what proves jw's aren't true?

by jwfacts 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    Just like you, the morality of the Armageddon doctrine finaly got through to me. I used to rationalise, like many dubs still do, that "God must know what he is doing" and that it says only the " really wicked" are to die. This did not stop the WT from printing stuff that said that only baptized dedicated active dubs would avoid being incinerated and have their carcases left to feed the vultures .

    Every so often it got to me, and I would smother my doubts by personal study. Then something happened, and I came to realise for sure that good, honesty and rightmindednes [made up word] does exist in the world outside, along with all the bad things too.

    I was wrestling with the contradiction of a loving God who was planning to slaughter the ignorant and innocent. Then it hit me. IT IS JUST NOT TRUE!, that phrase I repeated over and over, out loud. None of it, the whole thing - it is just not true ..

    Some truths are just evident, and from that day onward, I have never doubted that statement.

    {BTW, What was the big change in 1954, of which you speak?}

  • jwfacts

    Russell and Rutherford said we have to worship and pray to Jesus, as well as Jehovah. When the Society brought out the NWT in the 1950's they started to say that worshipping Jesus was idolatry. In 1954 was the first article that plainly stated a Witness must not worship Jesus. This is a major change in doctrine, and i would love to know what the poor Witnesses thought when it came out. I have an article about in on www.jwfacts.com

  • potleg

    I think the society taking absolute control of everything ia a persons life and yet doing so without any real and genuine love for individuals.I remember years ago, either the Watchtower or a CO said that the society could and would direct us as to where we would live in the new system. Didn't sound like paradise to me, just the eternal big brother watching everything. The society, organization is the most important thing really changes in doctrine,prophesy, or whatever are all to ensure the survival of the borg. Everything and every individual is expendable. Just doesn't seem to follow the example of the humble carpenter who was willing to wash the feet of his followers.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    evolution. it threw everything else out the window for me.

  • potleg

    Yeah, the mighty organization doesn't have anything of substance to really back up its claim of mankinds 6000 year existance

  • Netty

    At first, it didnt have anything at all to do with doctrines or teachings. It was all about feelings (nothing more than feelings, old Frankie Avalon song, I think, I'm not really that old)

    Anyhow, it was all about people who had been hurt, namely me, my sister, my brothers. It was just really that simple. Peoples lives were ruined and destroyed, so this could not be the right religion. Only recently, have I begun to understand more about the false propheices, teachings that are incorrect.

    But at first, it was all about that Frankie avalon song, feelings.

  • RichieRich

    I'm with Netty. Lack of love led me to searching. PRoved evolution to myself. Got in trouble. Stumbled across JWD whilst getting in more trouble.

    Still not free, but mentally, I'm out.

  • georgefoster

    I don't know what is true, but I know the jw's are false because they claim to be the "truth." If you disagree with just one of their beliefs, then the whole thing gets thrown out. For me, I refuse to believe that smoking cigarettes has any impact on your eternal salvation.

  • Texas Flood
    Texas Flood

    When I first started researching about cults, many attributes of a cult were similar to JW's. Plus, a lot of the doctrines didn't make sense. Espeically the birthday thing. That always confused me when I was a kid. Now I just say " Don't worry if anyones head comes off I'll come home".

    Plus the fact that the die hards are mostly full of themselves, so close minded. I sometimes try to explain the history and debacles, but they just pass it off as "apostate" material and how the FDS are "shedding new light"..oh man that always makes my blood boil. "new light"..grr.

    So yeah that's my story. Excuse me for ranting about new light lol

  • outoftheorg

    For me, when 1975 came and went and the sensless behaviour of the wbts and its hard line supporters showed the COMPLETE nonsense that this cult is based on.

    All of it is self serving FOR AND BY THE WBTS. The members are nothing and are disposable.

    The mid level ( elders co etc.) had no hopeful, helpful, answers. Their only tool was anger towards the doubters.

    Then I learned that this is the same message the mid level were receiving from the headquaters.

    At this point I lost all respect for the leaders on down to the door to door slaves.

    From this point on, NOTHING had any real meaning or seemed even helpful within the organization.

    Having family members still in, I had to conceal these feelings and sit on the fence and pretend or loose their affection .

    Try that some time and you will see where the anger comes from.


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