Finally broke down and talked to my wife about 607 BC.

by ithinkisee 60 Replies latest members private

  • Hellrider


    Actually to be more accurate the JW's have two pivotal dates of the Old Testament because Every event prior to the captivity is dated from 607BC.

    When I say "every event" I mean clear back to the creation of Adam; So for anyone to count forward using the JW dates for the Israelite kings means nothing because the JW's have already dated all their reigns by counting backward from 607BC The "deck" is "stacked."

    Ha ha, I didn`t know that. LoL, that`s really cheating, if they use Israeli kings-chronology based on that, without mentioning it, that must be the most dishonest thing I ever heard. That`s just so dishonest, it probably beats anything else they have ever come up with. God, what a bunch of con-artists they are. Edited to add: By the way IthinkIsee, I don`t think you should go with the "the Bible is just a fairytale"-strategy. Dismissing the whole Bible is to much to ask of someone that is deeply into this religion. And also, it might be "over-reacting", that the whole Bible is just a fairytale is of course a possibility, but if so, people should try to figure that out for themselves. Instead of attacking the Bible, attack the WTS and their interpretation of the Bible, and show her how they`ve manipulated lot`s of verses in the Bible in their NWT.

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