October 22 Awake! Young People Ask – article about chat rooms and apostates

by truthseeker 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974

    Surely if they have 'the truth' as they state they do then it should stand up against criticism shouldnt it?....I think there motives are clear here...shoot the messenger and prevent their people from seeing the truth about the truth.

    When I was talking to my mother about my concerns some time back I asked her to ask an elder about the UN Issue or how many cases of paedophilia the organisation is being sued for, the answers she got were that the organisation was never affiliated with the UN in any manner of speaking...the Guardian newspaper was lying!!! (but isnt being sued by the WTS though) and that the society is not defending any civil claim in respect of paedophilia...in the US or other.

    But the tail end of this brief explanation was that she should be careful about who she speaks to...as these were apostate led issues??!!!

    The password 'apostate' was uttered and like magic the metaphorical shutters came slamming down round my mother...who wouldnt even discuss the issue for a long while afterward....

    It says a lot doesnt it...demonise anyone who dares have an alternative view against the WTS....


  • Smiles

    How do we "morally corrupt" JWs by using direct quotes from their WT publications and telling our personal experiences with the WT?

    We use THEIR material, the material from the "Faithful & Discreet Slave" and personal experiences from when we were JW.

    The WT is corrupting itself.

  • JustTickledPink

    For some reason I don't think this is what the average teenager or young adult is looking for on the internet.

    Honestly at that age I could care less about the issues, I was looking at the other banned things in my world, MTV, singers, bands, pop culture, guys, dating, etc..... If I had free time, the last thing I wanted to do was spend more time reading JW crap.

  • luna2

    Seems to me there is already a huge problem with JW youths and the internet didn't cause it, although it may expose it more and more.

    I had no idea that so many witness kids were living the old "double life" in order to fool their parents and the congregation...and being quite successful at it. I had no idea of the number of witness kids, baptised witness kids, having sex, drinking, trying drugs...exactly like their non-JW peers. Bunch of stupid adults congratulating themselves that their children are so different from the "world"; so moral, so spiritual, so very protected by their god, Jehooty. What a joke!

    I've heard both here and directly from my son and others that the kids that do try to live up to JW standards are ostracised and made fun of so that they are completely isolated...no friends allowed outside the congregation and few friends available from inside the congregation. What a sad and lonely way to grow up. I'd be getting on the internet to try to find some companionship too.

    The WTS offers nothing for their youth. No sort of youth group or organized social interaction. They take away all the fun, the sports activities, the dances, the school clubs....and replace them with forced magazine sales on the weekend. How can they be so stupid? They force kids into lying and sneaking around in order to have some social life...or to turn to the internet where they can meet people without ever leaving their rooms. Seems to me that all those old farts in Brooklyn have accomplished with their sterile, unrealistic policies is to raise up generations of people who have learned the fine art of ass-kissing, sneaking around, lying, pretending and living with constant guilt.

    Sorry for the rant, lol...this is a real sore spot with me.

  • blondie

    One thing I remember is that these articles are more likely to be read by the parents than the children. In fact the WTS suggests that parents as part of the "family study" go over these articles together. Not that I knew many parents that did either, read it themselves or read it with their children.

    Most teenagers are miles ahead of their parents as to the use of computers and the internet. They also have access to computers at the library and at school.

    There are 100's of JW chat groups out on the internet. They think that by making everyone give out personal info in order to be allowed on, that they keep out "bad" people.

    And you are right, the best parents can do is forbid computers all together and that is not reasonable with homework, etc.

    I remember how the WTS demonized TV--R rated movies and porn channels, then VCRs and easy access to porn videos. Now the computer. But how many JWs have TVs, VCRs and computers?

    The WTS is losing the battle. I found it interesting that they now have the NWT online at the official WTS site. Why not the WT and Awake?


  • avengers

    Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention!
    The way these WT geriatric stooges
    think disgusts my inner insides to make me puke and crap at the same time.

    Damn! Had to get get rid of that. uhh.

    These guys piss me off to no end!

    Sorry about that outfall. Couldn,t help it.

    I agree that there are a lot of bad people walking on this earth, people whom
    destroy, use, abuse, shipwreck your faith, are out to ruin you, and many more things that you and I can think of.

    To shove these personalities in the shoes of the so called "apostates" is unfair.

    To get rid of such elements we have the police, FBI and specialized units to get rid of abusers of children.
    (Any abusers | in the hall?) Please step forward now.

    The WT pictures the "apostates" (I am considered by the WT as being on the Top Ten list of Apostates; not that I think that way ) as criminals whom want to abuse others.
    They say "apostates" are sneaky. It's the WT who is the sneaky one.
    This is one of their attempts to keep my daughters away from me.
    Don't hang out with your Dad. He's an apostate.
    No internet. No cable. No Info. Just what the WT prints.

    Wt. You guys really piss me off. You are going too far.
    You are lucky I am a peaceful man. Not everyone is like me though.
    I urge you to be careful with what you print.
    The writing in your past has already come back to haunt you; therefore
    your suit against one of the "apostates" who only quotes YOU.

    This kind of writing will haunt you worse though.
    You consider me a snake, a clip, coming in between my daughters
    and my sons. I do not appreciate your article in these magazines
    with this vague unclear, and subliminal language.

    It is YOU and not the "apostates" who is the snake.
    Damn. I'm so tired of this depressive and agressive approach of these geriatric morons . They put down technology, free thinking, creativity.
    Damn YOU Watchtower!! Let my children go!

    Go back to the hole where you came from. But please leave my family alone!

    Sorry about the outfall above. I promise to behave.
    You "apostates" are very bad people. Ain't You?

    Let me see? The worst-ones are situated in GB. As I recall the West coast. Bad people. Do not ever associate with them.
    They feed you, give you beer, vewwy vewwy bad.

    What about the North West coast of the US. vewwy vewwy bad.
    Oh. I almost forgot Amsterdam. You, you you, vewwy bad.

    I'll be back.


  • jwfacts

    Avengers - I am considered by the WT as being on the Top Ten list of Apostates

    that is quite a priviledge, who were you or what did you do to rank so highly?

  • avengers
    Avengers - I am considered by the WT as being on the Top Ten list of Apostates

    that is quite a priviledge, who were you or what did you do to rank so highly?

    lmfao. just messin around. Wonder if they do have a list of the Top Ten Apostates in the world. Who would you guess would be on it? Betcha I won't be in the Top Ten. lol Andy

  • lisaBObeesa

    That article really came out and said "no JW chat rooms or message boards, period." I know if my parents had read it, that is how they would have read it.

    So now, all those isolated, lonely JW teens for whom the internet is a social lifesaver, will have to only go to 'worldly' chat rooms and message boards.

    Wait, they are already doing that. So this article will have little impact on 99.9% of JW teens.

    I think this article is really directed at the parents. Adults are the ones who look for JW message boards and chat rooms.

  • oldflame

    I have heard JW's say all to often about how bad or dangerous the web is but yet they seem to have web sites of their own, I guess you can put that one on the same level as the U.N. and the JW's being involved. And then to consider themselves to be Christians ? I remember my mother one day going through her mail and there was a magazine that was selling home decore items with Christian things in it. She asked me if I wanted it and I asked her why did'nt she want the magazine as it had nice Christian items in it for sale ? She said plain as day, " I don't want it because it has Christian things in it." That statement to me said " I am not Christian" You never see pictures or items with Christian words or scripture on them and I guess it is because of fear of demons or something, so I guess I can take that as an understanding that they consider things with Christian sayings on them to be evil. What a F***ed up way of thinking....

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