Naughty children

by Ellie 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    Good point, trevor!

    The GB and Bethelites with important positions within the org are pretty removed from reality up there in their ivory tower. Many don't have children at all so how is it that they are giving advice on parenting?

    Kids need dicipline, sure, but making small children sit still for hours at a time is cruel. We were even admonished not to let them color or draw. I mean, come on, I could hardly sit through some of those interminable meetings....let along the assembly days and conventions.

    The Society doesn't have a doesn't care about the mental health and wellbeing of any of the poor saps who are stuck in it's clutches. The main goal is to keep everybody under control and to keep as many of their children in service to the borg as they possibly can...and if that takes beatings and guilt tripping and destroying their mental be it.

  • Ellie

    Trevor, the impression I got when being told about this was that they were talking about little children, toddlers, and I don't think for a second that children this young are any more disobedient than they were 5, 10 or 20 years ago.

    Yes, there is more stuff out there to influence the older child / teenager into delinquency than there used to be but as for little kiddies, I just think it is disgusting to say they have wicked streaks given to them by the devil.

    They are just kids for goodness sake, let them run around and play and let them throw tantrums if they want because at the end of the day this is just the normal way for a healthy child to behave.

  • sonnyboy
    Children today are tyrants. They have no respect for their elders, flout authority and have appalling manners.

    Although that's a gross generalization, it's true for many.

    We have to stop putting the blame on children and look to the underlying cause(s). Kids aren't supposed to be raising themselves, and society has become too loose and wishy-washy.

    It seems that the quest for material things has taken precidence over spending time with our kids.

  • trevor

    Socrates also said:

    Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.


    Greek philosopher in Athens (469 BC - 399 BC)

    So what’s new?

  • AuntieJane

    Those B8stards...labelling the kids now, huh? Instead of pointing the finger at the parents, who are spoiling them because so many parents don't have 2 feet to stand on firm ground and set rules, etc., they label the kids!

    I agree that our society seems to be encouraging young kids to have kids...with no money...our wonderful welfare system takes care of all the babies having babies.

    But, once again, the Dysfunctional Mother of them all, the WTS, comes up with another label and uses it in order to get their numb-minded followers to nod, yes, yes, "this generation" is SO Bad. So, are they coming up with programs to help educate, teach these lost lambs? No, they just throw more threatening words about Armegeddon/ the Last Days, in their faces and try to scare some sense into them. Nothing changes with the WTS.

    Sorry to rant...


  • greendawn

    Are they trying to justify the fact that a lot of jw kids leave the org as soon as they become adults? It reflects very badly on their org both with those inside and those outside.

  • Undecided

    Sonnyboy, I think you nailed it, I agree with your thoughts.

    Ken P.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Luna2 - " Making small children sit still for hours is cruel"

    - that should be obvious to anyone with even half a brain!

    Apparently though, our "betters" in the WTS do not even have half a brain -but they still have the affrontery to claim for themselves the sole right to tell us how to live every aspect of our lives.

    The majority of kids raised as JWs have more brains than this, and give the whole charade away as soon as they possibly can - and who can ####ing well blame them.

  • Texas Flood
    Texas Flood

    Well to quote Skid Row "We are the youth gone wild!" But yes me being 16, I see all around me, JW or not, kids have become pretty wild. However, trying to coerce them into a certain way of thinking will only make matters worse. We need more compromising and such. Eh what do I know..I'm just a "young one" muahaha.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Welcome, Texas Flood...

    You may "Muahahaha" at will... lol


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