How do you trust your partner?

by sonnyboy 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Trust was never an issue before. Now that he has joined an org that can and does rationalize anything, there is no trust. How do you trust someone who has a whole cong thinking you are filled with satan. How do you trust anyone who can join an org that asks people if they can "sneak out of the house without your wife knowing"? Not exaclty an org that believes in the sanctity of marriage. carla

  • HadEnuf

    We've been married 32 years and trust has never been an issue. He's my ONE AND ONLY and I'm his ONE AND ONLY.

    It's like...we JUST KNOW neither of us could ever be unfaithful . Soul mates I guess .

    cathy l.

  • ButtLight

    I trust my partner! But he doesnt trust me. I think its because both his wives cheated on him.

  • EvilForce

    Sonny....she sounds like she's still enjoying "playing games". How tiring.
    IMHO men are undatable until 30...women 25. Anything under that is usually a waste of time. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule...but very few.

  • sonnyboy
    IMHO men are undatable until 30...women 25.

    I'd have to agree with that to an extent, but maybe lower the ages by a couple years.

    To all the people who seem to know that their partners won't cheat on them, where do you get your confidence from? People who know their spouses will always be faithful get cheated on all the time. Honestly, you never really know anyone. Woman especially think they know people for some reason, even when they're proven wrong. If you actually "knew" your men you'd probably run for the hills. For the most part we're sexually-driven, testosterone-filled beasts, but we try to keep it under control. I don't mean to generalize, but it seems true for the most part.

    AND I RETRACT the objectionable word I used in my first post. I didn't mean to offend anyone (I was also half-lit when I started this thread), and it's generally not seen as an insult among younger people in my area (30 and under crowd).

    *This formatting sure is whacky*

  • prophecor
    If you actually "knew" your men you'd probably run for the hills. For the most part we're sexually-driven, testosterone-filled beasts, but we try to keep it under control. I don't mean to generalize, but it seems true for the most part.

    It's generally true in my life SB. I'm faithful as to yet. I have no idea what would happen if the the correct chemical composition was matched with one who was not my mate. Though I have had opportunity to explore other horizons, I've remained true to course. It takes more than just the superficiality of wanton lust and passion to get me to cross that bridge, there needs to be a connection to her soul, her spirit, I have to, at the very least, have an emotional connect with you. I must first have feelings for you before I could even become involved.

    I've known those, who upon geting married, flagrantly have no regard for the sanctity of it. Stressing that they're marrying for the purpoose of having someone on lock, but openly confessing that they will always be on the hunt for " Some Strange "

    IMHO men are undatable until 30...women 25. Anything under that is usually a waste of time. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule...but very few.

    I throughly agree with you Evil Force. I was by no means even near ready to navigate a relationship, until just beyond my thirties. Strange as it may seem, when, finally, someone showed up in my life, the involvement was with a married woman who was having an affair with me, it was, however, the begining of a mutual awakening of our sexual spirits. Sexually, I never even had a clue as to what was going on' or off for that mater until just beyond 30. We were both the same age.

    We are by nature, Dogs, however, in the winsome words of Colnel Frank Slade ( played by Al Pacino ) in the memorable movie, Scent of a Woman, '...the day we stop looking, is the day we die...

  • mrsjones5
    To all the people who seem to know that their partners won't cheat on them, where do you get your confidence from? People who know their spouses will always be faithful get cheated on all the time. Honestly, you never really know anyone. Woman especially think they know people for some reason, even when they're proven wrong. If you actually "knew" your men you'd probably run for the hills. For the most part we're sexually-driven, testosterone-filled beasts, but we try to keep it under control. I don't mean to generalize, but it seems true for the most part.

    Well I know my husband wouldnt cheat on me. He's the kind of man that if it got that bad between us he would just leave before moving on to another woman, meaning we would end this relationship first. But no I dont worry about my man. We dont play jealousy games, dont need to. He's still attracted to me after I've borne him 4 children, and he's my best friend and I'm still hot for him. I trust him with my life.

    Do you think we woman dont know how men are sexually driven? Not all women live in LaLaland where the men are sexually repressed and only ask for it when it suits us. That's little girl thinking.


  • whyamihere

    I Trust my Husband as he Trusts me.

    I have no reason not to trust him. He hasn't given me one.

    This is how far my trust goes........He can be in a hot tub with 10 naked play boy mates drunk off his ass and I would trust him enough not to do anything! He knows this and loves me for it. He plays in a Band and after shows he is around very beautiful women. I never asked "Where have you been?" "Who were you with?" "What did you do?"...nothing like that. He is an adult and doesn't need me to be his Mommy. I just say Did you have fun? I have often told him it is healthy for people to flirt and look at the opposite sex(or same sex)...Hell I think I look at more hot women than he does. Also it is nice to feel attractive to others....It's called being human and feeling wanted. Nothing wrong with it. It is what you do in the end.

    He tells me everything as I tell him. I don't lie to him I can't do it nor can he lie to me.

    We have a Marriage not a Parental guardian relationship. I am his wife not his Mother!


  • wanderlustguy

    I don't know if my case is unique, but Gin and I have the same twisted abilities when it comes to people, just as I, she can lie and make you believe every word of it, even in the face of facts to the contrary. At first I thought there would never be any way anyone could trust me, nor even I be able to trust myself because it came so naturally. Same for her, in the past I wondered if I ever could have trusted her knowing about this ability she has which matches mine.

    We actually had this conversation the other day, we both know what the other is capable of, and it's almost like profesional courtesy, but to a different extreme. I can tell she loves me, she looks at me like no one else ever has, and in a way that I just know. She says I do the same to her, and it must be true because I could never knowingly hurt her. Maybe it's because we just found each other again after so long and know what we have is so rare in the first place, much less having a second chance at it.

    So I guess my response is on average, no you can't even trust yourself, but there are exceptions.

  • willy_think


    If I may add my two cents, try telling your girl her flirtation with other men is causing you pain and and insecurity. If her behavior doesn’t change she doesn’t care about you. dump her ass.

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