Was Jesus Created?

by 9thWonder 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe


    ......so where's the problem. He gonna get me on a technacallity is he?

    Seems to me that that's what you're trying to do, so why shouldn't He play hardball back?

  • Crumpet

    JCAnon - this is rubbish reasoning my man:

    There is no getting around that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, he has an "archangel's voice"

    Some would say I have a whore's voice - now that doesn't make me a whore does it?

    No need to applaud my point well made - well if you must!

  • gumby
    Some would say I have a whore's voice

    Anyway I can get your #

    *just wants to listen for like 2 minutes*


  • LittleToe

    I can give you her number.

    Alternatively I can send you a copy of the secret tape I made, if ya want to keep it anonymous

  • defd

    Yes Jesus was created by God. Much Biblical proof. Too much to deny.

  • hibiscusfire


    So....Joseph had absolutely no blood ties with Jesus.....yet Matthew Chapter 1: 1-17 goes to great lengths in connecting Jesus to Abraham by giving a geneology from Abraham to Joseph.

    I wonder why? What connection does Jesus have with Abrahams blood as far as Joseph is concerned? If there is no connection, why was it recorded and put in the canon?

    Matthew lists Jesus' legal lineage through Joseph, who is not His biological father, anyway. But Luke lists Jesus' physical ancestry down to Mary, who literally carried Him in the womb, and thus was His mother. This all shows that Jesus is the legal and literal Son of David, qualified to reign over Israel.

    Matthew uses the custom of the day to list genealogy, not always by father and son, or father and grandson, but sometimes the legal father, ignoring the biological father.

    Matthew counts in fourteens for easy memorization or easy reference to Jesus' genealogy through Joseph.


  • hmike

    The "voice of the archangel" doesn't have to be the voice of Jesus--just an archangel announcing the entry of Jesus into our visible, physical dimension. Since ancient times, the approach of a king or other high official has always been announced in some way.

  • hibiscusfire


    Jesus is not just a son of God. He is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON which puts Him into another category altogether. (John 1:14)

    Simply put - God saw how the earth was deteriorating with sin: crime, violence, hate etc. He decided He would come to earth Himself in flesh to give the people hope. He came as Jesus in the flesh.

    If you literally saw God in His natural form would you have believed it is God? God is a Spirit.

  • Crumpet

    Gumby - for you its free !

    and LT I have no fears of a secret tape as I have never talked dirty to you - so stop teasing lil gumby chops with secret tapes that are as imaginary as the archangel.

  • LittleToe

    Spoilsport. I wuz only havin' a little fun wiv ma buddy!

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