just created a site www.jwfacts.com

by jwfacts 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    JWfacts is the first place I found after deciding to research the jws, after I called a hiatus on my bible study. What an eye opener. An invaluable site! I recommend it first, to people wanting to research the jw's.



  • Nickolas

    Nice job, WontLeave.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Whenever I find Watchtower pamphlets littering public places I simply write JWFACTS.COM on them. It's much more productive then throwing them in the trash. It also doesn't come off to an "interested one" as an attack; it's simply a recommendation of a website. I also wonder about the JW who comes back to dump more literature and sees the website address on their precious pamphlets. People are naturally curious, no matter how much an organization tries to suppress these instincts I think there will be some who take a peek at the website.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    If there were only one website I could direct a person to regarding the truth about all of this nonsense, it would be jwfacts hands down.

  • Poztate

    Hey... For all the lurkers and newbies it is well worth the click... www.jwfacts.com

  • MrFreeze

    It certainly helped me. Also, WontLeave, to the truly indoctrinated, no evidence will suffice. JWfacts is great for those having any doubts.

  • AllTimeJeff

    JWfacts.com is a great site, reasonable in it's approach, and authoratative in it's facts.

  • ParadiseCircus

    JWFacts was an invaluable tool in helping me get my best friend out. Major thanks to Paul for his amazing site.

  • jwfacts

    Thanks everyone for the comments.

    Wontleave - thank you for the ideas and a great list of quotes.

    I like the idea of tracts that can be left with JWs. I see too many debatable items on the jwfacts ones, though. There need to be more slam-dunk, Scriptural points. For something that's only one 2-sided page, I found many things JWs could easily weasel out of, mentally.

    I am certainly open to the idea of additional tracts. The tract I did is really for a person studying with the Witnesses prior to indoctrination. I am not sure that there is any slam-dunk points for a "true believer". However, when the time is right, a tract exposing the doctrine and the veneration of the Slave would be of great benefit.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    I never had the chance to thank the creator of www.jwfacts.com for all the time and effort that went in to creating the site. That is, until now. I can truly say that it was a HUGE part of me waking up. Being a born-in, I had many questions about JW teachings that kept coming back throughout my life. I would just rationalize, distract myself, and bury any doubts. Trust the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Wait on Jehovah. I prayed to Jehovah to help me find the answers to my questions, if they were at all available. I prayed and I searched. Prayed and searched. In my searching, I came across some over-the-top, blatantly apostate websites. I was scared to look any deeper at those type of sites because the seemed (laughing about it now) "so demonic." But JWFacts used an approach that made me a bit more comfortable. Extensive quotes from JW materials with a little bit of reasonable commentary. The best part for me was to see all of the changes in understanding of the years, many of which shattered the illusion of progressive "new light," and rather showed indecision, uncertainty, and reactionary change. After much study and comparing the quotes on JWFacts to those in the WT (to make sure they hadn't been altered), I began to think, "If God really is in control of this organization, he is doing a lousy job." I couldn't imagine God making so many mistakes. I couldn't imagine God allowing his chosen representatives to make so many mistakes. Holy spirit should be more powerful than this. From that point on, I could never go back. I couldn't undo what I had learned.

    So, thanks.

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