If you were STILL a JW where would you be now?

by Thegoodgirl 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    little toe im so bored of wearing casual clothes im thinking about putting on a suit to go to college..or shopping..or to borders for a coffee Drinking Coffee

    its that or go back to meetings

  • Crumpet

    Tij - you can wear a suit to apostabbq if you like - trouble is it may get a bit sandy/will have alcohol spills/smell of cigarettes and get stained by bbq sauce and probably by my tears.

  • PaulJ

    Possibly a looney bin.

  • tijkmo

    well maybe i'll wear a wetsuit then Scuba Diving

  • LittleToe

    Ya can wear a suit to the ScotFest, if ya like, assuming you're still this side of the pond!

  • squinks

    Aren't the JW's supposed to be in paradise right now? Yup I'm pretty sure that certain generation has passed away and so has fulfilled prophecy . . . wait calculating in my head . . . yes it all adds up . . . I would definitely be watching lions lie down with lambs, oh and I would be making glue from barnacles too.

  • Jankyn

    I would be single, working part-time at the Safeway, pioneering, living with my mother. I'd weigh 300 pounds and drink myself to sleep every night. That means I'd have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease--and oh, wait a minute! I might have died already.

    Instead, I'm almost 19 years sober, happily partnered for the last 15 years, working successfully as a writer and editor, and only slightly middle-aged pudgy 'cause I go to the gym three times a week.


  • ColdRedRain

    I'll have to bullet point this one.

    • Probably married to some schizophrenic white woman who married me just for the sexual myth of black men being well hung.
    • Slaving away to get that elusive A+ certification that all dub youths get.
    • Gaining massive amounts of weight and not knowing how to defend my beautiful but schizophrenic white wife from flirtatious total strangers, because I would have never taken a martial arts class.
    • Being in the elders room constantly for going to rock concerts, reading talk.origins and getting a tattoo.
    • Probably cursing out my racist father in law.
  • delilah

    I'd still be looking for excuses why I should stay home from the meeting(s), and the assemblies...and /or trying to convince my husband that we SHOULD go to at least the morning session....and telling my family, "What? you didn't see us there? Well, we sat in the nosebleed section."...hahahahahaha and forcing myself to go in the field service,,,,ugh....gag....cough....to get my 10 hours a month.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    If I would've kept my JW religious zeal intact, and based on my previous affiliations and contacts in there, there's no doubt in my mind that I would've been right about now serving in Bethel or perhaps traveling as part of the worldwide construction team.

    Quite a few of my previous 'tight' friends that's what they are now: Bethel or doing construction work all over the world.

    In this respect, I must admit that sometimes I've regretted having fallen from JW grace.

    Sometimes I feel like "who the heck cares if they're right or wrong!", I should've just continued playing their tight 'til I worked up to a high position where I'd never have to worry about having a nice car, lodging, health care, and given the best by all other members. Darn!!! You know how sweet a life all those traveling overseers lead? It's nice, I tell you! Even the misionaries and those worldwide construction workers are all taken care of quite well!

    Okay now, let me come off my cloud now. I'm living quite well not and taking care of business on my own.


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