Women, Women, Everywhere..

by Englishman 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Englishman asked: Why would women be attracted to join such a chauvinistic, patriarchal and mysogenist religious group?

    I wasn't-----I was born into it so I didn't have much of a choice!!

    One thing I do notice in this religion is that when a sister's husband leaves her, she more often than not becomes a really fanatical Dub, pioneering, studying 24-7, at every single meeting........I think that because most Witness women get married while still in their teens, they have absolutely no idea how to live without a man. When the husband leaves, Jehovah replaces the male figure in their life which explains why they go mental with their spirituality.

  • Crumpet

    Why would women be attracted to join such a chauvinistic, patriarchal and mysogenist

    Some women obviously find that appealing - after all look at Her Ladyship.

    (Only kidding! LOL! - runs for cover!)

  • FlyingHighNow

    Something important to remember: the jws don't start out by shoving this headship thing down a woman's throat. They lure her with the paradise and an end to all the world's problems. They lower the boom on her later with the things they will take away. They wait until she is hooked, line and sinker to do this.

  • mrsjones5
    Ever notice how the unsuspecting "male" that is studying is being vied for WAY before he's a "brother" and the "sisters" get all territorial about it, staking out a "claim"...and as soon (or even before) as he's dunked... he's married....hmmmm.

    Yes yes yes!!! I call that phenomenon "New Dick in the Hall". Sister see a new guy and they come arunnin.

    Had a boyfriend who was an exjw who took full advantage of it. He started attending hall and studying with the jws and he said he had sisters all over him, just trying to get with him. I think he let it go to his head, even fathered a daughter with one of the sisters. I met the woman. Very desperate. Told him she knew he didnt love her but they could get married for the sake of the child and divorce after the child turned 18. He did get baptised and disfellowshipped, I dont know if it was because of fornication but I have a feeling it was.


  • rebel8

    My mother is the one who joined--I was just a kid. She joined because she craves highly structured environments. Her childhood so lacked structure that she seeks out the dysfunctional opposite of that. She was looking for a cult that would let her be in a submissive role, and she found one.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Ever notice how the unsuspecting "male" that is studying is being vied for WAY before he's a "brother" and the "sisters" get all territorial about it, staking out a "claim"...and as soon (or even before) as he's dunked... he's married....hmmmm.

    Yes yes yes!!! I call that phenomenon "New Dick in the Hall". Sister see a new guy and they come arunnin.

    I've seen the same thing with pretty girls though. I brought my kids to a lone meeting late in 1999. I couldn't believe the drooling single brothers following her around like puppies. I've seen it with other beautiful girls as well.

  • Elsewhere

    I believe it is because a certain portion of the female population craves to be dominated and the WTS teaches that women should be dominated by the men who "possess" them.

    Basically the women are customers who buy the product that the WTS has to offer.

    There are other women who desire to be more independent and there are religions out there that offer that "product" and therefore attract that kind of woman.

  • daystar

    The congregation I grew up in did not seem to be that way. We had an enormous number of young, attractive brothers and very few young, attractive sisters back then. For us guys, DCs and assemblies were like mating season.

    Being a single father of one, my parents have as recently as this past year mentioned to me that might consider going back to the KH to meet "a nice girl". As tempting as that is... um, no! I'd prefer a relationship that is a partnership rather than another person in submission.

    I think I will generally agree with what others have suggested as reasons for women to join the JWs.

  • Elsewhere
    Being a single father of one, my parents have as recently as this past year mentioned to me that might consider going back to the KH to meet "a nice girl".

    lmao! I love it when they use poon to try to get you to join their religion. I'd be more than happy to tap it and then be on my way.

    And they say only pagan religions use sex at get people to join up.

  • trevor

    When I got married to a Jehovah’s Witness girl, she expected me to make all the decisions drive the car and take the blame for every wrong move. I wanted more support and felt I was carrying the whole show as head of the house.

    Then we left the Cult and she grew up, did well at work and started to question everything decision I made. She informed me that as we were no longer Jehovah’s Witnesses, she didn’t have to follow me. I said fine, you can be in charge, make the decisions and do the footwork that goes with that, take the responsibility when you get it wrong and I’ll mind my own business and let you run the show. I will not dominate you but I will not be told what to do or dominated either.

    I have an easy life now as a passenger. Why drive when someone insists on being a chauffeur?

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