Potty Mouths?

by Low-Key Lysmith 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • MerryMagdalene

    I like to use swear words judiciously in my public speaking, especially when I am working on "Emphasis & Gestures".

    A little adds seasoning, a lot is just numbing and unpleasant to listen to. But it also depends, to a certain extent, on the situation and who I'm around.

    I went overboard with a few things after my departure but they never really "took." I grew out of them or discovered that they weren't really "me."


  • undercover

    Hello, I'm undercover and I have a potty mouth.

    I cuss pretty good, but I can usually turn it off around people who are offended by it. I occasionally let one slip in the wrong situation but I don't apologize or try to cover it. We're all adults and it's just words.

    I am careful about my language around children. I make sure to not use cuss words or variations around them. They'll learn them soon enough but they don't need my encouragment either.

  • whyamihere
    I swear alot I have always done that...I never needed to leave the JW's for it. I don't use the F bomb unless I am really pissed.

    I don't have to look around now!

    29-Jun-05 15:30 Jun 29, 2005 by Simon : Correct formatting

    Jesus Fu*king Christ am I always watched on here? Brooke

  • undercover
    Jesus Fu*king Christ am I always watched on here?

    Some of us just like to watch

  • chrissy
    Jesus Fu*king Christ am I always watched on here?

    I try to leave most derogatory words out of my vocab. However, if I like say, hmmm...run into a wall , or drop a glass on my foot, I prefer to scream god's name in vain in some creative way, as referenced above. That always makes me feel a little better.

  • the_classicist

    I've learned some pretty interesting words... I won't use any of them here.

    I'll just leave you all with an inscription on Ed's t-shirt, in Shaun of the Dead: I got wood.

    Reminds me of the towel principal Skinner got: I got wood at Sequoia National Park.

  • greendawn

    I never liked vulgar words but I use them sometimes when intensely angry.

  • Purza

    It is amazing how much me & my husband swear, along with a lot of our friends. We don't really notice it except for the weekends when we have my step-daughter -- then we really try to be good. Have to say it is quite difficult. I have had a potty mouth since I was a teenager.


  • whyamihere

    LOL...I have to say this.

    Ok I swear but I always watch myself around the kids.

    Anyway my Daughter was mad at her Father because she was told "No". Well she was so mad at him she was crying saying "Lily not like Daddy"...then she looked at him right in the face and said ....Fu*ker!

    Now we don't ever say that in front of her...so I asked where she heard that(I kept myself from laughing) and she said her Uncle Tristan!....lol Oh my god I was laughing so hard inside.

    Oh it was funny...I have to really watch it from now on.


  • Insomniac

    Even as an auxilliary pioneer, I cussed like a mofo. I was pretty careful, however, to be considerate of my company and temper my words accordingly. I still try to be careful around whom I curse. For instance, my great auntie, who's an elderly nun, can handle vulgarity, but not blasphemy or profanity. And yes, there is a difference.

    My mom taught me a great saying when I was just a pup; I'm not sure who said this originally, though. "Profanity is the crutch of the intellectual cripple." Deep, huh? And it can be true; if the only words you use for emphasis are curses, you'll end up sounding pretty stupid. So, use those colorful words, just use them sparingly.

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