Wife's weight problem

by dangel 199 Replies latest social relationships

  • FlyingHighNow
    I can sympathise with the way you feel since in the western world the ideal woman has a flat belly and generally a slim figure,(whereas in other cultures Arabs,Iranians the ideal woman has a plump figure) and to have an increasingly fat woman is a nightmare come true. Overindulgence in food always ruins good looks.

    A man who has an attitude like this is a "nightmare come true."

    You CAN retrain your mind and release it from the narrow prison of the western ideal of beauty. You can open your mind to the vast amount of beauty it is missing. Why snack on the beauty in the world when can feast? You are cheating yourself and any poor woman who gets involved with you.

  • Gozz

    Are you fit yourself? If you are, good. Talk to the wife; start working out with her; go for walks in the evenings; never underestimate the effectiveness of these little walks. Do you guys go out? Leave the car at home if you drive one; walk. Does she work very far from the home? Is it safe to walk or bike? Do you have time on weekends to just get out? Of course, you've to be sensitive; weight, hmn, is a sensitive issue. If the way she looks is beginning to affect your relationship, it's about time something gets done about it. And you don't have to feel guilty for the way you see her now; just let her know by kinds acts that you care how she looks, and support her in getting rid of the excess flesh; with some luck, it won't be something you can't both overcome. Goodluck.


  • greendawn

    FHN, I am not totally ignoring the inner world of woman and its beauty that is beyond the physical dimension, but on the other hand because of the current trends on feminine beauty I can't accept a fat woman as a wife or girlfriend.

  • talesin

    Hi dangel! Welcome to the forum. :)

    It took a lot of guts to start off with that question. I have been in the same situation, and will give you my early-morning thoughts on your question.

    First, I'd like to acknowledge that you have said you are not as attracted to her -- you didn't say you have lost your attraction for her. Do you love her? I trust that you are not using this as an excuse to criticize. It doesn't sound like you are.

    This happened to me about 3 yrs into my first marriage. My EX-husband had no problems telling me about his waning attraction. It really hurt my feelings, to tell you the truth. At the time, I was feeling very fat and ugly because I had gained the weight, and his comments helped me feel even worse about myself. In retrospect, I know he married me for the person he thought I was, not for the real me. I had not yet developed a strong sense of self-worth, and it cut me to the bone. He was not a pig or anything, just a young, immature man who married someone he thought was a 'catch', and very physically attactive. We all have baggage, though, and it's an amazingly freeing thing to learn to love folks for who they are, accepting the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm sure you have your not-so-attractive traits as well.

    Is your wife responsible for buying groceries, cooking, cleaning, the whole 9 yards? Be honest with yourself ... Is she working outside the home and being the homemaker? This is a lot of pressure, unfair, and a huge change in her lifestyle. Many women start eating because they are literally being worked too hard, and it's the only escape they have. It's the 21st century, and we like to pretend that we are equal, yet many women have to work full time and also be the caretakers of their husbands ... maybe you should be sharing household chores in a more fair and equitable manner.

    Has she given birth? Then of course she gained weight! It takes at least 1-2 years to get back into shape, if one is actively trying; don't believe what you see on TV. Some movie star who is all thin a few months after having a baby, most likely has a personal trainer, a housekeeper, and a nanny! This is the exception, rather than the rule.

    Oh yes, do you spend most of your free time in front of the television or playing video games or some other hobby? Are you working 60-70 hours a week? Do you still have a full and rich lovelife (not just talking about sex here, but about the little things you did while you were dating ... phone calls in the middle of the day, bringing home a little treat, flowers, cuddling, you know what I mean). Are you still romantic? In other words, are you neglecting the 'I'm still in love' part of your relationship? This could have a lot to do with her weight gain as well. If she feels under-appreciated, she could have given up on herself, and on you.

    Why don't you talk to her, and tell her you are concerned that she is gaining weight, and ask how she feels about it. I do NOT recommend telling her that you find her less sexually attractive. She may actually confide in you, if she feels secure in your love, and you may be surprised to learn that SHE is actually having a much harder time with this problem than you are. I have little doubt that she knows exactly how you feel, and it's the last thing she needs to hear from your lips! She will probably collapse inside with relief, to be able to discuss with you without feeling inadequate and stupid for gaining a few pounds.

    Last, try to see her through new eyes ... as this woman you love so much. As flyin' says, think about appreciating her soft curves. Put the propaganda behind you, realize that sexual attraction begins in the mind ... and remember why you love her. Think of the feeling you get when you close your eyes and kiss her, and don't compare her to Cameron Diaz or some other impossibly thin woman who is held up in our faces every damn day of our lives, that you may find attractive.

    And trust me on this one,,, it's much easier to work at your marriage than it is to start all over again. If your relationship is based on trust and respect, then it's worth working through this together. Maybe she won't ever be the slim person you married, but she can be healthy and fit, and life partnership is a wonderful thing. You are a team,,, remember that, a team.



  • talesin
    FHN, I am not totally ignoring the inner world of woman and its beauty that is beyond the physical dimension, but on the other hand because of the current trends on feminine beauty I can't accept a fat woman as a wife or girlfriend.

    I find this comment very sad. So you are old enough to have your own wisdom, but how you feel about life, is dictated by the advertising media. tsk, tsk .... t

  • Crumpet

    I'm not sure of your age Dangel, but I know that I put on weight in part, to stop men being attracted to me as I found it uncomfortable getting hit on all the time - often by complete strangers. Also I do tend to eat more when I am happy and don't eat at all when I'm miserable.

    And as some of the other women have commented - looking after a partner, a house, holding a full tiem job and looking after his kids doesn't leave a lot of time for exercise. Before I met my partner I had privacy and time to myself and would work out at home for 2 or 3 hours a day and then go out clubbing and dancing at the weekends. Now I simply do not have the time, space or privacy to keep up my exercise routine. Of course I still exercise but its not as often as I'd like.

    Another problem in keeping weight down is that my partner likes to eat out - he does not like to eat out whilst I play with a salad. He likes me enjoying my food, even if he does wish the end result wasn't a huge bottom! Do you and your wife eat out a lot? Maybe you should cut down or take her to low fat places...like sushi bars (oh yuck!).

    Anyway these are just some reasons why she may not be as trim as she was. I have put on a good 40lbs in the 7 years since I met mr crumpet and he has put on at least the same. I still fancy him, I get chatted up less and therefore we fall out less. He'd like me to be slimmer, but he'd have to accept I might attract more hits from other guys and that would result in more arguments. My weight makes him feel safer even if he doesnt say so and I want him to feel safe.


  • jimakazi

    Possible boredom? Does she have a career or is she at home all the time.

    How about selling her on a healthy eating plan for you and her? It's so much easier if you both east the same food.

    I've found i can loose weight if I eat a reduced carb diet, but my wife & kids loves rice [she doesn't have a wieght problem, I do] so either we prepare 2 separate meals or i stay bigger than I want. Currently I bigger than I want.

  • shera

    I used to exercise constantly!

    I am not married but common law..(I know same thing ...lol) The weight was slowing going on,I went from a size 6 to a 10.Not too bad,started going back to the gym,down to a size 8.I was happy with that,then got preggie with my daughter! Well..all down hill from there for me.lol

    I went to a size 14 there for awhile and I didn't even realize it,until I was weighed at the doctors because of my health.I was shocked,I didn't see it come on! Even tho I knew I was over weight,didn't know it was that bad.

    I am going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour and a half.Its comming off again and I am sooooooo happy.I have never in my life been overweight like that and never again will I be!

    Well,its a touchy subect talking to your woman about her weight.If she is anything like me,nothing will be right ;that you say.(LOL)

    One thing about my man,he didn't say much to me and he put on alot of weight himself when he started to date me,I plumped him up,but he needed it anyways.But he has one belly thats for sure!

    I think she needs to see it and she needs to start doing something about it because she wants to and for her health and happiness.Let her have all the time she needs to get back in shape and don't complaine about it,incourage less fatty food in the home.Every pound you notice tell her!

    Who cares what the media or what ever it is that dictates to us what beauty is.Probley most of those women,are starving or hang their heads in a toilet to stay that way.Its crazy to follow that shallow,unrealistic look for women.I know this has been said before,those owmen are airbrushed thinner,cellulite is airbrushed out,same for wrinkels,pimples.Its artificial,k!

    It is funny tho at times,men with bellys hanging over the pants,that complaine about chubs on a woman.Its like HELLO? Have you looked at yourself lately?

    Just tell your wife you love her,and we should both get our butts to the gym for our health,because we have both let our selves go.

  • Maverick

    Mrs Right only has to gain ten pounds a year for ten years and you have twice the woman you married!

    Are you sure she really likes you? Does she like herself. I travel a lot and America and Australia have some magor big woman. Some ladies, once they get married and have a couple of kids, don't really care about the loser, sperm donor and meal ticket they married.

    You see them at the market, Frier Tuck, with her hair all chopped off with her two kiddies and Mr Wimp walking two steps behind with the whipped dog look on his face! You know he gets laid twice a year if he is real good to his "mommy"!

    Sure there are a lot of men who go to hell, and a few women who help them get there. That way he won't stray. Women will give you the polically correct answers and that's fine. But watch what they do, not what they say. Their feet don't lie and if they are running to the frige instead of into your arms...well... I'm cool with big girls, I'm not cool with fat slobs. It's is not hard to tell the difference. Life leaves clues!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I agree with the suggestion that you gently try to find out what has caused her to seemingly stop caring about her appearance, or at least her weight. You haven't had a chance to answer the questions posed to you yet, but maybe you're considering them. Is she a communicator? Or does she bottle things up? Do you contribute to her feeling of security as a loved wife?

    Not blaming you however! Each person has their own reasons for keeping or not keeping fit. I know in my case, I was more apt to urgently try to keep trim while married than while single. You have someone (other than yourself) that you want and need to please. I recall that my husband was always trim and was in fact a body builder, so he was always in great shape. When he put on just 15 or so pounds of actual fat late in our marriage, it really bothered me! I'm ashamed. But I didn't love him at that point and didn't much like anything about him.

    Weight on a man doesn't bother me now, so that's why I think it was something more than his weight gain that brought out my unloving attitude.

    Aside from all of that, I agree with having her thyroid checked out!! And diligently too, because I've read repeatedly that medical tests can overlook a sluggish thyroid as long as it's functioning at all, so many women might be told their thyroid is fine.

    Is she at all interested in dieting? I mean, has she tried on her own before? I recommend the Atkins diet! It's fabulous, if a person likes that kind of food.

    Best wishes to you both.

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