Suitable careers for JW children to aim for!

by Gill 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    College isn't for everyone – Education

    USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), May 2003 by W.J. Reeves

    APPROXIMATELY 15,000,000 Americans are enrolled in college, although about half of them probably shouldn't be.

    It may get stones lobbed at me, but I actually agree with the spirit of that article. I think the idea that every child should go on to college smacks of this strange sense of entitlement that has swept through the last few generations--this idea that every child is 'special' and 'gifted' is doing just as much harm as good.

  • VM44

    Actually, I enjoyed reading the USA Today article, it makes some good points.

    The Watchtower article(s) concerning college education read as propaganda against college.

    Note that the "trades" they suggest in place of college often require more than 4 years of training and study before a person attains the necessary experience to do the job well.

    The Watchotwer is afraid of people going to college!


  • jgnat

    My JW husband, who already has limited employability, won't look at any job he thinks the Watchtower society will frown on. That means no shift work, no evening jobs. That takes out all retail positions and many factory jobs. What is left that he can apply for? Any ambitions he might have had before coming a JW (history, photography) has been subsumed to his desire to go in to full-time service. What a waste.

    The Watchtower society through it's literature demonstrates that they are not interested in developing their youth. Every JW's full potential is to be realized through field service. What of the talented JW child with a penchant for finance, philosophy, or art? Even if they do pursue their dreams, even if they have liberal parents who encourage education, will they not have to face the judgement of their peers? Certainly they will be viewed as "spiritually weak".

    This deadening of talent is a travesty to the human spirit.

  • jeeprube

    I love all the comments about window washing and cleaning.......I want to add another catagory. Painter. Around my area a bunch of the elders decided they were going to pioneer. But they still needed to make money, so they decided to open their own painting contracting companies. They had no experience......but all of a sudden; poof they were all painters. They went around town low-bidding against all the more established painting companies. They got lots of work. Funny part is they started low-bidding against each other. Yup, one elder (our esteemed PO and local BORG leader) accused another elder of stealing his customers (which he had already rightfully stolen from another contractor). It caused a huge internal upheaval in our local elder body. The solution was that several of the elders in our congregation just moved off to other congregations. I guess that's how we're supposed to handle our away!

  • Dune

    Before i went to college, i was offered an internship at the NSA. I asked a couple of elders what i should do and didnt go with it. O well, at least i have a job now. THREE MORE YEARS TO GO!!!

  • JV

    I think Sara Annie hit the nail on the head when she said that college develops critical thinking skills. Sitting in one of my classes awhile back one of my prof's said the exact same thing. He said that we could all go and read the text book and teach ourselves the course and the only reason he was there was to help us develop our critical thinking skills.

  • truthseeker

    Basically speaking,

    The Watchtower Society doesn't want their young witnesses doing anything else accept Pioneering and perhaps Bethel Service.

    That is it in a nutshell.

  • truthseeker

    To be honest, most young people do NOT WANT a theocratic career which consists of the following:

    Endless door knocking for 70 hrs a month

    Bible studies

    Return Visits

    Pioneer Meetings when CO visits

    No rebates or refunds on gas purchases when pioneering

    No incentives of anykind

    No formal progression for sisters - they can only be Pioneers or perhaps Missionaries

  • LongHairGal


    You are right about it being hard to even become a reputable tradesman. It does take many years to become established. If I am not mistaken, you may even have to "know" somebody. I got angry when it was made to sound like a piece of cake. This topic makes my blood boil because the people who write these articles are so far removed from the real world that they are in no position to even comment on these things!

    As far as them advising against college education once again I believe I know the reason. I was told that college educated brothers have a problem accepting counsel. If this is the REAL reason, this is very cowardly on their part.

  • hillbilly

    Logan..I have been around the trades for over 25 years (in several labor markets) and have never know a plumber to make $100K. Actually, I have been around trades my whole was a builder. Trust me it's not a "get rich quick" life-style... workers comp and liability insurance alone is enough to make a factory job look attractive.

    I have known some "contractors" to make $100K in a year (clear) but those guys have a business assets and accounts worth , say, a million bucks or so.

    I started as an electrician years ago.... at the time the apprenticeship took 4 years. Made Journeyman...worked as Forman and Project manager etc for a few outfits... I can assure you that the trades guy who comes to your house will drag out over $1000.00 worth of tools to make $100 bucks off of you. When I self employed I figured it cost me about $30 bucks a day just to start the truck... "overhead" costs a lot.

    Most of the folks you see running "one truck" contracting companies are simply working for wages... the satisfaction in this life-style comes from calling your own shots. Those who do make "it" are rewarded for a whole lot of financial risks.


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