WTS Emergency Meeting

by doinmypart 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard

    Watchtower on the Red Cross their nemesis; Danny Haszard's testimony-In 1991 the Rockland Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses was 'studying' the newly released blood booklet.I was in the audience as a member of the congregation. What i heard with my own ears:The Watchtower was denounced by the Elder conducting the meeting as a "wealthy racket who get the blood for free and then sell it for $500.00 a pint" he went on to elaborate "that if the Red Cross was to file a financial statement that they would be among the fortune 500 companies they are so rich". I left the cult in early 1992 and immediately turned against the JW's,as part of my deprogramming protocol i qualified and became a 'preferred' blood donor at Children's' Hospital in Boston Massachusetts.I would not donate anything including my blood to the RC as i still held contempt for them as a 'greedy racket'. My blood donation at Children's was used for small children with leukemia who were receiving bone marrow transplants.One session i was laying on the gurney and joked with the nurse if she thought my blood was safe?(I knew it was largely due to my 'boring' lifestyle as a JW and no risk history) She replied,"I would trust your blood in my own child"- I got teary eyed.... Year 2001-I have moved to Bangor Maine from Boston and decided to give the Red Cross a blood donation.First i must square the facts with their 'profiteering'.I had just read a story in the Bangor Daily News newspaper on the RC having hard times and only getting paid $120.00 for a pint of blood from local Bangor hospitals. I made an appointment with the local RC director and demanded a financial accounting before i gave a drop of my blood. THE REAL DEAL:The RC at that time 2001 did in fact get only $120.00 a pint of which at least half of this cost is spent by the RC on rigorous laboratory testing. The local director when on to say that "they have been broke for years and live hand to mouth and only 60 days from being evicted from their building for non payment of their rent." What is amazing is that despite my rejecting tne Watchtower my brainwashing indoctrination was so embeded after 40 years that after NINE YEARS they still controlled some of my beliefs. --------------- Watchtower Whistleblower: Danny Haszard Bangor Maine Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'perfect storm' of deception-in a word they are the cult of Innuendo

  • DannyHaszard

    Post script-If your insurance statement shows a $500.00 charge for blood this is the hospital charge NOT the Red Cross.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    in one zone 5 KHs are gone, 2 heavily damaged. Around Lake Pontchartrain 7 KHs are gone, 7 moderate damage, and ;some with ;light damage.

    Wow, The Catholic Church down the road from me - less than a mile from KH - was fine.

    Jehober has truly blessed the Catholics!

    Yah. This is one of those disasters out of which there's not much evidence that they have their god's protection, so another reason for keeping the damage toll on "their god's" property under wraps until they can figure out a positive spin to put on the damage info.

  • Kenneson


    "What I heard with my own ears. The Watchtower was denounced by the elder..."

    From the context, I think you mean the Red Cross. Right?

  • Mary
    The elder opening the meeting emphasized the importance of confidentiality. All cell phones were to be turned off, except their's in case they received a call from Patterson.

    ....who just got a call from Jehovah and/or Jesus on HIs cellphone, telling them that Armageddon has started, I'm sure. How totally stupid and unnecessary. These guys are more paranoid that the FBI and the Taliban put together.

    Day one after the hurricane a few brothers from the HKRC went into New Orleans/Slidell area and began assessing damage to Kingdom Halls.......in one zone 5 KHs are gone, 2 heavily damaged. Around Lake Pontchartrain 7 KHs are gone, 7 moderate damage, and some with light damage.

    Geeze, what a tragedy......this is far worse than the thousands of dead bodies floating in sewage and chemical waste down there. I wonder how many of these dead bodies these "few brothers" eagerly stepped over to assess the damage to the Kingdumb Halls.

    The elder handling one of the parts was very critical of Red Cross. He said the HKRC was going into shelters in Louisiana and Mississippi to identify and get JWs out.

    Yes, lets get our priorities straight! First, lets make sure the Kingdumb Hells are safe and secure. If they're not, then it's probably the fault of the local brothers and sisters. Next, lets quickly get fellow Dubs out of the clutches of the Red Cross who take their marching orders directly from Satan. Next, let's figure out a way where we can turn this disaster into a Cash Cow for the Glory of The Borg....I mean Jehovah. Lastly, verbally bash all other Relief Efforts as time permits.

    The Organization is getting worse with each passing year. The paranoia of everything outside their bubble permeates the few brain cells they have left. Forget trying to work with worldly people on any issue-----even trying to rescue people from this catastrophe-----their main objective is to keep tabs on JW survivors and hopefully, get them back to the Meetings asap. After all, if you actually went 2 weeks without going to a meeting, you just might get in the habit of never going back.

    Thanks for sharing with us.....

  • DannyHaszard


    "What I heard with my own ears. The Watchtower was denounced by the elder..."

    From the context, I think you mean the Red Cross. Right?

    It was 5:00 am post time

  • doinmypart

    In my original post I wrote the meeting was on Memorial Day, of course it was Labor Day. What can I say, after a lifetime of not celebrating holidays I sometimes get them confused.

    A few points that made me raise my eyebrows...they want all congregations to "cooperate for Jehovah's glory". In other words don't go off volunteering to unload a Salvation Army truck of supplies, don't any of you rogue elders setup any volunteer efforts apart from what we tell you to do...cooperate i.e. obey our direction and glorify god.

    Yep the RBC brothers checked property first, the day after. Talk about mixed up priorities. And even now the WTS' concern for humans is to retain/regain membership. Any JW that was predisposed to fade or become irregular/inactive, this is the opportunity to do just that. And even a middle-of-the-road JW has more pressing things on their mind other than attending a meeting. Patterson emphasized several times to find out where displaced JWs are...get their name, home congregation, and forward that information to them.

    There was no mention about handling "donations" from JWs that had their homes repaired by the RBC or even how they would be approached. I'll keep my ears open. And mention anything I find out.

  • Shania

    Thank you so much for keeping us informed, it must be so hard do sit there and swallow their BS. We appreciate what you are doing.

    It is so sad that in the name of God all they care about is the property.............God cares more about people than buildings............they just don't get it do they..........................

  • sf

    doinmypart ActivelyActive,

    they told us to tell know one of the details of the meeting

    Mums da word brutha!

    and reports will be released through the proper channel.

    Aka, jwdiscussion.com.

    who just got a call from Jehovah and/or Jesus on HIs cellphone, telling them that Armageddon has started, I'm sure
    Exactly what I thought too. sKally

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I just caught up with this thread again.

    The effort to get JWs out of the chelters just might have another motive.

    If an active JWs who has lost everything and winds up in a shelter getting aid from the Red Cross and any other group I wonder how many of the JWs would start to think about all the wonderful halp they got from "the world" during their evacuation. How many people did they meet along the way that were good and kind and helpful with no thought of preaching to them. That maybe people were out there helping total strangers simply out of the goodness of theri hearts with no thought to religious affiliation.

    I wonder how many, once separated from "mother" just might begin to drop the shades from their eyes and minds - just enough to let reality set in instead of the WT propaganda.

    Dear lord the WTS cannot afford to have too many people come back to the halls talking about unconditional love and support offered by "worldly people"

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