Why do active witnesses frequent the site?

by jimakazi 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf


    Very smart post.

    I enjoyed every word.


  • stillajwexelder
    Re: Why do active witnesses frequent the site? Jun 18, 2005

    I think the key word is frequent. There are precious few who post frequently. They get mobbed. Some wander off for a few months then come back. I suspect a few come back under a new identity once they have mulled over the flood of information.

    Well I am one of those rare ones that is an active witness but frequents this site and is in the top 40 of all time posters. I frequnt it because I like all points of view nd then to arrive at the truth. This site brings balance to any thinking witness

    coon you were so concerned about? Well, it got out, someone forgot to lock the cage. It was gone all day, came back in the night we guess and was sitting inside when we found it next morning". Powerful proof that creatures of habit will always return to what they know best. That coon thought he would rather take his chances with what he knew because he didn't know where else to go.

    Powerful illustration!!! I'm sure many here relate to this!!!

    Knowing I am no racoon!!! I love my new-found freedom!!!

    Love and light


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Black Swan, I agree with you here...most do...most have questions that they are too frightened to ask; here they can come and get those answers in secret without being identified.

    thank you. you're right they can come here for answers... real answers. it might take several visits, several years... but at least by then they are using their own power of reason to determine what's best for them, even if it takes what others might consider to be so long, it's their own timing and it's what is working for them.

    btw happy birthday


  • Quotes

    As I discovered many years agio when my best friend and I "tricked" the elders into making us ministerial servants by increasing our answers at the meeting, going out on the field service more;

    That is not a trick! That is the actual yardstick by which they measure suitability for a new appointment!

    It would only have been a "trick" if something there were not legitimate, like say, if you faked or inflated your reported service time.

    ~Quotes, of the "tricked them into NOT appointing me" class

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    I frequent this site every once in a while when things aren't going too well in my life. It's familliar now (racoon ?) and the only place I can go where no one knows who I am and to a certain extent I can let off some steam.

    That is wrong of me and I do apologize for ruffling feathers here. The other day I told Joyzabel she did me a favour by expelling me. It was the push I needed to get out of here, but guess what ... I find my posting privileges are restored. Guess she figures I'm more harm to myself here than not :)

    Anyway ... that's how it is from my side.

  • sf
    It was the push I needed to get out of here

    Interesting. Yet, YOU found your way back. You had a good chance to run but you came back. Interesting.

    Thank you for admitting your motives here..."letting off steam where you can do no where else". I was right then about a lot of the reasons jws [seek out] places online that are forbidden off. You are forgiven for the steam burns.

    So, what IS your situation as affiliated with any part of this organization? Care to open up a bit?

    Incidently, welcome back.

    Sincerely, sKally

  • shadow

    I don't think there's a one size fits all answer, just like there are a variety of reasons that exJW's come here. I have been here for about 4 years and still a JW. Whenever I post, there is generally a certain amount of venom mixed in with some reasonable people. IMHO the board seemed more interesting when Maximus and some others posted. I guess now it's just a habit. I have talked to a few people through private messages but my masochistic streak isn't wide enough to make me want to post here very much.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    hey aFin,

    wow, takes a lot of guts to admit to that, very cool.


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    meagan ... thanks for the acknowledgement.

    sKally ... you asked about my situation in the organization. Just a regular member and publisher.

    Every once in a while I get 'the blues' and come on here to rant. Maybe I will invest in a membership at the local gym and 'get outta dodge'.

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