Any one else that can't sleep besides me ?

by kls 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls
    KLS where I am now it's GMT plus two hours, 10:37 AM,

    Wow Greendawn , your time is way ahead of us in the US. Wish it was 10:37 here ,i could have my coffee and wait for lunch.

  • googlemagoogle

    1 point only? what did i win? ;-)

    yeah, we live in your future... i wonder if you travel east fast enough, if you go back in time?

  • kls
    1 point only? what did i win? ;-)

    here is your prize

    I tell ya what , if you wanna try and travel east real fast ,let me know what happens if you come back.

  • googlemagoogle

    wait a moment.. it has to be west. east would be a time travel to the future.

  • kls
    wait a moment.. it has to be west. east would be a time travel to the future.

    Well Google . i think the best way to find out is do them all N,S ,E and west and see what happens ,but ya better hurry.

  • greendawn

    KLS since you are in Wisconsin that has to be Central US time which is 8 hours behind relative to me, so you are now at 3:00 AM and I understand why you say you have problems with sleeping I suppose most people are sleeping there now. Perhaps you can make up by waking up in the afternoon.

    Most posters on the JWD are from the USA and things get more quiet on the forum at this time, it's between 1 and 4 AM in the USA so only night birds post.

  • kls

    Yes Greendawn ,everyone is snoring away ,even the dogs . Me sleep till noon ? That would be lovely but it would never happen ,this place is like Grand Central station with people coming and going.

  • under74

    I'm still up. Have you tried any sleep aids or allergy medication?

  • googlemagoogle

    Have you tried any sleep aids

    i wouldn't try aids, it's dangerous.

  • gespro

    hmmmm.........well, then......the monkey finally passed out, did she?

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