what proves jw's aren't true?

by jwfacts 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    I never became a JW. Nor will I ever become one. I married one instead. From the first, I examined the literature critically, poking holes in it, figuring out how the writing style managed to sound so convincing. There are several features that stand out in the Watchtower writing style.

    • The language is padded, soothing, creating an almost hypnotic effect. In the "real world", editors would rip these articles apart and cut them to a tenth of their size to expose what is really being said.
    • The most outrageous claims are buried near the back, after a half-dozen agreeable statements have been made. This is a tried-and-true sales technique. Get the householder to say "yes" a few times, (are you the head of the house?) and they may just say "yes" to the sale.
    • Use a big word where a little one would do. To the uneducated, this sounds "scholarly".
    • They speak in the third person, which sounds more neutral.
    • Manipulative words such as "likely", "reasonable", "apparently", "should" guide the reader to the "right" way of thinking. A good mental defence is to highlight them.
    • Are there any http://www.fallacyfiles.org ?
    • Does the topic hint at the issues worrying Brooklyn?
    • Do other translations give another slant to the meaning?
    • What was left out between the three dots?

    For the person making an outrageous claim (such, as, Follow the Faithful and Discreet Slave or Die), the burden of proof is on them. I don't have to go to great lengths to prove that a lie is a lie.

  • kilroy2

    for me I was afraid to question for fear of being show how stupid I was, then when they changed the meaning of generations, in 1995 I threw the tower across the room and said enough, and have not went back. I told every one since 1982 that the time was fast aproching that the dubs had set a kind of time limit with the "this generation will by no means pass away" definition.

    Then just when it is time to put up or shut up they did the Wile E. Cyote and threw a ACME instand hole against the hard place they were up against and ducked out the back door they created.

    That was it I was done with this comic book bunch of idiots.

  • DannyHaszard

    Dog eat dog sleazy backstabbing worse then any TV soap opera.

    They 'R psychopaths that's the operative word

  • dorayakii
    The language is padded, soothing, creating an almost hypnotic effect. In the "real world", editors would rip these articles apart and cut them to a tenth of their size to expose what is really being said.

    jgnat i really appreciate your eloquence in expressing verbally what we all feel. I've also noticed this from some of your other posts.

    Reading a WT publication is a surreal experience, even now when i read one i feel like nodding (or nodding off!). Its padded language misleads you as to the real purpose of the discussion, leading you to reason with your emotions rather than your intellect. It's loaded with emotional "cues", which cause you to agree with whats being said without really hearing and analysing it. These cues are often juxtaposed with subtle lies. Scripture is also used and taken out of its context to add an illusion of weight to the emotionally loaded statements.

    eg. "[Quotes from Rev. 21:3,4]Just imagine how happy life will be when those words come true! How though, can you make sure that you and your family will enjoy this promised future? You will find the answer in the bible lierature we publish". - Good News for People of All Nations (English)

    The public talks are also designed like that, to be soothing to the ears. In this state of mind you can accept anything that comes from the platform as truth simply because of how believable it sounded.

  • garybuss

    what proves jw's aren't true?
    Everything on the Quotes web site, everything on Freeminds web site, everything on this web site, everything Ray Franz has written, and everything the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation has printed. That's just for starters.

  • potleg

    Think of all the past "truths" of Russell, Rutherford and Freddie Franz that have been abandoned, pushed into the background and hushed up...why? Because they were flat out untrue. The past can predict the future in some cases. Guess what will happen to a lot of the truth that's around today..it will be gone too because it's not true either.

  • Honesty

    If I started on the major proofs it would be so big CT Russell's Studies on the Scriptures would look like a tract the JW's leave at not-at-homes.

    It's all one big lie they use to keep people away from Jesus.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The whole thing comes with an IF - they buy and sell love and enjoy the salutations in the marketplaces, and their god is an imaginary beast of a person

    And the wt reads like the sound of a snake's forked tongue - and I find what is in their head to be beyond the bafoonery of arrogance, and alarming.

    If I read the bible I cannot help but remain alarmed at jwism

    And did I mention what I think of jwism ?

  • jgnat

    That is very sweet of you, doryakii.

    i really appreciate your eloquence in expressing verbally what we all feel. I've also noticed this from some of your other posts.

    I especially appreciate your comment as I am an "adopted sister" in the XJW community. I do try to understand what you all have been through. I work at being concise and clear in my writing. Clear writing makes for a clear mind.

  • greendawn

    Some complain that the "apostates" do not give the WTS credit for the work they did in promoting freedom of speech in the USA, this is true but at the same time they have totally suppressed freedom of speech among the rank and file, and this is where I found serious fault in them. Why do they fear free debate so much if their position is as powerful as they claim?

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