October 22 Awake! Young People Ask – article about chat rooms and apostates

by truthseeker 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    It amazes me how the WT will tell people not do do this or that, but will provide no alternatives. Why isn't there a JW chat room on watchtower.org that is invite only? JWs could hand their email address to the elder, and if the JW is spiritual enough, would get an invite in their inbox.

    But no. The WTS feels that telling people not to do it is enough. Other religions provide alternatives to many things; having youth groups, christian rap music, etc etc. But if the WT can't see that the other religions are on to something, then let them panic.

    Also, I wish that the WT or Awake would have told me ten years ago that there were apostates on the internet. I never thought of looking into JW issues on the net until 3 or 4 years ago when I merely stumbled upon it. Any doubting JW youth will know that there is a support group out there, and their curiousity will move them to see if these apostates have the same doubts as they do.

    If the WT had chosen to keep their mouth shut instead of letting people know that there are apostates on the internet, they'd probably keep more people in. They're shooting themselves in the foot. It also raises questions such as, "Why would anyone leave the Truth?"

    .... and the walls come tumbling down.

  • Gozz

    Interesting comment, Nosferatu.

    I'd always remember that the first mention I heard of the Apostate Ray Franz was in a kingdom hall, and from a comment by an elder at that. Of course, I went to look for the banned book ("... literally a work of the devil himself" elder man said), and that was on the iNet. In retrospect, I'vee seriously wondered if he did do it on purpose. What better prompt to go look for something other than screaming "... don't look, it's bad"?!


  • Smiles

    I think Quotes just made the WT's Top Ten Apostates List.

  • Elsewhere
    Why isn't there a JW chat room on watchtower.org that is invite only?

    Because this would force them to publicly display their heavy-handed was of keeping people under control. Right now if someone pisses off the elders, the elders take the person to "the back room". Online, everyone would see what happened to the person.

    Everyone would also be able to see frequent censorship of posts.

    Another really big thing is that right now JWs rarely every leave a record of what they say. Going door-to-door a JW can always deny saying or doing something to a householder. It becomes a "he said she said" issue. Once JWs start posting online there is no way they can deny having said something because a thousand people will have a log of it on their own computers.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Years ago I remember articles with titles like "Build with fire resistant materials". The point of those articles was that if students of the JW faith are taught well they will be able to stand well on their own to resist Satan and his influences.

    Seems as though the organization has no confidence that it has built with fire resistant materials. How strong a faith would these youths have if they can't be trusted to recognize a danger and avoid corruption? There is a measure of youthful ignorance at play of course, but the same kind of 'rules of life' are given all the time to adults as well.

    Seems as though Mother Brooklyn fears that her children might find her to be an illegitimate parent!

    Same ole' same ole' crap. The boat is leaking like a sieve, it can't be shored up in the long run because it is not seaworthy!


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