Guess what I saw today...

by mrsjones5 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    I thought you said you saw a JW giving a "hummer".... which is soooo not OK....being oral sex and all.

    Sounds like my old congo in Orange East....Cali... those in the circuit called it Laodicea East....very fitting, I thought.

    But now that I've been cast into tartarus with the deeemunz....who gives a shit?


  • ballistic

    You know, this thread reveals little differences between out culture here in the UK and the US. For a start we all drive small cars... Me - I'm a biker.

    The other day, a big truck turned up at work to deliver a big computer. And when I say "truck", we call them "lorries".

    And this was the biggest truck I ever saw delieveing an IBM mainframe.

    It backed up quicker than I could do and although I'm a biker; I can also drive a truck.

    And after a difficult U-turn, slammed the air brakes on, and out jumped the hotest blonde I've ever seen.

    She then unloaded the biggest computer I've ever seen. shit.

    nuff said.

  • delilah

    A hummer would definitely be my "CAR" of choice, but I sure wouldn't be parking it in any KH parking lot. LOL. Makes me think of all those talks we used to hear, about not being "showy" with our means of life....yadda yadda yadda....look at the parking lot in my area KH, you'll see plenty of nice new expensive vehicles......ah well, they might as well spend their loot on something they can enjoy, this side of paradise eh??? Who knows what they'll be reduced to driving in the "new system", perhaps a donkey?

    P.S. Better it be their hard earned cash going into the gas tank, not mine.

  • Finally-Free

    I like Hummers and I'm not talking about the kind you drive.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    There are plenty well-off inside the WBTS.

    In the congregation I attend most are doing pretty well for themselves if you'd measure it by the cars driven and the houses/land they own.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Perhaps it was Micheal Jackson’s, Prince’s, or one of the Williams girls’.

  • cab1000

    My Bro. In Law elder drove his H1 Hummer for a year or so...but he drove his Mercedes benz to the meetings...I wondered if he traded it in because of the brothers advice, or something else, I know he loved it...

  • zeroday

    I don't know why they would bother to spend so much money seeing that they will have their choice of cars and homes when the system ends.

  • Insomniac

    I thought getting a hummer was a disfellowshipping offence...heheheheh.

    Sorry, I'm being juvenile.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    If it's not, it should be for as much as petrol costs these days.

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