Would you date or marry outside of your race?

by Dimples 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thegoodgirl

    Being raised a Witness has a huge impact on my answer to the question. We were raised beleiving that brothers around the whole world were our own brothers and sisters, so as long as they were a JW, no problem, race not an issue. I do remember my mom saying, "It's okay to marry a black man, just know that you will have lots of problems with people being prejudiced toward you." It was true at the time, us living in a small rural Southern town in the early 80's, but now, I think it's much more acceptable, especially in big cities.

    Funny, a friend of mine just came up for a visit. He's from my area, and was doing some work at my old high school, and he said he has never seen more interracial couples than at any other high school. I was kind of proud of that. My little town has come a long way, I guess.

    When I stop to think about it, I have dated equally people of my race and of other races. 50/50. But I married someone of another "race" I guess you could say, though I really don't think it plays much of a role in our marriage.

  • ColdRedRain

    Well, there was this one time when I was drunk and at a friend's farm.....

    In all seriousness though, I'm very multi-ethnic. For me to date somebody outside of my ethnic stock, I'd have to go find an Aboriginie.

  • ButtLight

    Heck yes! I have always been attracted to black men for some reason. I dated an italian guy for 4 years, that was great.

  • lola28

    I would, for some reason I have always been attracted to black men more so than any other group. Race has never been an issue my mother has always made it very clear that as long as the person is kind and decent the color of their skin is insignificant.


  • Country_Woman

    I don't know, in my youth there were hardly coloured people here, most from Indonesia - living in the same parts of the city (and I was living in a little village) I was never attracted to one of them for there was no opportunity.

    I woul'nt be upset when my daughter found a NICE boy friend (coloured or white...)

  • darkuncle29

    IT would depend on the person. I do think that bi-racial people are among the most beautiful, so I would definetly jump on that wagon.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I am White and Cherokee. The only race I have not dated is Asian. Lack of opportunity not choice. One of my sisters is married to a Black man and their children will have the blood of three races. I have found that mixed race people are the most attractive people I have ever seen. Race would never be factor for my choosing a wife. Just personality. Rich would be nice.

  • misspeaches

    My boyfriend is from South America and I'm aussie as they come...

    I never thought I'd end up with anyone but an Aussie but this guy is.. the one!

  • PopeOfEruke

    I have a friend who is a middle-aged (59) and single male.

    He says he has only 2 criteria: (1) female and (2) breathing.

    And one of them is optional.


  • kls

    I would and i wouldn't care if my children did. Mixed raced people have the most cutest kids .

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