at a pioneer's birthday party... YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!

by in a new york bethel minute 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • upside/down

    Dubs will do ANYTHING for something free...

    even stoop to "celebrating" a B-day...

    u/d (of the who cares class)

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    Where did you go, Mother Tucker's?

    haha i believe it's called tucker's marketplace because of how easy it was for vandals to change the company sign on the building... anyways, it was at a local bar/restaurant. i was surprised because i know many non-pioneer dubs that inconspicuously celebrate their bdays, but even they don't normally give and accept gifts. that's what surprised me. even my friend's mother (who is solid like a rock in the faith) was invited under the pretense of it being celebritory of the date the pioneer was born, so something in dub-world is amiss lately.

    bethel minute

  • one


    when a where was the last reference the wt made to bday as pagan, that will give an idea as to why jw celebrating...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    This is very surprizing to me. I never heard of any of this going on while I was in the borg. Not even a whisper of it.

    Perhaps the borg is letting this change slowly to cover the tracks? It would be good to know when the last 'official' article that made it wrong was published. I have no idea.

    Anther example of 'tacking' into new light?


  • rebel8

    hmmmm....this thread surprises me. i knew dubs who'd go out to restaurants to get the free meal. my jw mother calls me to remind me it's my "birthdate" (her word) and to tell me her labor and delivery story again. that's the extent of involvement i've ever heard of. never have i heard of someone having a cake and gifts, or a party with guests. very surprised.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    very surprised.

    me too. i wasn't expecting it to be as organized and "birthday-party-like"... good for them! it's the first step of thinking for themselves

    bethel minute

  • Daunt

    My sister's "boyfriend"'s birthday was a few days ago. I don't know whether he did or anything or not but he visited our convention a few days before it. Anyways a friend of mine's birthday was also on the same day as his. Then my sister's "boyfriend" asked, "is he having a birthday party". Then he sorta kept stressing it and then when we all gave him the patented JW look he acted like he was kidding. I've always been isolated voluntarily from most JW's but that was just a taste of what some folks may have done.

  • BrendaCloutier

    .... ok. My jaw has dropped on this one. It took me a few minutes to pick it up off the floor and get out most of the cat hair.

    When I was growing up my mom would bake a cake on my date of birth, but of course it wasn't a birthday cake.

  • BrendaCloutier

    The severed head of a Barbie Doll would have been an appropriate gift.

  • greendawn

    Just why were birthdays of pagan origin I never could understand, the pagans also had weddings and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just an occasion too have fun.

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