Any one else that can't sleep besides me ?

by kls 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    Z , email me the site ,K ?

  • kls
    my baby just knows when I hit deep sleep and SCREAMS....and i wake up ....

    Orion, your baby may just be dreaming and slightly wakes himself up but falls right back to sleep.

  • z

    same as b 4 on the way 2 u right now

  • z

    Kls sry your email is on my home laptop not in my office SHOOT ME

  • fairchild
    (fairchild) Oh horror for sure, but I laughed when I woke up, happy it wasn't real. It's a recurring nightmare.... at night, I cook for a living. I have this nightmare where I am at work, all alone, and literally hundreds of tickets come in, and keep coming in by bunches. I'm all by myself cooking,

    OMG, you won't believe this.. I work at a very busy restaurant, we serve about 300 lunches and 700 dinners a day. I WAS cooking all by myself today, because the two usual lunch cooks were sick, so I worked for them. It was kind of quiet around lunch hour, so I was just diddling around, getting some stuff done to prepare for the dinner hour. Then, one of the waitresses came into the kitchen and asked me why it was taking me so long to cook the lunches for her tables. I asked... what lunches? I don't have any tickets? As I'm saying that, another waitress comes in, asking about her orders.. This is when we found out that the connection between the printer and the computer was messed up and was not printing the tickets to the kitchen. Once we had the printers back on line, so many tickets came out... I didn't have enough room to hang them up. Everyone around me was walking on eggshells, knowing that I was the only cook in the building, and the slightest disturbance might throw me over the edge.. it took forever to catch up on all the tickets, it was a NIGHTMARE. I had told them about my nightmare when I came in to work... we all laughed about it afterwards.

  • Dustin

    I have that problem alot. I am a person who tends to worry about things alot. The only times I sleep really well are when I get drunk.

  • kls

    Whoa Fairchild, maybe you better not sleep tonight ,then all will be fine tomorrow

    This must have been one really bad day and all the work on you ,but it sounds like you pulled it off Now rest.

  • fairchild

    Lol, KLS, it was actually pretty amazing, this happening after I had that dream last night. Rough day indeed. We open for lunch at 11am. Check this out.. the kitchen is actually a double kitchen, consisting of two identical parts. In daytime, only one part is open, and then they open the second part for the evening rush. As I was setting up to get started for lunch, in kitchen #1, the gas line to the grill didn't work, someone showed up immediately to fix it and promised it would be fixed before 10.30. At 10.55, only 5 minutes before opening, he was still working on it. So I had to open kitchen #2, but the fryers were already hot in kitchen # 1, and I didn't have time to start up the fryers in kitchen # 2, because it takes a while for them to get hot, and I was thinking that the guy would be done fixing that gas line any second, and I'd switch kitchens real quick. So I'm working in kitchen #2, but my fryers were going in kitchen #1, and every time I needed to use the fryers, I had to RUN from one kitchen to the other. It was fun, fun, fun...

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