My Anger is Building & Building

by LouBelle 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyman

    Just tell them F+++ themselves. I see that you have been on this forum for awhile so you know how they work. I feel so deeply for you. Please know you are welcome here.

  • Swan

    Don just accept it hun, hit em where it hurts. They have DAed you and you never gave them any indication of such. Get a lawyer. Ask him/her to right them a letter. Address it to the key elders personally that unless they quit misrepresenting you, you will sue them personally for defamation and alienation of affection. Don't mess around with the WTSB; go after the little guys caught in the middle. Let them know you hold them personally responsibale for their part in the WTBSDT policies. The WTSBS isn;t going to back them up if they aren't involved in the suit.

    Hang in ther.


  • Sunspot


    I know the anger you describe. More like injustice---which, ironically, has always been a sore spot with me. For anyone. For any reason. And yet....."others" view us as disgusting and dirty NOT because we DID something---but because we DISCOVERED something that made us question the WTS. It's so unfair.

    After I read your post, this hit me right between the eyes: that YOU don't have the problem---SHE does! Let me break her letter down..........

    ~~~Lou I know you mean well and I Love you and feel that the elders have done you a great wrong~~~

    (okay---so far so good)

    ~~~but feel that they did what they thought was best for the congregation even though it that you know it was wrong ~~~

    (BUT?......But what? They did what THEY THOUGHT was best for the congregation (by what---LYING to them?) even though YOU know it was wrong (apparently they don't give a fig that you knew it was wrong---they've played judge and jury and have passed the sentence.)

    Yupper! THAT'S the kind of religion/dictatorship the *I* wanna belong to!

    Rotten lying hypocrites!


  • potleg

    Iwas angry with various elders and the borg for a long time and I have to admit there is still a vein of bitterness deep inside me, but a while ago I realized that I cared nothing for people who had lied to me and about me. Now if I don't hold them in any regard why let them influence me and make me feel bad or angry? When I began to get this in my head (which isn't easy) I began to see how ridiculous these so-called shepheards really are. Tell your friends your side of the story, if they want to be loyal to an organization that is clearly corrupt and run by inept men with no compassion then so be it.There are more good people on the outside than inside. Take it one day at a time and keep comming back here.Remember the Watchtower org. is all about power and control don't let them control you any longer.

  • Apostanator


    I'm sorry for your situation. It totally sucks. This is just the beginning of many emotions that your going to feel because of this cult and what they do to you and your family. I don't know how much better it will get. I've been out about 10 years and the situation still causes me a lot of pain and anger. Be Strong and be good to yourself.

  • LouBelle

    Hi everyone ...

    Thank you all so very much for being so encouraging and honestly being like little transfustions of light......I totally love my family & never envisaged me being shunned at all, even when I knew that this would be the outcome....

    My freedom from the organisation is bitter sweet. But over this weekend I realised that I still have family that love me.

    Hugs to everyone!!!!!!!

  • trevor


    The only way to cope with what has happened is to be brutally honest with yourself.

    If you still want to be a Jehovah’s Witness then you will probably stand in the corner for a while and then go grovelling back.

    On the other hand if you want to be free of the tyranny of the Watchtower Society you have to see this moment for what it is. It is not just a hic-up or a set back. It is the end! The end of your life as you have known it. Time for a new start and a different outlook. A complete new birth into the real world. You will have to be prepared to leave loved ones behind and make new friends. It can be scary.

    It won’t be easy because major change is painful but it is an opportunity to live the rest of your life in freedom. Anger can be a useful tool in the short term because it empowers you.

    Whether you grasp the moment depends on what you want?

  • LouBelle

    Hi Trevor,

    I know that this is the end - I've disassociated publicly by the elders. I can never go back to that way of life - I can't even contemplate it. What I was getting at is the lies they tell in order to accomplish what they want. And secondly that I just didn't realise that it was going to hurt this much.

    But you are right - it is time to make a new & fresh start.

  • trevor


    I am glad you know what you want but sorry it hurts so much. The Jehovah’s Witnesses want it to hurt. The pain causes many to return in an attempt to stop the pain. They say that weak members leave but only the strong leave and stay away.

    I found that the pain left me when I realized that I wanted nothing more to do with the set up or my relatives who shunned me. It was my choice to move on and I ignored all attempts to contact me.

    When it becomes your own idea you stop being a victim and start to feel in charge of your life, doing what you want to. After a while you look back with a certain pity for the friends and relatives who did not manage to escape.

  • greendawn

    Yes you should realise that you made a great step forward by leaving them and there are plenty of nice people to develop new attachments and social life with a lot more meaningful than with the robotic creatures that reside in soulless cults.

    You should be pleased that you are out, the cult has no future no one in it does it's full of lies and manipulation.

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