Was Anyone Disfellowshipped Twice? How About Three Times?

by anewme 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dune

    To me it is.

    Can you really blame a witness teen(older person) for wanting to have sex? I cant. We all "slip" up sometimes.

    And drugs, well i CAN blame them, but no one else is really being hurt except for yourself. (and your family i guess)

    I just think Adultery is on another level because you're screwing up a relationship and if its prolonged you might have also passed something on to your husband/wife.

    Just a thought.

  • anewme

    Dear Sparkplug, what your young heart has been through.

    This fascinates me. This is something that is seldom discussed. How some struggle to serve Jehovah, but the struggle proves too much. There are some great stories of human pathos out there.

  • Sparkplug

    Well thanks.

    I think.

  • toreador

    I know one who is at 4 I believe, some for smoking and some for immorality and another fellow who has had trouble with smoking who is at at least 5 or 6 times over a period of appx 20 years. Im am surprised he can remember if he is in or out. But he is a super nice guy.


  • stillajwexelder

    5 or 6 that is a record!!

  • lawrence


    Poor S.O.B. PM me his address, I'll send him a case of Marlboros....Then he'll know whether he is IN or OUT for at least a month.

  • Smiles

    I remember hearing that when a person is disfellowshiped 3 or more times that is the angels trying remove that unclean person long-term but the elders are being overly merciful and therefore possibly working against angelic direction.

  • vitty

    The problem is they start DFs ppl when they are teenagers, I mean what do the expect from kids, of couse some of them are going to mess up big time, and often. I never knew how it could possible help a young person to DFs, say for immorality.

    Now I know, but im so sorry for all those young kids who are cut off from friends and family for being just normal teenagers, not mini crinklys who`ve forgotten or dont know the pressure there under.

    So many are left for years torn between, relieve that its over and still thinking its the truth.

  • jwfacts

    I know a guy that was disfellowshipped 3 times for alcohol abuse and is reinstated again.
    His daughter was disfellowshipped twice and is reinstated. Funny because first time was for fornication with a worldly guy that she ended up marrying. Second time was for cheating on her worldly husband with a married Witness who she then married. I worked with the worldly guy and as you can imagine he hates JWs.
    Her sister was married to a Witness guy, they got divorced, remarried, and divorced again.
    The girl sort of knows JWs are not the truth and yet keeps going back for more. I keep in touch with her but she thinks its her culture. Getting d'd and going back for more seems to be a family culture too. Masochists

  • Cygnus
    she thinks its her culture

    That's an interesting way to put it. This is sort of a strange thread. It's difficult to imagine getting DF'd several times, yet keep coming back and thinking it is the "truth." Those poor people, especially the ones who get DF'd again and suffer the shunning process again and again. How many of these tortured souls are out there?

    I don't think I'm familiar with anyone that's been disfellowshipped several times. One strange story, though, if I can tell it: a girl who was best friends with my ex-wife (I call her a girl, she's my age now, mid 30s) got divorced and her ex (who I have known since I was a small kid) will not admit to any "fornication" so she was stuck being single, as she did not have a "scriptural divorce." So she decided to have an "affair" with a "worldly" man and willingly got disfellowshipped. A year later she went to get reinstated to then be "scripturally free" to remarry. Ridiculous, the hoops people go through in the Watchtower religion in order to try and live a half-way normal life.

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