Whose famous autograph do you have in your possession...

by TresHappy 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I used to have several before Dave took my box of mementoes to the dump..................he paid for that one, believe me!! It was about 1968,

    I had Robert Cummings (don't anyone say "who is that?"), Johnny Mathis, Fabian, Jane Powell (one of my friends in school was her niece) and more.........can't remember.

    I also used to have Slick Watts, who played for the Seattle Sonics a long time ago.

    Presently, I have Keola Beamer, Ledward Kaapana, Owana Salazar, and Raymond Kane. (they are all slack key guitar players and singers, from Hawaii) They signed the CD's I bought. I also have an autographed copy of Mitch Albom's new book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, which was a gift from Fleur.

  • Insomniac

    Both Penn and Teller autographed my ticket stub several years ago. Penn Jillette is amazingly charismatic and sexy when met face-to-face, by the way.

    I also have a book of poetry signed by Gary Lawless. True, he's not "famous" anywhere but midcoast Maine, but a finer human being you'll never meet, and I'm proud to count him as a friend. Although, I don't quite get his poetry.

  • target

    Annette Funicello

  • Elsewhere

    Tommy Chong (On a piece of "glass")

  • kwintestal

    I forgot, when I worked for FedEx I had 2 famous people on my delivery route. Both Mel Gibson and Owen Nolan would sign for packages. Steve Bauer was on my route too (Canadian Olympian). Unfortunately, I never kept records of their signatures for myself. I met Wayne Gretzkey at the Hamilton airport when he flew in with his private jet, and Harrison Ford at the Halifax Airport when he flew his helicopter in and parked it where I was just about to park a 727. I went up and said, "What the heck are you doing!?" Then I realised it was Harrison Ford (in town for that submarine movie a few years ago) and, well, it was Harrison Ford, he could do whatever he wanted. I thought it was cool though that he flew his own helicopter.


  • TresHappy

    I also have Estelle Getty's autograph...I got it from her son Barry. I hear she doesn't autograph anymore because of her Parkinson's disease.

  • Sunspot

    I used to have Jerry Vale's autograph. He was a Dean Martin-type singer back in the early 50's. My childhood girlfriend and I belonged to his fan club, and when he came to town, my parents wouldn't let me go to see him. The girlfriend and her Mom brought me back the autograph when they went to his show.

  • roybatty
    I got Lynn Swan's autograph when I was in high school...he was a retired football player, used to play for the patriots...was there to talk about drugs etc.

    I thought he played for the Steelers?

  • RichieRich

    I've got a ton...

    But I had a conversation with ths guy :


    Its Richard Petty, the King of the Road!

  • lilbit

    Richie YOU ROCK. ( and now your gonna want to hit me) the only thing that can top that would be DALE or Jr


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