Are You For or Against Abortion?

by minimus 152 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    katiekitten said: We have one little girl who the teachers have to feed on a morning because her mother just doesnt feed her!; I dont know about abortion, I think these people should be sterilised. Its clear they dont want kids, but they just keep on having unprotected sex because that are so UTTERLY STUPID.

    Amen Katie. Nothing disgusts me more than seeing stupid people breed like rabbits and then not raise them. Hell I've seen cats and dogs that are better parents than some humans. These kids' lives are utterly ruined and more often then not, THEY grow up, marry abusive mates and the whole cycle begins again.

  • zagor
    I also remember a JW woman with cancer of the uterus. At the same time she found out about her cancer she learned she was pregnant with her third child. The doctors encouraged her to end the pregnancy and begin chemo, that if she waited she would surely lose the battle of her cancer.

    It was a tough decision. She chose to forgoe the treatments, give birth, then resume the treatments.

    Can you imagine waiting 9 months before beginning treatments????

    She did. And she gave birth in GREAT PAIN to a most beautiful baby girl.

    She began her chemo and radiation but lost her life.

    Very faithful indeed!!!

    That was an amazing situation to watch in our

    I will never forget the courage and integrity of that woman.

    She gave her daughter the gift of life. She ultimately gave her life for her daughter.

    That was really touching story anewme, I felt shiver creeps down my spine as I was reading it. My gf got tears in her eyes when I’ve read it to her last night. That just show that life is indeed is much, much more than just taking care of our own needs and wants. It is never easy and choices are tough but as Bush said it well

    "The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak. In cases where there are serious doubts and questions, the presumption should be in the favor of life."
    How fitting, how appropriate. Indeed, who else deserves such protection if not our own kids? If we think otherwise I would wonder what that tells about us as individuals!!?!!

    One thing is to have lifestyle or other choices as long as we are only hurting ourselves but once our actions start affecting other people around us and especially those closest to us as our kids then something gotta be wrong with the way we think, and there's no escaping from the fact that we are very selfish, without resorting to even stronger expression, period.

  • katiekitten

    Was Bush holding his script upside down when he read that? Who REALLY wrote it? Because Bush doesnt have any thoughts of his own. He follows the script master. If its politically expedient, and the script master tells him, he will say it.

    Hes only interested in golf, and you know it.

  • Daunt

    If there were a concensus of a large number of women that have had an abortion i would doubt that any of them would say it was just a fling abortion and it didn't cause them emotional distress. You can argue for prolife with touching stories about how people were born and had a great life when they didn't opt for abortion, but I garrentee you that there's 10 times more stories of individuals who have died from starvation since their parents couldn't care for them or obtain contraceptive or an abortion.

    Another sad aspect of making abortion illegal is all of the individuals who will get illegal abortions. The number of illegal abortion diseases and death rise dramatically without drastically lowering the number of abortions. You are sending thousands of individuals who havea life already for the possibility of a life. It's hard to measure but I feel forcing anybody into this situation shows that they have a great possibility of having very crappy circumstances out of it.

  • zagor
    Was Bush holding his script upside down when he read that? Who REALLY wrote it? Because Bush doesnt have any thoughts of his own. He follows the script master. If its politically expedient, and the script master tells him, he will say it.

    Hes only interested in golf, and you know it.

    It is NOT who said it but WHAT has been said

  • Mulan

    I am pro choice. I doubt I could have ever aborted a baby, but don't think it's my business to make that choice for anyone else. Time and circumstances are so different.

    However, if I had a young daughter, pregnant from rape, I would probably suggest that as an option, but it would be up to her, ultimately. At least that's what I think now.

  • zagor
    If there were a concensus of a large number of women that have had an abortion i would doubt that any of them would say it was just a fling abortion and it didn't cause them emotional distress. You can argue for prolife with touching stories about how people were born and had a great life when they didn't opt for abortion, but I garrentee you that there's 10 times more stories of individuals who have died from starvation since their parents couldn't care for them or obtain contraceptive or an abortion.

    I'm not saying it shoud be outlawed just pointing how SICK our modern way of thinking really is. The very fact that people would do it even if it were illegal proves that argument even further. If we don't value a life of our own flesh and blood regardless whether it has be concieved at a "proper time" then how can we demand any rights for ourselves?!?!? And if we can then we are trully selfish.
    It is not child's fault that we have had unprotected sex, is it? Or are we showing concern for that baby's future by putting it to death before it had chance to make anything out of its life. Sort of removing of undesirables to make room for ones that have better chance of surviving, reminds me of 1940's.

  • Mulan

    I know a JW woman, who was pregnant with her fifth child, in six years, and was told because of her health, blood pressure, diabetes, that she would likely not survive the pregnancy, so she opted to end the pregancy. The elders told her it was her decision. That was back in the early 60's, and I can't imagine them doing that now.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I think there is a lot of confusion as to what the debate regarding abortion is actually about. Its not about forcing one's ideas on another, its about society deciding what is life. In the US when the Supreme Court handed down Roe vs. Wade they decided that when a fetus became viable that the state then took an interest in that life, and that life becomes protected by the laws of the state, the same ones that say that killing another person is wrong.

    When people are debating abortion, the real question and the one that the US supreme court wrestled with is what is life? The debate is not about forcing one's view on another, but for society to come to an agreement as to when life begins. In my opinion the only clear cut line is conception, pre con ception, no life, post conception there are too many ways to argue what is life, and as the court put it, when the state takes an interest in and protects that life.

  • zagor

    ... and just for the record this is what you are killing

    It is not a tumor or an object that is bothering you. And this is what you do to her.

    (it is too gruesome to post it here so have a look for yourself)

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