hello all - new here

by GoingGoingGone 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts


    Great to hear you could make the break. I am pretty new to this and find talking here to be such a relief. Leaving the Org seems to me to be a bit like a divorce. For six months it is hell, too hard to deal with, no light at the end of the tunnel. But then it is such a huge relief. You will look back and wonder why you did not do it sooner.

  • Shania

    Hi GG, happy to have you here, it is like fun therapy, you learn alot, and you share alot, all without being judged for how you feel,. There are alot of wise folks here, so feel free to ask questions and know you will get well researched answers.............Shania

  • twinkletoes

    welcome GGG, its so good to have you join us. I too spent 30+ years as a JW. Fortunately, I and my husband saw the real truth about the Org. and came out together, along with two friends from our congregation. We read crisis of conscience and In search of christian freedom and of course with all of the great help from others on this forum managed to come to terms with everything. We thought that we had good friends in the cong. but when we left (UN scandal, failed prophecies etc) everone shunned us and continue to do so. We now realise what a mind controlling cult they really are.

    I look forward to hearing more from you.



    I'm pleased to hear you've had the courage of your convictions to unleash yourself from the stranglehold of the JWs. It took me thirty years to realise that I had been duped. Recently, what with the UN Scandal, Failed prophecies, alleged paedophilia, blood U-turns etc. I also made the choice of getting out, (now the Truth will set you free) don't lose the love for Jehovah and Jesus Christ that you had.

    This move will now allow you to look at different material other than JW material, that reflects Jehovah, Jesus and the Bible - something that was frowned on in the Organisation.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Welcome, GoingGoingGone!

    We can certainly relate to your situation, so I'm so glad you've found us. I'm sorry to hear about the instant loss of all your friends...we know about that too. Stay and chat with us for awhile and when you feel like it, I'd love to know what got you thinking "something's wrong here...."

  • shera


    You will gain friends here and I'm sure someday you will find someone who is close to you threw this board.I have met some great peeps from here!

  • karen96

    Welcome GGG!

    My ex was an elder too, and it amazed me how the cong was such a Old Boys club! I hope you find sympathy and friendship here too!


  • Blueblades

    WELCOME, give it time, maybe he will come around. Stick to your decision and come back here often for support and love from those who are with you and know what you are going through.


  • GoingGoingGone

    Hi everyone!

    Wow - just signed on and saw all the 'hello's... you guys are great! To answer some questions:

    Merry: My decision to fade comes after doubting JW teachings for about 10 years at least. I don't believe in the 144,000 only going to heaven, in God destroying everyone who's not a JW at Armageddon when there are so many truly wonderful people in the world, in the treatment of df'd people who simply don't believe in JW teachings anymore, and a ton of other stuff. I have no problem with the people... most of them are good people, misguided though, and of course there are the nasty ones, too, but you'll find nasty people all over this imperfect world...

    Anewme: I'd love to talk 'elder' sometime - or anything else, for that matter!

    Bryan: Right now I'm concerned with keeping the peace. My kids are old enough to see the falsehoods at the meetings, now that I have pointed them out. Thank goodness...

    Rebel8: Been surfing the web since about Jan.... I'm over the fear of lightning striking ... And 'apostate' is an interesting word, huh?

    Cellist: I love the cello! Saw YoYo Ma when he had a concert here in town...

    Dimples: I'd love to share my story some day. It's actually quite the unique tragic drama.... so much so that if I related it here, anyone who knows me and is 'lurking' would recognize me immediately... so it'll have to wait... sorry....

    Blueblades: I hope he comes around.... right now it's not looking good, though..

    And everyone else: THANKS so much for your kind words!! You make me feel so welcome here! You guys seem like a really loving, caring crowd!

    Love to you all,


  • jaffacake

    A Warm Welcome,

    You are so courageous. Someone in your shoes could have gone through life, lying to yourself, just to stay in your comfort zone. Perhaps you have saved your kids in the long run.

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