

    I think stuff like that is total BS. I mean really, I doubt anyone shed tears at the KH when I didn't show up. Please.

    Just because you didn't choose to be a lawyer, cook, gardner, mechanic etc like you Dad and grandfather doesn't mean your parents shouldn't talk to you. I think religion should be a choice just as your profession should be your choice. I see no difference.

  • Elsewhere

    Just FYI, no need to reply because I know it will not make a difference to you but last night at the study ******** got so choked up about you that he could not finish for crying. You don't realize how much he loves you. I am sorry your choice (and I realize you have the right to make a choice) is moving you so far from the family. But...your choice to make...just sorry about it...still love you. mom


    I never left my family. Not once did I ever say or even suggest that. If ****** wants to come and visit he is more than welcome to come by or call any time. My door is open.

    If anyone misses me it is because they have made the choice to shun me because I do not hold the same religious beliefs they hold. I suggest those who are inclined to shun those who hold religious views different from their own review the article "MENNONITES -- Search for Bible Truth" in the Sept 1, 2005 Watchtower. It does a very good job of expressing how wrong this is.

  • mkr32208

    Wow else... very eloquent. You know from my posting history that I um... Wasn't quite that kind about it...

  • Sunspot
    was wondering...when you start to study do they tell you things like that you will have to sever all contact with non members etc and also that if people dont believe us then they are against us?
    No no no no they would never do that. They wait until youre hooked and then lower the boom. It's so sneaky.

    And even then, anything and everything that would make any typical person's eyebrows go up in shock........is always prefaced or back up afterward by the idea that THIS will be "pleasing to Jehovah". Appropriate skewed scriptures then follow to bolster their twisted teachings.

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