Idea on How Defectors Inside theOrganization Can Find Each Other (espionage

by frankiespeakin 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Lets work up some good ideas that we can pass on to Bethel workers, COs, DOs, Elders etc... can use to help them to start to find others in the org that know it's not the truth but are stuck inside for various reasons. Lets come up with some way of testing people to so as not to blow ones cover and remain hidden.

    Plans of espionage that could cause a major blow to the organization from those trapped inside, things like how CO can give talks to really discourge the friends and cause them to doubt the organization, all the while it looks like he's are doing what the organization wants him to do. Dopping hints but making it look perfectly innocent.

    Think outside the box, and don't be afraid if some one thinks your idea won't work, thow it out in cyber space anyway, it could be a bad idea initially but with some else reading it and making a few changes it may be the very kernal of a wonderfull plan. PS talks like the ones Garret Leosch (GB) gave might help many to see the GB as unreasonable old fools. Which makes me wonder if he's a double agent pretending to be a sincere GB.
  • wanderlustguy

    You know this is a good one, it would be great to be able to do this, but how do you keep it a secret? Maybe by only giving it out via PM or E-mail to people who are "known" to be trustworthy...then what if they go back?

    Big risk for people to take...but I love the idea.

    Maybe a secret tie tack for the brothers...or a "special" run in the hose for about tying the bookmark in the bible in a knot...

  • frankiespeakin

    We are just putting these things out for the general reader/lurker it OK if the GB are on to it, these plans can still be caried out if they are good enough, or even if the intial plan may not be variations maybe. We have to start some where. We offer food for further thought, and who knows what we can brian storm that might really help these ones.

  • mkr32208

    How about a tatto that says SATAN ROCKS THE HOUSE across your forehead! Seriously how long until everyone knew the "little sign?"

  • frankiespeakin


    So what's your ideas do you have any? Why not post them?

  • wanderlustguy

    Maybe if you had to log in or go to a site and enter in some stupid thing no true JW would ever type to get the "sign of the month"?

    Actaully I was thinking about maybe a pentagram on the web of the right hand...nobody would even notice that one...

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    PS talks like the ones Garret Leosch (GB) gave might help many to see the GB as unreasonable old fools. Which makes me wonder if he's a double agent pretending to be a sincere GB. What talk was this??

  • frankiespeakin

    I think that might be too obvious, but what about speaking in code that could never be used to convict you of any thought crimes.

  • wanderlustguy

    Needs to be something visual, yet rare. Maybe a ring or bracelet that is innocent looking enough that ignorance could be used in the case someone was questioned?

  • frankiespeakin

    I don't think if it is something visible would be good because anyone reading this could do it loyal or not. I think verbal and actions may be a better and safer way. Nothing overtly obvious but subtle that could eventually lead to open communication over time once a person is tested in certain ways for more proof and verification. The proofs of verification have to be subtle yet damaging to the WT but not obviously so.

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