Gays and the Bible.

by gumby 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • andy2tanx

    Ok ok ok, I understand... no I dont know the guy, sorry, I dont think kirkby is anywhere near me...

  • LittleToe

    Kirkby is probably a ways South of ya. Were you anywhere near Rotherham? I knew a lad called Jason, from there, who left to go to Bethel in the late 80's.

    I was down on the borders of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

  • littlerockguy

    I personally cannot reconcile homosexuality and the bible.

    Not meaning to side step the issue but the same question can be raised about straight people getting a divorce without grounds of adultery (or should I say pornea which covers more sexual immorality) however many religions condone that. Why?

  • Hellrider

    Spook wrote: "Nobody actually takes the bible as literal. It contains logically impossible contradictions. Every christian practices buffet christianity. Throw out a lot more, while you're at it."

    So, who`s to decide what`s to be thrown out? This line of thought is the same as saying "obviously, not everything in the Bible is Gods word, some stuff got in there by the humans that wrote it down...and those things we have to delete" (just like WT has edited and changed the bible in their "NWT"). So, who`s to decide? Ok, say I`m a really sick psychpath, if I am allowed to edit out whatever I want, I`m gonna edit out everything but "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", then buy an assault rifle and go nuts in the local Burger King cause the manager there fired me when I was 16. The point is: If the Bible is not to be read literally as Gods word, because of the assumption that "some of the stuff in there was put in by humans like us", then NOTHING the Bible says can ever be trustworthy.

    But of course, it`s just a fairytale anyway. I don`t understand why homosexuals want to be part of a church anyway, having gone thru life being condemned by most christians.

  • LittleToe


    I don`t understand why homosexuals want to be part of a church anyway, having gone thru life being condemned by most christians.

    Because fortunately Christianity is about a personal relationship, rather than a religion or a bunch of rules. If Christ loves gay folks enough to want a relationship with them, who should cast the first stone?

  • pratt1

    I'm with Preston on this one.

    Personally, I have no problem with Homosexuality of Same Sex Marriage. It is however very hypercritical to condemn one type of sex without the benefit of marriage and to allow the other.

    Either you are for fornication or against.

    You can't pick and chose when to condemn some and not the others or you risk being (acting) preduicial.

  • Sith

    If that means the Bible is full of shit, I couldn't agree more.
    If I gave my children a list of rules, and decided to kill them if they didn't follow those rules to the letter, I sure as hell would make sure they knew EXACTLY what the rules were. I wouldn't leave them open to a thousand interpretations.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    we know the Law is spiritual not literal

    jws and other fundamentalists disagree with the bible about the bible

    The 'effeminate' are effeminate of spirit - and what ex-jw hasn't witnessed "men doing shameless acts"

  • Hellrider

    LittleToe: I agree with you on that, christianity is/should be about a personal relationship with God. But, and I assume this is the case also in Britain,as in other parts of Europe, that pro-gay-rights-groups are pushing/arguing that churches should "open the doors" to homosexuals, using anti-discrimination-laws to break the doors down. In my country, this is a big issue, there is a huge argument in the church about whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to become priests. The point is, that when a congregation or a religious organisation decides that THEY interpret the Bible in a certain way, that THEY believe that the Bible condemns gays and that they aren`t allowed in church, then I believe that this is their right. Compare it to your house. You wouldn`t allow someone in your house that believed strongly in something you are very much against, would you? (no good example comes to mind, though). And I personally believe these groups also have good reasons for arguing that the Bible is against homosexuality: "thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman,it is an abomination", and "men who lie with men shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (correct the quotes if they are wrong, I didn`t look them up right now). Of course, the Bible can be read in many different ways, but on this issue, the text is very clear. On the issue of whether homosexuals should be allowed IN church or not, I don`t know (as I remember from the old days in JW, the justification for disfellowshipment and shunning is in Paul, "cast out the wrongdoers", or "wicked" or whatever that passage read). But FORCING the churches and the religious organisations to say that "well, ok, homosexuality is ok", I believe that would be wrong. What the church SHOULD say,in my opinion, is this: Yes, the Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination, and that men who lie with men, won`t inherit the Kingdom of God. However, the Bible says many things, important things like "in my Fathers mansion, there are many rooms", and "judgement belongs to God". So homosexuality will be a matter of conscience between you and God. So, now we`re clear on that, sit down, mass is about to begin.

    (there was a very good british movie about this issue though, called "priest", that came out 5-6 years ago, I think)

  • joelbear

    i basically agree with Preston's comments.

    however, Gumby talks about the "gay lifestyle". i guess as long as people keep using this incorrect terminology, i will keep posting corrections.

    being homosexual is not a lifestyle, it is a biological state of sexual orientation.

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