Conditional love

by noidea 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    Real Elder,

    The fact that you come here to try and understand what happens to a JW after they are given the ax is commendable if that is your real purpose. If your recently gained insights are exclusively for the use of helping those that are still in the organization then again your efforts in that specific regard are commendable. Helping is helping no matter what your specific agenda is and it should be applauded. BUT, at what cost are you willing to continue this walk on the dark side? Besides setting yourself up to look like the most understanding and compassionate elder in all of JWdom what exactly do you think is
    in it for all us poor unfortunate exJW's? Do you think by your comments given to us by a voice on the other side of the fence is going to bring us any comfort or ease the pain we have endured through the years wondering if our mommys and daddys still love us? Do you think your one single scrap of perceived compassion is going to change one tiny little thing in the world of absolute watchtower control? Do you think any of us are going to have one single speck of joy contemplating a thought that there is at least one little elder that just might understand our feelings and may possibly go a bit lighter on one of his little sheep the next time they take a tiny step over the line?

    You said you would tell someone's mother to go see her disfellowshipped daughter while she is in the hospital. That is quite kind of you handing out a hall pass like that. What about the other 364 days of the year? Do you immediately revert back to the watchtower societies tool of discipline at that point? Have you read one single thread on this board that you would have to say the poster deserves a life sentience of being exiled from the love of their mother and father? Have we committed such unconscionable crimes that we deserve to lay lifeless in a grave of psychological death cut off from our flesh and blood
    loved ones because some grumpy old men decided we just might cause one of their robots to falter? If you really want to help your sheep take a deeper look at Bill and the Silent Lambs situation. There is a man who is helping.

    My mom is dyeing and I have seen her three times in seventeen years thanks to the love and kindness of your beloved organization. When she does pass I am not even going to think about going to the funeral and have a group of pseudo compassionate men in JC Penny suits tell me where I can and can not sit. Your beloved organization has kidnapped my mothers love and held it for a ransom payable by me just by saying "I was wrong and you were right". Screw that and screw them! My only crime that condemned me to this state of being is saying I don't agree. If that is a crime to god then in my opinion there is no god. Do you honestly believe that all this misery and all this pain is just because a few million people want to continue to believe that a talking snake told a naked lady to eat a piece of fruit? Help your little sheep and sleep tonight knowing you try and be the best shepherd that you can be. Just don't fuck with our lives in the process and don't pretend for a second that you give a rats ass about any of us. I for one aint buying it.


  • jonjonsimons

    A "fucking" MEN,


  • seven006


    Im in an uncharacteristically foul mood today and my spell checker and I are in the mood to kick a little butt.
    I'm sure I will go back to my nice guy mode tomorrow.


  • jonjonsimons

    Sorry you're having a bad day. And I'm sorry about your mother. I know what that feels like. The anniversary of my mothers death was last weekend and I was absolutely evil for 3 days. I thought your post kicked ass. It was similar to the response I posted to RealElder but you said it much better than I.


  • seven006

    Thanks JJ, I really do appreciate your comment. The more I think about it the more pissed off I am getting. I should get the hell off the internet today before I punch out my monitor. I almost never get this angry.


  • noidea


    When we women have bad days we call it PMS. LOL!

    On a serious note I want to tell you how sorry I am to hear about your mother. Such a helpless situation. Please know that we are here for you and realize that you are entitled to your feelings and thoughts good and bad, you have lived the hurt and pain and it needs to be told so the works of the org. are seen by all sides.

  • jonjonsimons

    Anger isn't always a bad emotion. Go to the gym and punch the hell out of a punching bag. If you break it, it won't cost as much to replace as your monitor, and you probably won't need to make a trip to the emergency room to stitch your hand up. (haha) You can also try watching a sappy movie. It's easier for us guys to release emotion thru tears if we convince ourselves that it's someone elses pain that's causing it. Usually after a good cry I feel a little better, even if the problem is still there. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
    Peace and love,

  • Winston


    My deepest sympathy.

    I beleive in what goes around comes around.

    People who teach these things(shunning) must have a terrible veiw of family relationships.

    What else can we expect from a bunch of old men so removed from society and real family life, they must not be very happy themselves and so make decisions that rob others of normal happiness.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • seven006

    Thanks guys. I'm sorry but the silent lambs thing and the thread started by Fred Hall has just sent me through the ceiling and I have taken it out on Real Elder and I know he didn't deserve my wrath. I am never like this and I do need to calm down. Thank you very much for your kind words. I think I need to get off the internet now and go for a long walk.

    Thanks again, you re all great people


  • Billygoat


    I can't say I've ever been in a "fowl" mood before. Do you feel like a chicken? A turkey? A quail? Just joking - trying to lighten things up a little. I am truly sorry to hear about your mother. Since both of my parents are doing well, I can only imagine what you're going through. But know that you are in my thoughts!

    Love - laced with a bad joke,

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