It's too hot!

by talesin 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    kls, yes, I think that might help!!!! Come on, guys, I know you can do it!!!

    Ippy, yes, it feels like Iraq today, but I guess I am much luckier with only the heat, and no bombs.

    Rabbit, yes, I have a fan pulling the air thru, and one just for me. It helps, but you are right, it is unbearable. Oy, I'm not much of a whiner, but lol, the heat!

    stilla, I don't like the extreme cold, either, but I can always put on my snuggies,,, with the heat, what can you do?

    Lego, yeah, you have AC,,,, rub it in, girl! grrrr...... just kidding !

    Mary,,, yes, I wanted to get an AC, and have been asking around for anyone who is disposing of an old one ... but next summer, fer sure I must have it. ICK! I like your suggestion, have been using cold towels (wet them, then put in the freezer! it works well) ...

    thanks, folks! I needed to complain, this is a bit too much ... arrgg,,, Yes, Daunt, global warming is here, we never had weather like this when I was a kid ...


  • stillajwexelder

    stilla, I don't like the extreme cold, either, but I can always put on my snuggies,,, with the heat, what can you do? There is a smart-ass answer to that but out of respect for you I will refrain -but it is about you removing ---- well I will stop there and not dig myself in a hole

  • talesin

    lol ... stilla, I appreciate the humour! But, even butt-nekkid, I can't escape the G. D. HEAT! Unless you have something even kinkier in mind than I can imagine!

    lol,,,, just teasin' ya!

    yr bud,


  • talesin

    More sympathy, please!!!

  • wanderlustguy

    I'm in Raleigh...105 with the heat index and 80% percent humidity.

    Limited sympathy, but only because you're not used to it...

  • stillajwexelder

    well an ice bath may make them stand out - in my case it would make it shrink!!

  • Leolaia

    Temperature here was 75 degrees today. I think that's about the lowest in the nation (outside of Alaska)...

  • talesin

    Thanks, guys! I am not usually a wimp, but am enjoying the attention! (heheh, fans herself and has a sip of wine).


  • kls

    I got it i got it !!!!!!!!! Tales , oh i am so smart , run outside naked and when the police arrest you then you will get A/C in your jail cell.

    Am i smart or whatProblem solved.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I know y'all from Texas are used to it, but I'm not!

    No I'm not! I moved here when I was 5, and I STILL hate it.

    I need to move to Nova Scotia, or Alaska, or England. I like nice cloudy weather with temps in the 50s-60s. So how smart am I? I live in Texas!!

    oiy vey!


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