Was Jesus Created?

by 9thWonder 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe


    "Why are you calling me good, only Jehovah is."

    Actually he doesn't deny being good, or make a statement about himself at all. He asks "Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, God (theos)".

    For an alternative opinion, this could be taken as Jesus drawing out the inquirer to see if he was acknowledging his divinity.

    I just wish there were more unitarians like me. People usually send me a message at times like this... I wish someone would now.

    If it's any consolation, there are few Christians on the board, period. Regardless of doctrinal persuasion. You'll get used to fighting your own corner alone, I assure you - I know I did!

  • inquirer

    But- there are so many arguments saying the bible isnt true- so how can this be used as evidence. In all honesty, unless something is found- book, manuscript etc that beyond all doubt signifies what Jesus was/is- there will always be arguments for an against.


    inquirer -- It's sad that it is like that. :( It should be obvious.

  • Satanus

    Hey, lt. I hardly ever attack you any more, since i had that operation. That has to be an improvement.


  • inquirer


    If it's any consolation, there are few Christians on the board, period. Regardless of doctrinal persuasion. You'll get used to fighting your own corner alone, I assure you - I know I did!


    Inquirer -- So you use to be like me and be unitarian with your posts?

  • inquirer


    People should be varied with their opinions! Where's all the other religious cultures?


    Should be someone saying "yes," or "no," or "I'm not sure," or "I'm too busy to answer/or don't care to answer!"

    You can't just have the "yes" people and the "no" people! :)

  • PaulJ

    inquirer- I know what you mean. Personally I believe in the bible (although I think the different translations have messed the meaning up a bit).

    But at the same time I am an open book (he he he- oh dont worry) If it was proven to me it was a big bag of nonsense, then Id believe so.

    I believe he was created because I believe God created all things. To me its a simple as that. This is what I believe at the moment- but if and when I want to I will look closer at the bible and maybe research more. But to disprove the bible- what can be used to disprove it? It will always be someone elses opinion. Based on what? Someone elses opinion again...

    Believe what you can to the best of your understanding.

  • LittleToe

    I gladly take back the JW comment

    A question for you, though. Why, when there are adequate words for "create" and "make" in the ancient languages, are these not applied to him? They are of mankind. The application of "human logic" seems an unusual excuse, as the application of "human logic" also brings many to a different conclusion. This is especially in connection with texts regarding "creatorship". The general tone of the New Testament writers seems to be that he was the creator.

    And btw, do you pray through Jesus name or through Jesus? There is a difference, ya know? I'd suggest it's kinda rude to barge into the presence of God and indicate that I'm praying through the name of the guy in the corner...

    Please be assured that I'm not attacking your Unitarian stance with these comments. It's just been my experience that when confronted with a doctrinal position that they don't like (e.g. Trinity) people often go to opposite extremes to attempt to prove it wrong (e.g. the Armenian / Calvinist debate). IMHO the more balanced Unitarians are those who also accept the divinity of Christ.

  • LittleToe

    Inquirer:Satanus is a pantheist - does that count?

    I started out life on this board saying some daft things, too, but I continued delving. And for the record I'm a Trinitarian... sorta. Well, as Trinitarian as an unorthodox Christian mystic can get while attesting to the divine nature being omnipresent...

    True, true

    Paul:How do you read Collosians 1:16?

  • inquirer

    Ok, no worries. Haven't felt the best lately. Internet, not good for communication (with emotions, even if you use smilies.)

    Well, I mean, I thought Jesus was INVOLVED in the creation process (beside him as a master worker)... Like Jehovah was guiding him to make sure everything on planet earth was in the right place "mountain here, river there..." Bit like a theater stage where all the people are putting on the props on, testing the lights, and making sure the people on stage know what role they have to play in the show...

    Well I pray through Jesus... We have to make sure our prayers are right. He is our mediator... their both important, they have to decide on what you are praying about. If they both take part in making the earth and all that, they both have a right to "hear what you are praying about."

    No worries... can't remember what I wrote. Got to go to bed in a minute... Can't remember what I said. lol (I have such a bad memory.)

    Well, I mean, I just say what I believe. Nothing more, nothing less. You can be trinitarian, I can be unitarian. I just present things with the way I think is like what you are doing. I do consider other opinions, I looked at sites like jesusdoesn'texist or whatever. And I had serious doubts about Christ for about 2 days. And then I researched against it so to speak... and then I thought, can't be right. People are killing Christ again! And yes, I did consider all the angles of where they were coming from.

    PaulJ, well I am glad someone is agreeing. Hoorah! :) Can't say more. Sorry. Must go. Goodnight.

  • inquirer

    That last post was 99% for LittleToe.

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