Why do you come to JWD?

by jeanniebeanz 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    I come here for all the beautiful ladies, mother figures, marriage requests, and future drinking buddies.

    And also, because I want those who want to know to know that freedom is out there.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Wow, say that 3 times fast:

    I want those who want to know to know that freedom is out there
    I want those who want to know to know that freedom is out there
    I want those who want to know to know that freedom is out there

    Very cool, Richie!And very admirable.


  • trevor

    Often wonder why really come here. I am good at analysing other people but not myself.

    I started here some years ago with an axe to grind against the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I think I have got that out of my system and now I just enjoy the company of you all and sometimes laugh at the absurdity of life and people. I flirt a little, sorry, ladies only. There are also some serious and helpful posts which contain a lot of wisdom.

    I think the cat-fights and cock-fights are great fun. I thought one was going to kick off again, a few posts back, but alas all has calmed down - for now! I know posters are not supposed to insult each other but it makes me howl with laughter. The fun really starts when Simon wades in and stirs up the USA supporters.

    I have been known to butter Simon up but I keep quiet when he is having a bad day because I don’t want to be disassociated. Thanks for providing this great site Simon (enough butter?)

  • PaNiCAtTaCk

    Brothers! "Where else would we go?????"

  • PaulJ

    For me, I left the Witnesses and wandered off into the 'world'. I felt guilty for leaving etc, felt like I'd let God down etc. I decided to look up ex JW's on the internet after about 2 1/2 years and bumped into you lot.

    Been here 6 weeks or so now and it feels great to share stuff with people who know exactly where you are coming from, know exactly how you feel- most of them with the same kinda humour as well!!

    I JWD

  • Sunspot

    Because I am weak and this place is addicting!
    Other than that, I'm interested in people.........especially exJW people. This forum is not "just another board" that has a lot of former JWs, it is a place of comfort, venting, compassion and THE greatest place for current info about the smarmy side of the WTS.

    Most of the very courageous whistle-blowers EVER, have posted their stuff on here ,and those that don't-----there are plenty of folks that have access to their websites and articles that willingly pass the information on to us here.

    I have no real friends.

    I have been "out" just under six years now. Before JWD was born, I was on a couple of mailing-list support groups for women. They picked me up, dusted me off, gave me Kleenex and plenty of comfort. It was so wonderful to know how many gals out there knew exactly what I was experiencing after a 30-year stint in the WTS Army. They gave me love, caring, advice and a whole lot more.

    Then I came across another DB kinda like this one and when that one went under----I found JWD. With the exception of a few hospital stays and PC meltdowns I have been here ever since. I used to feel crummy at heart that this is what I was reduced to for friendship after having so many "friends" over the years as a JW.

    I don't feel that way any more. At ALL! There IS no one else who will understand the complexities of being a JW and then NOT being one, with all the hidden things in that box we have to drag around with us when we leave. I now think of it as HAVING real friends, and the former friendships were all an illusion. They weren't friends at all. I understand it, but I feel bad when I see something said like what was in the quote above.

    I was asked the old question (by email) by one sister ...when I left and why, "Where will you go"? I WISH that this DB had been around back then, because I would have told her I was going to JWD! AND lovin' it!


    hugs always,


  • Crumpet
    I flirt a little, sorry, ladies only.

    Trevor - Not even Evil Force, Preston or wee Scotsman? what about Little Toe then? LOL!

    I come here to laugh, to spout and to develop my ability to express myself well. I learn loads off of you guys!

    crumpet x

  • misguided

    After leaving in 1997 and subsequent df'ing in 2002, I found myself STILL ALIVE in 2004, and thought...geeze that's 90 years post 1914. That generation must be passing away by now. What happened to Armageddon? I was wondering about their "New Light."

    I had 2 options:

    1. Go back to the meetings. This scared me. I was afraid of having that "elastic band around my head feeling" that I'd had for many years in the org. I've spent many years feeling crazy, not good enough, like a failure, stupid (because I could never quite get it). I was afraid of that compelling feeling that I would have to do everything right again, or else! Or,

    2. Check out the internet for info. This took me quite a few years to do, because I felt it so wrong. I found the information I was looking for, clearly presented. I finally had that Awake feeling I was so looking for. From here, I learned what reading was recommended for people who were still held "hostage" to their beliefs, and then read COC, Diane Wilson's book, and just started reading In Search of Christian Freedom (when I can "peel" myself away from JWD.)

    Thank you all for your help in my recovery. Just knowing there's others out there who can completely understand...and are willing to talk about it...WOW!


  • trevor

    All lovely boys Crumpet but I’ll stick to flirting with you, thanks! I know Little Toe likes to nit-pick but had no idea he bowled for the other side.

    By the way, I miss the photo of you biting the apple and I am sure other posters do to.

  • Crumpet

    Trevor - your wish is my command! LOL!

    I do love to spread naughty rumours about LT when he's not here to defend himself! Thats another reason for coming to the board!

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