Why do active witnesses frequent the site?

by jimakazi 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Panda

    Zulukai, Next time call the humane society. What your friends did was illegal. Unfortunately what the GB does is perfectly legal...too bad the positions weren't reversed.

  • jaffacake

    A Warm welcome to DEL

    And a re-welcome to AFIN

    What's this talk about holy spirit? Rutherford changed the gospel in 1935 so the new testament and holy spirit no longer applies to JWs, except for those 8,500 or so. But that goes for Jesus Christ too. So much for everlasting good news.

    afin - a humble suggestion, why not invest some time in some serious research into seeking truthful information - keep testing your faith. I have been on a rollercoaster ride for eight months now. Sometimes there are places I choose not to look, because just when I think I know what I believe, there is a scary opportunity to learn something that will move me out of my comfort zone.

    Christian love

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hey aFin.....

    You can't go, all the plants are gonna die!

    Hey, btw....

    You said you come on here if you've had a bad day.... So, has Friend had a bad day?

    Look, there's a lot to learn here. Whether it's the new evidence re: Princess Di's death or why active witnesses frequent this site.

    Sorry if I've been less then friendly with you... I should know better. Don't go, not yet.



  • skyman

    I would of never came here before I quit. Why? because I am loyal and to talk to you apostates would of been something I could of allowed myself to do. Even after I quit I would not post but I read the post for years. I think any JW still active that reads the post here has already made their minds up about the Borg. Some have admit it to themselves and some pretend that they are trying to help us poor apostates.

  • nowisee

    yes..i just wanted to say hi to del and welcome.

    keep reading and keep posting.

    best wishes, nowisee

  • OldSoul

    I think she figures maybe she'll run into you one day down her way ... I welcome you here, but the blowing off steam does detract from the message you claim to have faith in.

    I am curious, why can't you be yourself among your loving, empathetic, always understanding brothers and sisters at the hall? Why do you feel the need to "be yourself" where no one knows you? Why do you come here when things aren't going well in your life?

    I am asking rhetorically. I think we both know the answer. What you get here is freedom.


  • zagor

    ... and also to get better idea what topics will be covered at the next district convention

  • katiekitten

    Maybe theres a symbiotic relationship between dubs and apostates, like, well I dont know, stomachs and tape worms. Ahh, no thats a parasitic relationship.

    Maybe JWs can only define themseles in relation to apostates. If we didnt exist they wouldnt. Maybe were doing them a real big favour, embodying the boogey man, and giving them something to rail against.

  • diamondblue1974
    btw happy birthday


    Gee thank you;


  • OldSoul
    Katie: Maybe were doing them a real big favour, embodying the boogey man, and giving them something to rail against.

    Interesting observation. I agree to a point. Unfortunately the list of boogey men (and boogey women, I'm not sexist) for JWs is very long:

    • False religion
    • Governments (unless they are currently favorable, and even then they are going to die)
    • Involvement with political elements (of every stripe, unless the CCoJW or WTS sanctions it)
    • Associates of cigarette smokers
    • Pro-abortion activists
    • Activists
    • Listeners to music that may be considered unchristian
    • Flirts
    • Viewer of movies that may be considered unchristian
    • Wearers of T-shirts that bear the logo of sports teams or bands
    • Theater goers
    • Hobbyists who spend as much on their hobby as on "spiritual things" or (horror) MORE time
    • Beard wearers
    • Homosexuals
    • Flagrant heterosexuals (public displays of affection)
    • and things like these

    So, I don't think my being an apostate really helps them in any way. There will never be a short supply of things for a good little JW to rail against.


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