What could you have been if you were never a JW?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • floriferous

    I would have been an artist.

    Instead I did part time factory work in order to pioneer & waste my opportunities.

    Now the JW's don't even believe the stuff I was told to spout off to householders in the 1970's

    The sham of a 'New World' dangled in front of young people so they put their real lives on hold hoping for a dream they had to believe in or face being killed by god at Armageddon.

    Oh wait over 40 years later they are still trotting that one out......

  • _Morpheus
  • cappytan

    I would have tried to be a Physicist.

    That's what I really wanted to do and was passionate about. But, Physicist didn't sound like a good way to support yourself while Pioneering.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Image result for we have a winner

    for BEST ANSWER!

    Morpheus: Myself

  • cantleave
    A promiscuous, drug addicted, hedonist. DAMN!!!!!! 
  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    There is a nice zen koan that has helped me put the "what ifs" out of my mind.  

    It is the story of a tortoise who asks a guru about his path.  The guru says, "you must remember, you are not ONE person, you are THREE.  The FIRST you, is the you of the past.  The you that sometimes embarrasses you.  The you that has made mistakes and some of them awful.  But, along with the mistakes there has been accomplishments as well.  It is the you that has brought you to the PRESENT you.  The you, you are now.    The you that must make decisions for the now, for the present.  He cannot reach back to the past you.  The past you is gone.  The decisions that he made can not be undone because you are the result of THAT you.

    What about the third me?  What is he?

    He is you in the FUTURE.  The PRESENT you will have a large impact on the FUTURE you.  So, forget your PAST you and build to make your FUTURE you what you would like to be in the PRESENT."

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i would never have met--and married my born in 1st wife.  therefore my 3 kids and 7

    (soon to be 8 ) grand kids would not exist.  so--i think they are probably glad i was a


  • antes8080

    Gang member drug dealer thats what most wordly people are right. 

    am just glad most of the world are not JW we would be in a world with shortage of Doctors, Scientist etc... 

  • Vidiot
    I dunno... rock star, maybe?
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I quit High School in 11th grade to pioneer. Had I never been in the religion I would have become a paleoanthropologist - the study of prehistoric humans. Not the most lucrative of careers but it would have been the love of my life.

    Speaking of evolution, the JWs are proof that not all evolution leads to an advanced state of being.

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