Where Is The Ultimate Truth Found?

by JamesThomas 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • JamesThomas
    James, what "tools" does a person have to develope or learn to use to go exploring themselves?

    Good question. There is basically only one tool, one probing light we go exploring with: our attention. Consciously aware observation.

    We can start with one question, one goal: Who am I? What is true? (really the same question phrased differently). It helps to stop trying to figure out the rest of the world for a while; lets get this one fundamental piece in place first. Let's discover who/what we really are, and then, if there are more questions we can move on with clearer vision.

    Be attentive. Open-up awareness that it may see what may have been missed before. Remember, we are not out to add anything to us, or learn some new "truths". We are investigating our own sense of being, to see if there is more here already that may have been ignored or missed or hidden.

    How do we become more attentive? How do we brighten and widen the beam of our tool, our light of awareness? The first step is to become aware of awareness. One way to do this is become very aware of your breathing. Really feel what it is to breath. Run the light of your attention through the body, and notice the movement of the diaphragm, the feelings in the throat, the coolness of the air as it passes in and out the nostrils, the tingly warm vibration in the tummy... really be with breathing, without any mental commentary or judgment, gently be with this present moment of breathing and aliveness in you. Become aware of the awareness that is watching, that which is holding and embracing breathing. As you silently witness breathing, notice that it all happens in a spaciousness, an openness of silent awareness.

    This awareness can be practiced while walking, or doing the dishes, or scrubbing your teeth, or driving the car. Simply become aware of the aliveness of the present moment however it may be expressing within and around you. Be aware that you are aware. Note the difference of what the moment is like when you are openly aware and present, and when you are enclosed within mental thought, commentary, fantasy and judgment. Be aware of whats going on. Be aware of the distinct difference in being present with life, and being present with a mental and conceptual commentary and facsimile of life. Be attentive, right here, right now. Be with what IS.

    During this active investigation, do not judge anything you see, or make a story about it, or try and place anything in a mental box. Allow for an atmosphere of openness, gentleness and kindness. Allow what IS to reveal it's secrets. Watch how thoughts arise and steal attention away from the moment of life. Watch the dance and dynamics of the mind and the moment. A dance between what we believe ourselves to be, and what we really are.

    The more we are attentive and present, the less thought interrupts unnecessarily, and the more awareness and presence. The more awareness of consciousness, the vaster it is seen to be, and it is clearly realized that Consciousness is by far the closest and most intimate of our Being. It can not be objectified as the body, emotions and thoughts can be.

    Moments arise where identity with the body and mind fades, and the vast indescribable purity and holiness (for lack of a better word) of Consciousness is realized as our true Being (far more real than what we for so long believed ourselves to be)....and that of everyone and everything. Which makes for a wonderful sense of unity and oneness as apposed to a broken and fragmented many.

    Please do not take my word for any of this, or add it to some bag of beliefs. This makes kids play out of the Matrix movie, and it has to be seen first hand, or not at all. Sincerity and earnestness are key. Perhaps these are the batteries with the Light of Awareness.

    Who/what, am I, really???


  • Terry


    We separate and tag the two. Can't recognize one without the contrasting "other".

    Hmmm. What can we discover about each? The result is "definitions".

    What do we have?

    Concept: Background. Concept: Foreground.

    Into each folder go all our investigative results: defintions.

    Important Notice!!! No folder is ever complete. Definitions must ALWAYS be subject to revisions.

    TRUTH is only: what really is.

    To see what really is we must be vigilant and use our senses.

    To the extent our senses are trained to be focused and accurate we form backgrounds and foregrounds and subsequent definitions.

    To the extent we mis-perceive our folders are chock full o' error.


    1.You can't know nuttin' school.

    2.You can know (but what you know must be subject to improvements in perception/learning).


    1.The "You can't know nuttin' school is MYSTICAL (Only a guru, pastor, shaman, cult leader, enlightened one can give you the TRUTH). This is at some price to you. (Usually devotion, servitude or money.)

    2.The "You can know" school uses Philosophy and Logic; to wit: Epistomology. (What do you know and HOW do you know it?) Science is born.

    Think of the ULTIMATE FILE.

    This file would contain everything there is.

    The only file that would contain such as that would be a file labled: THE UNIVERSE.

    Sigh. It won't fit in our widdle head, will it?


    So, we just have to settle for a file system of many little files with defintions subject to updates and revisions.

    THAT IS WHAT OUR MIND DOES if we use it.

    A rational mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    An irrational mind is a terrible thing. (Period).


  • darkuncle29

    Thanks James. It is such a simple thing, and yet letting go of all the attachements and contrived things is very difficult--at least for me.

    I have had insomnia since age 14, I know first had the experience of long term sleep deprivation. I wish that I knew a "manual" way of shutting off my awareness/mind/consciousness. I am amazed that I am not a drug addict or even dead yet. The bliss of sleep is the sweetest thing I know, yet it is elusive to me.

  • Angry

    J.T I love the way you think. You guy's need to come to my hills to get some peace. We have lot's of privacy trust me!

  • EvilForce

    JT....you may not want to "zone out" while driving or you will encounter the other "Ultimate Truth" of a car crash ;)

  • JamesThomas
    JT....you may not want to "zone out" while driving or you will encounter the other "Ultimate Truth" of a car crash ;)

    When it comes to expressing in words, I must be the worlds biggest moron, because "zoning out" is the antithesis of what I am attempting to convey. This is not a meditative stupor, but rather acute awareness of life within and around you. j

  • EvilForce

    I know JT I was just teasing.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey james,

    thanks for this thread, and for your other threads where you discuss this concept. like dark uncle says, it's so simple, and yet so hard for our minds to grasp. but then like you say, it's just about doing it, and experiencing it, just being, or these words don't mean much. actually, yoda said something similar. something along the lines of " try not. do, or do not. there is no try." and thats just it. we have it within ourselves to do this, and yet we stop ourselves.

    i have experienced just the begining of this journey. it is beautiful. it just is. i don't mean to sound corny, but it's the only way i can explain it. i know there are books on the subject. but i like your approach. you don't pretend to have answers. you say it is within us already. it just needs to be found. thats about it. and that simplicity of what you say is the key. i don't want words in my head. i don't want judgements and measurements. i just want to be alive.

    thanks again for another nice thread.



  • Markfromcali
    it's just about doing it, and experiencing it, just being, or these words don't mean much.

    That about sums it up.

    This is why we don't have to talk about it explicitly. Obviously all you do on a message board is talk, but if you are doing it it can be about anything. I think many of us are kind of intellectually inclined by temperament or what have you, but part of really 'getting it' is just letting it go through our everyday life, and as that includes everything, naturally it would include everything we talk about, and how we relate to people in every way.

    We may be under the impression that it is something you grasp intellectually and then "apply" like applying bible principles from the JW days, but regardless of content it is not that process. What I have found is that being a newbie in some spiritual sense, whether it's in the classic religious follower or this, one tends to get excited about the intellectualization of it. By comparison the seasoned veteran is not all too concerned with the ideas involved, (unless it is a teacher, in which case it is their job) but you can tell (if you are paying attention to those things) it is there by the way they go about all kinds of things in life. If you are only looking for a conceptual description of it naturally you will not notice all the other ways it shows up. Yet you might have an ordinary simpleton who hasn't a clue about how to describe it that way, but if you hang around them you are in fact experiencing it through their every action. So it would be like catching a glimpse of the real deal, but spending most of your time and energy being concerned with a model of it. (and then you turn around and try to make something real based on the model..)

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    the ultimate truth is found within our own selves.

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