So, what are you up to this weekend?

by PaulJ 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich
    Tomorrow we will go clay pigeon shooting first thing so I can play with my new 20-bore,

    Along those lines,

    I'll be going to a gun show here in Raleigh. Thats a good excuse not to go out in service,

    Then Sunday, I'll be the manager on duty at Zaxby's from 5-close.

  • Mulan

    On Saturday all day, starting during the night tonight, QVC is featuring scrapbooking, Preserving the Past, Creating Keepsakes (scrappers will understand) and I plan to spend a lot of time watching and getting ideas and probably buying a few things. And.............learning how to use all the stuff I already have. (I could open a store................seriously)

    Sunday is clear, so far, but we need to do some things around the house that we have put off.

  • Tez

    Ok GBL, someone has to ask... what's a 'soup party'????

  • GetBusyLiving

    A bunch of people get together and eat soup. Then I guess we all drink and hit some bars afterwards. I have no idea who's responsible for this soup fiasco..


  • Tez

    Cheers for that! I should miss out the soup!!!! Don't need a lame excuse like that to go drinking!!!!

  • jaredg

    lets see

    friday night - dual birthday party for a couple of my good friends. going downtown to a bar called "around the corner". it's a new bar i have never been to so i'm looking forward to that. probably stay out until 2 AM and then take a cab home with some hot broad.

    saturday - going to BMW dealership to pick up a couple parts, installing said parts and then detailing the whip. 2 PM starts the cookout/pool party/vollyball at the apt complex. throwing it in conjunction with a few apt neighbors. then from there going to another house party. probably staying out late again.

    sunday - sleeping in and then heading out to meet some car buddies for a car meet and cruise. come home a get stooooooned!

  • RichieRich


    going downtown to a bar called "around the corner".

    its a great bar. don't ask... jut go

  • Crumpet

    it sounds like all the fun tonight is going to be "around the corner"!

  • hillbilly

    Mow grass

    Finish a new horse stall in the barn

    Spend time with SO and family


    clean garage if time allows...........

    get the "other" tractor started/running

    Try to get out to dinner at least once........maybe see a movie.........

    My town job just gets in the way of my work



  • arrowstar

    Let's see...

    dinner...Movie...metaphysical fair...laundry...he's supposed to be installing a new motherboard on my computer (hint hint)...just a bunch of stuff

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