If you were bullied at school for being a JW kid..

by mtbatoon 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    No, I wouldn't thank them. My life at school was hell. But I forgive them, after all, they were only kids.

    About 10 years ago, I was at a pub having lunch. The manager came up to my table and said "Are you ____, is that you? I'm ____ and we went to school together. I want to apologize for all the teasing and bullying I did to you. I've felt guilty about it all my life."

    I got tears in my eyes, and told him not to worry, we were only children, and I had forgiven him long ago. (Also, it helped that he was only a prankster, not one of the scary kids who used to beat me on a regular basis.) I thanked him for his kindness, though, and told him how good it felt to know there were people in the world like him, who cared so much about others' feelings.


  • diamondblue1974

    Talesin I had a similar experience but in reverse....I never bullied anyone but I purposefully ignored the swot in my class because it wasnt cool to speak to her....we met up at a school reunion some years back only to discover that we had and have more in common than I was ever to imagine, same taste in music....similar wavelength and sense of humour....we couldve been great friends and because I was childish I missed out....children can be so cruel sometimes.

    I wasnt bullied for being a JW but was bullied (cos I was a weed) until secondary school...but for reasons best kept offline I was an angry teenager and I was avoided by the known bullies because I gave as good as I got.

  • talesin


    I'm glad you got to know her. It feels good to make those reparations, huh? Good on ya! I would love to go to a HS reunion,,, unfortunately, since I didn't graduate, I never get notified of them. :( I have only run into 2 or 3 old schoolmates in my whole life, and they were so happy to hear I had left the JW. I never knew they cared!



  • RichieRich

    If you don't tell people, they don't know.

    <---- fights back, and wins...

  • RichieRich

    If you don't tell people, they don't know.

    <---- fights back, and wins...

  • Undecided

    No. I had a worldly friend there that lived next to me out in the country and we were like brothers. He and I were the biggest ones in our class so no one would pick on us. I did have one guy who picked on me for about a year and I got fed up on it and we fought.(This was before I grew up) He didn't bother me after that. My school buddy still lives over on the old homeplace.

    Ken P.

  • mtbatoon

    As always different situations cause different responses, though my bullying was only occasionally physical, mainly name calling and exclusion, I can see now how it was used to force me to conform to the social norm. I look on it as society knocking me into shape rather than individual kids having fun at my expense. As a society I think we are all to quick to label something as bad when even in its extremity it does have a social function.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yes I got bullied at school for being a Jdub but not that many at school knew I was one. It was hard enough being accepted by my peers let alone for them to know I was a Jdub. Like so many other dubs my age, I balanced that fine line between not being a "worldly" person and being accepted by others. Although I don't regret it now for it made me a better person in that I don't need others exceptants to make me feel better about myself.


  • Crumpet

    The point you make about the "exclusion" is interesting MtBatoon. I turned that aspect around and relished being an outcast - within school, society and the congregation. Someone told me that this is self-preservation - you make a virtue of necessity. However it is a little disturbing - I was definitely one of those sorts of kids who was so repressed and permanently in a state of depression had I been brought up in a gun culture - well who knows where my anger might have taken me.

    DB - you were unlucky -

    if he misbehaves you put him in detention

    my parents had already told me I was never to stay behind with a teacher, so they couldn't backtrack when i obeyed. there's a scripture I had ready if they did something to do with being to harsh with the rod of discipline ...

  • DannyHaszard

    Very much so,i was in second grade when president John Kennedy was killed and a wave of nationalistic hysteria swept the classroom.

    They hated me,it was open season on me and my siblings in the playground for YEARS.I was a 7 y.o. baby what did i know ??

    I am gonna make you Watchtower (living in their ivory tower) annointed baldhead motherf**kers pay for my abuse.

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