Naughty children

by Ellie 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    I heared something the other day that made me sick.

    Apparentely its been brought out in a talk recently that children are becoming more and more imperfect due to us being right at the end of the system.

    I was told that the witnesses are saying that this generation of kids being born have a natural bad streak that makes them so willfull and disobedient.

    I don't know what they are saying should be done about it but I imagine they are probably encouraging harsher discipline.

    The mind boggles!

  • homesteader

    What a terrible label and burden to put upon children! After leaving jw's I found many wonderful, productive, polite and moral youth in churches, at school and in the community. What I am most fascinated by are their social skills, something many jw youth lack. sounds like another manipulative coy to deter people from having children. In my opinion, children are becoming more knowledgable and willing to contribute to society in a productive way. Freethinkers they are.

  • Evanescence

    Time to dispatch the social workers!


  • homesteader

    ps. One of the best parenting books I read was Children Are From Heaven by John Gray.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say that the JW parents are becoming more and more imperfect due to us being right at the end of the system so the kids are just going to reflect that.

  • Dragonlady76

    Yes the society knows it's loosing lots of young people. They are placing a big burden on the shoulders of the parents here, it's hard enough trying to make a living, raise children, plus the society's requirements of you, it leaves such little time to spend with your family and children, now they want to vilify the kids, how ****ing sad! The society wrote somewhere recently that "satan is after your kids", That kind of nonsense talk only scares the crap out of little kids, that don't understand, and will literally think that satan is stalking them, or hiding under the bed, waiting for a opportunity to pounce on them, if they sin. This new advice while awful, will only make it worse for the kids and make them more resentful of the "troof" and hopefuly lead to a mass exodus from the borg.

    Expect to see more beatings in the kingdumb hall.


  • sonnyboy
    I was told that the witnesses are saying that this generation of kids being born have a natural bad streak that makes them so willfull and disobedient.

    What a bunch of BS. There are many factors that make kids the way they are today:

    1) Social services will have anyone locked up who so much as looks at their kids the wrong way. Everything has become too politically correct. Back in the day if a child got out of line he would get the sh*t beat out of him, which is what some kids need. I know damn well I'd think twice about disobeying my parents if I knew there was a belt with my name on it.

    2) The divorce rate is higher than ever. Kids without a positive mother and father figure often become agry and lash out at the world.

    3) Drugs and alcohol are extremely easy for kids to attain. My step sister began taking crystal meth at the age of 13 and has been a living nightmare ever since.

    4) Society is promoting malevolent behavior in youths. Look at MTV (I prefer not to): The channel is aimed at a teen/preteen audience, yet it's filled with "reality" programs and videos depicting graphic sex acts as well as drug and alcohol use. Modern music in general is full of this time of behavior.

    It's not a problem with kids, but a problem with our sick, materialistic society. The sad part about all this is that many parents are either too blind to see it or simply won't take the initiative to do anything about it. We also have laws in America that protect the 'right' to spread this type of garbage, so it's only going to get worse.

  • Sunspot
    They are placing a big burden on the shoulders of the parents here, it's hard enough trying to make a living, raise children, plus the society's requirements of you, it leaves such little time to spend with your family and children, now they want to vilify the kids, how ****ing sad!


    Even if you are the model Jdub parent and meet all these demands on your time, when you are with the little ones----you aren't really with them in the true sense of the word!

    Jdub parents may take pride in the fact that they are sitting next to their kids (KH) and in the cars (FS) but how much time is actually devoted to anything but trying to keep them quiet or (gag) administering discipline to them?

    Oh well............if the tots are able to hold a book, they can always be given some WTS publication hideous visual aid showing what will happen to them if they aren't obedient!!!


  • trevor

    Children today are tyrants. They have no respect for their elders, flout authority and have appalling manners.

    What terrible creatures will they grow up into?


  • stopthepain

    Children pay the hardest price in all this.A foolish adult that chooses to be told how to live thier life is one thing.To force your kids into this folish way of life should be illegal.As much as I feel i've come to grips with it,a day doesn't go by when I don't feel like it has effected me permanantley.The 1 day brainwashing is today,and it disaapoints me that my family is still associated with this bs.

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