dropped wife off at convention this morn...

by tetrapod.sapien 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chrissy
    Oops, I said "Gee", which everyone knows is short for "Jesus F'ng Christ". I must remember to avoid that gosh-darn word in future. Oh-oh, I did it again.

    LOL! Right on Runningman. You remind me of myself. I have this habit of taking deity names and incorporating them into my everyday language big time. For some reason, I get a kick out saying all of the stupid words and expressions that were once forbidden. My personal favorite? Here I will demonstrate by using it in a typical sentence I would say… “Christ Almighty!!!…I cannot even choose one!”

    haha. christ the almighty...only we see the irony in this one.

  • AuntieJane

    Tet, what a great way to tell us...I, too, have "here comes the sun" going through my mind now.

    I will keep your wife and you in my prayers today, and hope she breaks through, our of the

    JW darkness, into your Love Light!

    do do do do....and I say, "It's all right".......


  • seattleniceguy

    Hey tetra,

    Awesome experience. I remember those cloud-parting days of beauty well. :-) Good luck with your wife.


  • by grace
    by grace


    That must be kinda tough to drop your wife off to have the cult indoctrinate her for the day, it's good that you can see the positive side that you're free from it. I was wondering, do you have a copy of Crisis of Conscience that you leave laying around the house? I would do that. Have you read it? I would probably say to my spouse, you're not going to believe what I just read........and then tell her an example from the book. That's what I did with my husband, but he was already doubting. I printed stuff off the internet, we talked about it. We made the decision together. My husband said to me, we are so lucky that we always seem to see eye to eye on these kind of things.

    I hope you can help her wake up. She doesn't deserve to be misled that way.

    Love, by grace

    P.S. I think things will be changing for the WTS because of all of us that have been leaving and telling others as much as we can. I don't think they will have quite the increase that they used to. The internet has saved so many people's lives and families. Keep up the good work!!!!

  • Apostanator

    I think it's awesome that you told your wife that she is a beautifull and intelligent person. She will remember that, just as she aknowledged that an apostate was kind enough to take the day off of work to drive her to the assembly. It sounds like she is subconsciencely aware. Good luck and keep up with the positive feedback, you know she's probably not getting that kind of feedback from the group.

  • hopelesslystained

    I just read your post and it brought tears. you are so wonderful and loving, what a fool she would be to accept the jw cold-heartedness! Beard? you certainly do not look militant or disrespectful of anyone to me. and just where does anyone or any organization get off picking on someone for their physical appearance??? again your avatar is hardly one of a scarry, godless, or uncristian individual!

  • garybuss

    The more I was nice and cooperative with my wife with her Witness activities, the more she did the activities. I finally started getting up and doing something fun on her meeting nights. I'd go with the cycle club on a dinner run and eat with them. On assembly weekends, I'd take a trip out of town.

    I started to enjoy life without her. If yer married to an active Witness, you're not married. They are like Nuns, they are married to the church. The only difference is the Watch Tower doesn't want anything to do with supporting them.

  • Makena1

    Blondie - I wonder if we went to the same conventions? I could have been that "brother" - but I think I only mentally flipped the bird at the parking lot Nazi's.

    Even at my most indoctrinated stage, the parking lot attendants made me want to go postal!

    Ttetrapod - great post and best wishes,


  • hopelesslystained

    i hope "here come the sun" will soon turn into 'you are my sunshine'

  • tetrapod.sapien

    thanks everyone! you guys put a big smile on my face. it is so nice to be able to post something like this, and actually have people understand what i am talking about.

    They are like Nuns, they are married to the church.


    ya, that is exactly what i want to avoid with my wife. but i can see how that would happen! we'll see how she responds. i am hoping that the lack of support you speak of, is what makes her think twice. it seems like they don't care anymore if she makes it or not to the paradise. they seem to be more concerned with full families: husband, wife, kids, dog.

    just an update on my day:

    aroud 2 pm this afternoon, after spending the good part of the day basking in the sun (edit: and dancing around the house with the dog), a thunder storm rolled into town, and i was getting sleepy and tired. i thought of being at the conventions in the past, and it was always around 2 pm that i would always want to have a nap. so this being a day of celebration, i had a nap! was that ever great. my sofa was way more comfortable than any stadium seat. ..aahhhh, apostacy.

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