Just got home from the assembly!!!!! How fortunate I am!!!!

by gringojj 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pwned

    i love reading the assembly report posts because like everyone else i can picture the exact things that are described as is nothing has changed in the last 10 years, what drives me crazy about it is how my family cant see that its the same recycled BS

  • gringojj

    Btw I am not putting myself through another day at the assembly. One day was torturous enough. I really would have liked to see the drama, but it would be too much. I would also like to add that the wts do not make it easy for people with kids. I mean we have a 2 year old and she had to sit on our lap the whole time. It was so boring for her but she did very well. She onloy started crying once. But the lunch break was the worst. It was almost 2 hours and you have to eat in the stadium seats. So I have a 2 year old on my lap in a dress, I have all nice clothes on, im trying to feed her without making too much of a mess. Its just very hard. I did notice the reserved seating. Notebooks and cooler packs were strewn all over the seats. I was kind of upset because I had reserved a seat for my sis-in-law by putting a childs sweater over it, and when I returned a man had moved it one seat over. I guess you could say he theocratically appointed himself a seat. And why do jws always brag about how they clean the stadium? Um...isnt that what people are supposed to do? And if the place is messy after the assembly, wasnt it jws who left the mess there? Cant figure that one out.

  • heatherg

    Thanks for the laugh, I needed that!! hg

  • Carol

    Thanks for the info....now if my mom calls, and I choose to answer the phone (I just love caller ID), I'll have some info....not that things have really changed, except they seem to have added one or two more "deepers" into the end of his system of things and they seem to be baptising them younger. When I was 13 and wanted to get baptised.......I really had to beg and prove I was qualified at such a young age (I plead insanity!).

    The lack of food at the assembly/convention site surprises me........all of the assembly halls they were building where so far out in the country there was no place to go to eat within miles......I guess things change.....and you were definately chastised if you brough food (I remember bring cookies for my child and being told off)...of what a difference a decade makes!

  • Sunspot

    Thanks for the inspiring synopsis of your day at the assembly! I enjoyed it and I burst out laughing when you did the "OBEY" comment! What a hoot! If I was still a JW in MA, I would have been there too. (Whatever happened to the Spfld Civic Center?)

    Can you remember the names of the speakers that gave talks, or experiences? I might recognize some of the older ones!

    I was surprised to learn a few years ago that they are meeting up in Amherst. I grew up with relatives in North Hadley and Sunderland, so I know where Amherst is and have been through it countless times.

    I was in the Spfld South Unit when I studied and when I was baptized (1972) and keep hoping that I'll find someone on here that might have known me.



  • gringojj

    Sorry I didnt pay attention to names, most of the speakers were from conn. congs though. My sis-in-law lives in the forest park area so she is close to your old cong, but shes dfed and still a believer. The civic center is being redone last time i was in spfld. The assembly is at the Mullen center in Amherst. Very uncomfortable seats. Theres a nice hall in Natick with comfy seats.

  • potleg

    Doesn't it all boil down to "Obedience or Death" The WTS has nothing new of value to give so they just rehash all the old stuff and tighten the screws more. Isolate the faithful even further and paint the world as darker than ever. Everything outside the org.is a threat, and evil, and dirty, and so deserves to be cleansed....Yeah there's going to be a religious cleansing...according to them.

    I don't know how the R&F put up with it...Dont play with the neigbor kids because they're "worldly" Isn't that a bit like saying dont shop at the grocery store because the owners are Jewish...We've been down that road before

    What's next, Goose setpping and raised arms?

  • jgnat

    In the Canadian slutty dress vignette, the ladies bought a lovely sundress "Just for the Convention". Dad noticed the slit was too high. Oops, back it goes.

    Was it my imagination, or was there a decided pall in the convention hallways afterwards? Somehow the girls in their new dresses had lost their bounce.

  • potleg

    Maybe the soociety could introduce it's own ilne of clothing "Kingdom Wear" They could make everything out of old gunny sacks...about 3 sizes too big ,so as not to reveal any bodily curves or bulges and just 2 styles, his and hers.... they could all have little caps too

  • Junction-Guy

    sounds like the same ole same ole that I had heard all the days of my youth.

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