Any one else that can't sleep besides me ?

by kls 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    WOW kls:

    Up all nite eh?

    I crash hard before 10PM up at 4 am and wishing I could be in bed longer.

    Whats gonna happen when I visit west next month? Those two hour change times are a killer.

  • kls
    Whats gonna happen when I visit west next month? Those two hour change times are a killer.

    Xjwms, just have a good time and you will be so busy and having so much fun that you won't want to sleep

    Now say that over and over while you sit up all night and can't sleep

  • xjwms

    Thanks kls

    Good advice.

    Whew, .. now I know what to do.

  • kls

    You are so welcome Xjwms and i am just full of soultions,,,,,,,,,,,among other things

  • HadEnuf

    I never could sleep until I discovered DRUGS! Yup...finally went to a sleep doctor and she got me on the right combination of medications. What a difference it has made in my life. Last night I was reading this big biography of Natalie Wood and fell asleep and woke up at 3 am with the book on my neck and the light on my headboard shining directly in my eyes. Glad the book didn't sufficate me. It's a large print and must weigh 10 lbs. HAHAHA! It's boring so that's why I fell asleep I guess. First time that's ever happened to me.

    cathy l.

  • kls
    It's a large print and must weigh 10 lbs

    So i should get a bunch of books and pile them on me to slow my breathing way down ,and off to sleep i go . ( Can you say suffication )

    Well HadEnuf i'm glad someone slept lastnight but wait till saturday

  • ButtLight

    I never sleep well either! I wake my self up by talking in my sleep, or acting out my dreams! Or just wake up for no reason, and go smoke a cig (which is about every night!) Kids up late, slamming doors! Yelling ,screaming, laughing little brats!

  • lilbit

    Hell take some of this stuff the dr just prescribed me. Im doing my best to keep my eyes open.


  • orion

    I would like to sleep but somehow my baby just knows when I hit deep sleep and SCREAMS....and i wake up ....either that or i wake up on my own thinking I hear him crying but when i check he is fast asleep.

    Orion one of the " wish i got more sleep" class

  • z

    Kls ok see why I’m not sleeping I dream in colour (Canadian spelling WTF we know ) my new site is on go and see it

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