It's too hot!

by talesin 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas
    in my case it would make it shrink!!

  • kls
    in my case it would make it shrink!!

    And the difference would be,,,,,, You can't hit me ,,la,,,la

  • flower

    I feel your pain! Weve been in the midst of a heat and humidity wave lately too with temps in the 90's and humidity up in the 80% plus range. Its the humidity that kills me I hate that sticky, icky cant breath feeling . And my glasses fog up everytime I step outside . We have no ac on the second floor either so when the heat/humidity gets too bad we have to crash on the floor and couch in the living room where its cooler. Tonight we seem to have a break in the humidity and tomorrow is supposed to be 94 with only 60% humidity..looking forward to the break from the sticky icky.

  • talesin

    k, oh no, I am far too shy for that! Besides, I hear that the hoosegow is not AC!

    BT, you would be shocked at the property values here! Let's say, $50 G's US, would get you 50 acres and a farmhouse on the sea here, if you spend six months or a year looking around. It's worth considering the move, if the gov't would cooperate with the process. I'm serious, I have found that my Texan friends are soooo much like the peeps here, your family would love it here! Yes, NINA, REALLY! :) :D

    Lego, I said it before, you are naughty! lol ... it's a 'good thing'.


    Oy! Tks for 'feeling' it! You know what I mean ...

    I must say, my kitten (Blue) is doing well w/ the heat, she has cut down her play time, and rests appropriately ... and I feel very sad that I can't let her out to sit under some leaves, in the grass, and be cooler ...


  • freedom96

    Down here in San Diego, it has been way hot lately...... love the sun... not a fan of the heat. Thank God for A/C!

  • nowisee

    yes the heat has been brutal....crz weather this yr!

    i used to live in an attic apt. w/o ac. in summer it would be really steamy. one night in desperation i filled up a shallow pan with ice cubes, put that in front of a fan and i sat in front of it. it worked!

    well, not like ac, but try it and see if it helps. it got me thru.

    best wishes, nowisee

  • Euphemism

    Can you install a window AC? I don't know what your financial situation is, but around here you can buy one for less than $100.

    I actually have one in storage that I'm not using; if you lived closer, you'd be welcome to it.

    (Okay, so I'm being a man, suggesting solutions instead of being sympathetic... sorry! Consider yourself duly sympathized with. )

  • talesin

    freedom, tks for thinkin`of moi!


    HELLO! what a good idea... kay, I am there, will do it, after I write this post I will put some ice trays in the freezer (don`t usually use them hehe)

    An hour from now, I will be thanking you more!


    Yes! I am hoping that I will be able to get a free one from a college student ... we have a large transient population here, due to the many uni`s, and I may get lucky .. unfortunately, even 50 bucks is not within my negative cash flow right now ... heheh. But that will change by next summer ... and, yes, lil bro`, I know you would help me out if you could. Your practical suggestions are most welcome!



  • Xandria


    Used to live in AZ so I understand your "hot" flashes. Take a wet shirt place it in the ice box and after 20 minutes put it on. It will be cold at first but refreshing.. do you have fans?? Stand in front of them.

    At night, water the lawn, trees and eves of the house, so the water drips. It cools it down a lot. Or you can purchase a personal mister from the water store, walmart, etc. Stay cool! :)


  • G Money
    G Money

    Very hot here, so hot I took my shirt off and sported the wife veater, everyone thought it was cool but one club guy made me leave. I guess it made the bouncers feel small! hahahahaha Its dang hot and a full moon and I wanna feel cool.

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